Amazonite encourages loving communication.
Wavellite helps you to see the big picture so that the consequences of your decisions are positive.
Purpurite encourages you to release old patterns of behavior and thoughts to clear the way for personal fulfillment.
Turquoise facilitates peace of mind and offer spiritual protection.
Vivianite helps you define your intentions so you can achieve what truly matters to you.
Mimetite supports responsible behavior.
Lazulite connects you to the spiritual power of your Soul.

Do you suffer mood swings?  Is it hard to stay positive?  Do your energy levels plummet or summit throughout a typical day?  If your answer is yes to any or all three questions, the phosphate family of minerals may come to your assistance.  Derived from phosphoric acid, phosphate minerals neutralize both acids and bases making them great buffers in chemistry and in our lives.  They help us to stay neutral in situations that trigger our emotions, challenge our beliefs, and physically bring discomfort. Once freed of becoming acidic in our thoughts and beliefs or lifeless in our bodies or memories, phosphate stones then infuse us with the energy to live our lives in balance and harmony.  In our bodies, phosphates buffer the acids and bases in our biochemistry exerting a stabilizing effect in our moods so our energy levels rise.  Combined with certain organic compounds, phosphate compounds become energy carriers in our cells, bringing vitality and liveliness.

The Phosphate Family of minerals includes:

  • Apatite
  • Turquoise
  • Variscite
  • Vivianite
  • Mimetite
  • Wavelllite
  • Purpurite
  • Lazulite
  • Brazilianite
  • Pyromorphite
Amazonite encourages loving communication.


Wavellite In Vein Quartz

Wavellite In Vein Quartz

Purpurite Stone

Purpurite Stone

Turquoise facilitates peace of mind and offer spiritual protection.


Vivianite Mineral


Mimetite supports responsible behavior.

Red Mimetite

Lazulite connects you to the spiritual power of your Soul.




How to Use Phosphates

These stones are beautiful and colorful so placing them in your environment will offer rejuvenation and joy.  Variscite worn in both pockets will provide balance and calm, especially for your emotional body.  Apatite placed in the left pocket will help to balance your auric field so you can be more present to that in which you are participating.  Placing apatite in environmental grids will have a balancing effect in your home or office.  Lazulite is a wonderful stone to meditate with as it will lift you into your Soul’s presence and awaken an appreciation for the spiritual power of your Soul.  Turquoise strengthens your auric field and helps you to connect to the physical vitality of our ascending fifth dimensional planet.  Purpurite helps you to stay the course on your journey to fulfillment.

** How Stone Medicine Works

Our bodies are composed of the minerals of the Earth such as carbon, iron, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen.  By utilizing stones containing these elements living within us, we are accessing  a form of natural chemical healing.  You don’t ingest stone medicine like prescription drugs.  Instead, minerals work around the body and in your environment providing chemical assistance through electromagnetic energy.  Minerals radiate a consistent pulse of their unique chemical frequencies.  When placed on or around the physical body, they will infuse energies that are missing, absorb energies that are overabundant, and seek to balance out the electromagnetic energies of the entire system.  Stone medicine complements traditional medical treatment and is not to be used in place of it.  Often stone healing will increase the efficacy of medical procedures accelerating healing by removing spiritual, emotional, mental, and etheric debris from the physical areas under distress.  As with any form of healing, learn as much about the stones you choose as possible because the more you know, the greater you benefit.  Additionally, just as the wrong herbal supplement can make you ill, so can using the wrong mineral.  What’s great about stone medicine is that there are no expiration dates and they are beautiful additions to your lives and homes.  It is my pleasure to introduce you to the healing power of the mineral kingdom!