Breath of the Soul provides an experience of intimacy with your own Soul.  Deeply relaxing, mentally calming, and emotionally soothing, these songs infuse you with healing frequencies that dissolve the physical pain, emotional hurts, mental judgments, and spiritual anxiety created by life’s trials, difficulties, stress, and trauma.  Pulling you into connection with your spiritual core, hearing this music helps you to literally breathe in the presence of your own Soul and the celestial assistance supporting you in your life.  Whether it is the angels surrounding you in Lo and Behold, or the Sirians uplifting you in Eee Aah Taye, divinity knows you by name.  Even the birds are welcoming you to experience heaven on Earth in Soar the Skies.

Healing is truly a reconnection with our spiritual core and the celestial Light Beings who brought you these frequencies are welcoming you home to your Soul essence.  Listening to Breath of the Soul while laying down or in meditation offers you a complete healing session with divine assistants focusing their attention on you.  For those individual songs that sing to your heart, mind, or body, completing the exercise or meditation associated with the song will further your healing and support your freedom from pain, injury, and frustration.

It is one of the greatest pleasures of my life to be a voice for these divine frequencies that support your soul-embodiment and welcome you to experience the joy of fifth dimensional living.  I love hearing the voice of God and it is my sincere desire that you will too.  I hope these songs become living prayers that you enjoy singing!