Grace In Action, New Moon Planetary Activation for November 2016
On Grace in Action: Honor the gift of your life and trust in your wellbeing. Do you choose to value the days and nights of experience that are informing your Soul of what life on Earth can be? Focus no longer on what was, but rather on what are you willing to collaboratively create today. Fear pulls you to the past.

Becoming Aware of Your Position in the Planetary Auric Field, New Moon Planetary Activation for October 2016
Becoming Aware of Your Position in the Planetary Auric Field: Your planet is alive. A conscious, sentient being, the Earth is a masterpiece of creativity and a courageous, persevering, and generous celestial life-form. You have the privilege of living upon her as she rises from traumas

Reconfiguration, New Moon Planetary Activation for September 2016
On Being Reconfigured: So much work has gone into making you, who you now are. This is a time of honoring the changes you’ve made, being honest about the challenges you’ve confronted, and calling forth the determination that allowed you to persevere in the face of every obstacle. Soul-embodiment is a life journey and you are clearly on the path to transcendence.

The Integrity of Transformation, New Moon Planetary Activation for August 2016
On the Integrity of Transformation: Honesty requires consciousness. You cannot know your truth if you are ignorant. Humanity struggles with honesty because it has often been arrogant. But ignorance is a more appropriate terminology. Now, as the planet transforms into her fifth dimensional radiance

Soul-Empowered Service, New Moon Planetary Activation for July 2016
On Soul-Empowered Service: Life on Earth is not controllable. It is emerging, evolving, and expanding into its fifth dimensional expression of enlightened community. Truly there is a family of life on Earth, not simply a family of mankind residing on the surface of the planet. The time of blessing has come, a time when relationships coalesce according to function and purpose throughout the kingdoms of nature.

Blessings, New Moon Planetary Activation for June 2016
On Blessings: Awaken from the fog of discontent and breathe in the freedom of a new dawn. All of your efforts to cleanse yourself of the burdens and sadness of the past have been successful. The polluted air of third dimensional fear, loss, and pain has been transmuted into the fresh bright electromagnetic movement of fifth dimensional joy.