Emerald strengthens the body to perform at its greatest capacity.
Dioptase promotes loving service.
Morganite supports your ability to unconditionally love.
Green tourmaline nutures the masculine energy and encourages personal empowerment.
Red tourmaline connects you with the divine feminine and her ability to tenderly nurture life.
Rhodonite balances the auric field promoting a sense of calm.
Jade inspires you to fulfill yourself and supports you to embrace the resources and relationships that make this possible.
Kunzite keeps you rooted in your Soul’s love for you regardless of the circumstances you find yourself.
Garnet helps you to maintain consistent energy levels as you create the life of your dreams.
Topaz supports soulful manifestation.
Peridot radiates compassion and comforts an overwhelmed heart.
Blue Kyanite cuts away emotional debris, clearing the way for for calm insight.
Apophyllite helps you to see the truth in yourself and others.
Epidote supports your
soul-empowerment and attracts abundance.
Hemimorphite encourages you to take responsibility for your own happiness.
Vesuvianite releases insecurities and promotes mental stability.
Labradorite promotes the ability to see many points of view.
Moonstone calms your emotional body so you can successfully reach for your goals.

Sometimes we need an explosion to break through our defenses so that we can finally heal.  At other times we need the courage to build strong foundations of personal integrity that will not crumble in the face of challenge or conflict.  In both cases, the silicate minerals come to our aid.  Comprised of a combination of silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals, silicates make up over 90% of the minerals on our planet.  They are the bedrock of our planet as the main ingredient of igneous and metamorphic rocks.  With their assistance, we can build solid spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, and physical foundations for our lives.  As a family, the silicates are divided into smaller groups or subclasses based upon the crystalline lattices of silicic acid through which they manifest.  Just as they serve the planet in various and powerful ways,  these strong stones offer us multiple possibilities for our own growth.  For example, lepidolite will help you strengthen your boundaries, while prehnite will support your regeneration.  Labradorite will help you to see multiple perspectives of a particular situation or relationship, while topaz will encourage you to be honest about your participation in that relationship or situation so you can be successful. Silicates are the workhorses of stone medicine because they address so many issues with which humanity struggles.

Additionally, silicon has the ability to form semiconducting crystals and these crystals have transformed communication in our world of computers, cell phones, and social media.  From a spiritual perspective silicates support planetary communication allowing nature to speak to, comprehend, and discover how best to support each other.  Silicates support our relationship to the mineral, plant, animal, and angelic realms of our world and then offer us access to the celestial assistance available through our solar system, galaxy, universe, and cosmic quadrant.  Clear quartz serves as a multi-dimensional tool for communication and is host to higher dimensional technologies that will assist humanity’s evolution.  Many silicates are facilitating the development of fifth-dimensional lifestyles on our ascended planet and infusing you with the integrity and commitment that enlightened living requires.

The Silicate Family of minerals includes:

Cyclosilicates or ring silicates:
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Dioptase
  • Morganite
  • Tourmalines
Inosilicates or chain and band silicates:
  • Rhodonite
  • Arfvedsonite
  • Astrophyllite
  • Bronzite
  • Diopside
  • Jade
  • Kunzite
Nesosilicates or island silicates:
  • Garnets
  • Staurolite
  • Topaz
  • Peridot
  • Kyanite
  • Andradite
  • Uvarovite
  • Phenakite
Phyllosilicates or sheet silicates:
  • Apophyllite
  • Charoite
  • Mica
  • Lepidolite
  • Serpentine
  • Biotite
Sorocilicates or group silicates
  • Epidote
  • Prehnite
  • Hemimorphite
  • Tanzanite
  • Vesuvianite
  • Zoisite
Tectosilicates or framework silicates:
  • Feldspar
  • Quartz
  • Albite
  • Labradorite
  • Moonstone
  • Sunstone




















Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

How to Use Silicates

Generally these are strong stones that can hold up to environmental stress and lots of handling.  They are excellent to carry in your pockets when you need the gift they offer on a particular day.  They are powerful agents of healing, balance, and harmony in environmental grids and placed in gardens.  The protective quality of charoite and lepidolite impart a sense of safety when worn on the body.  Mica placed in environments brings lightness of spirit and hope.  Amethyst, Rose, Citrine, Clear, and Smoky quartz as a collective, harmonize your body and your environment.  Use them in full body layouts and in grids for the most active rooms in your home.  Refrain from putting them in direct sunlight to protect the depth of color in your specimens.  Topaz supports success and responsible prosperity an sunstone supports fifth dimensional leadership.  The powerful beryls promote fifth dimensional living by supporting the upgrading of the human auric field.  Morganite supports the sixth dimensional heart chakra and aquamarine supports the fifth dimensional heart chakra.  Golden beryl awakens your connection to the masculine energies of our fifth dimensional Earth.  Rubellite promotes the dynamic flow of feminine power and green tourmaline promotes the empowered nurturing that fifth dimensional men will offer.  Quartz points literally direct energy and the position in which the point is placed determines how the energy flows.  At this time of dimensional shift, quartz points are the microphones and the receivers, the amplifiers, and the recorders of humanity’s evolution.  Their usefulness in meditation and manifestation is immense.  The dependable silicates are some of your best mineral companions.

** How Stone Medicine Works

Our bodies are composed of the minerals of the Earth such as carbon, iron, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen.  By utilizing stones containing these elements living within us, we are accessing  a form of natural chemical healing.  You don’t ingest stone medicine like prescription drugs.  Instead, minerals work around the body and in your environment providing chemical assistance through electromagnetic energy.  Minerals radiate a consistent pulse of their unique chemical frequencies.  When placed on or around the physical body, they will infuse energies that are missing, absorb energies that are overabundant, and seek to balance out the electromagnetic energies of the entire system.  Stone medicine complements traditional medical treatment and is not to be used in place of it.  Often stone healing will increase the efficacy of medical procedures accelerating healing by removing spiritual, emotional, mental, and etheric debris from the physical areas under distress.  As with any form of healing, learn as much about the stones you choose as possible because the more you know, the greater you benefit.  Additionally, just as the wrong herbal supplement can make you ill, so can using the wrong mineral.  What’s great about stone medicine is that there are no expiration dates and they are beautiful additions to your lives and homes.  It is my pleasure to introduce you to the healing power of the mineral kingdom!