Empowering you to embrace the intelligent guidance of your Soul, six stones have chosen to stand by you while you learn to stand up for yourself and the evolution of your world. Infusing you with strength, courage, wisdom, flexibility, creativity, and a healthy dose of humor, these stones awaken your courageous vision so that you consciously build the foundations necessary for enlightened living. As the old crumbles away, these stones provide you with the energetic resources required to physically manifest new ways of being that promote abundant wellbeing for all. Let me introduce them to you:

Golden Healer Quartz:

I am here to anchor you deeply into your Soul’s wisdom. By doing so, you will become more aware of your purposes during this critical time. I will assist you to successfully navigate the challenges to come.

Ocean Jasper:

Encouraging flexibility and innovation, let me assist you in releasing all preconceived notions of success so that you embrace the possibilities appearing before you. I support your ability to flow into and through your Soul’s wisdom to recognize and then access all the resources you require.


I lift you up so that you stand tall in your faithfulness, exuding hope to those with whom you come into contact. Understanding the power of presence, I infuse you with the self-confidence you require to be of service. As you trust deeply in your soul-empowerment, you encourage others to discover theirs.


I offer you joy and laughter to remain balanced and clear through these challenging days. I believe in your evolutionary success and will keep you optimistic and hopeful. I will guide you into and through the experiences of life-affirming change so that you stay focused on the possible.

Pink Thulite:

I offer you gentle power and dynamic creativity. By divine design you are life artists, molding life-force into your unique understanding of beauty, respect, and honor on this planet. I support the artistry of the human race as it learns to express the evolution of its own Soul.

White Agate:

We bring you the strength of purity, innocence, and peace so that you can recognize these qualities as they begin to create the foundations for enlightened living around the world. Because we understand what is required to be balanced and live fearlessly, we are offering you the wisdom of our experiences to help you succeed in yours.

How To Utilize Your Pandemic Support Stones

Your Pandemic Support Stones desire to work with you so they encourage you to interact with them. You can place them in a grid to keep them easily accessible, but you will want to take them out for specific uses. As you develop a relationship with each mineral, you will understand how they best serve you and your loved ones. Here are some beginning suggestions:

Meditate with the Golden Healer Quartz in your left hand or on your heart.

Place the sardonyx in your right and left pockets to build your personal power.

Carry the ocean jasper in your left pocket when you are being rigid or feeling judgmental.

Place the white agate under your pillow when you need to remember your purity and revive your innocence. Doing this while you are sleeping makes waking up so much nicer.

Place the pink thulite on your desk or workspace when you are problem-solving or in a creative mode. Touch the stones when you feel stuck to get the ideas moving.

Hold the fuchsite in your hand and rub it with your thumb when you need to lighten up and find the humor in your day.

Fill a glass with distilled water and place the stones around the bottom of the glass, not inside the glass. Let the water sit for an hour, remove the stones from around the bottom of the glass. Sip the water all day long.

Let your grid live in an active room in your house such as the kitchen or family room. It will radiate empowering support to every member of your family and to those who visit your home.

Taking Care of Your Pandemic Support Stones

Keeping your Pandemic Support Stones energetically clean will help them to help you stay focused, creative, and successful. You can run them under cold water, spray them with Clear Away spray or a liquid sage, or place sacred geometry under the grid to continually clear them. Your fuchsite is the only stone that is soft in texture, possibly chipping or breaking so do be more careful when using that stone. Overall, these beautiful minerals are powerful mineral companions. Enjoy their support and assistance as we move through the life-affirming systemic changes this pandemic offers us all.