Welcome to the activation that assisted in the descent of the Golden Energy Grid into the Earth’s auric field. This golden grid anchors the powerful energies of recognition, worthiness, appreciation, connection, support, and respect into the experience of life on Earth for every species on the planet.

During the activation you will become aware of powerful currents of golden light connecting you with multiple forms of life, those living in the oceans, those traveling the sky, and those making land their home. Enjoy this connection and the awareness it brings. You will notice that your vision and your clairvoyance will become sharper. Your understanding of in-sight will viscerally change. Your experience of family will grow to include rocks, plants, animals, and angels.

As part of the activation you will hear me singing the frequencies that support the activation of these golden currents into your auric field. Relax into this music, literally from the Heavens, as you take your place in the Golden Grid of respectful, appreciative, and attentive unconditional loving.

I am grateful for your participation in this activation and your willingness to contribute to the upholding of all life on Earth. Travel these golden currents all over the Earth and shine your light in the darkest of places. See with the sharpest vision you have ever known, loving well in the light of day.