Ilona’s weekly emails posted to her blogs

Cascading Emotion
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for December 1, 2019

The holidays are always filled with emotion and this year that is an understatement.  If you feel like you have been walking into and out of waterfalls of emotion throughout this Thanksgiving weekend, consider yourself bathed in divine energy in motion.

Honest and Clear
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for November 20, 2019

Your voice is a powerful expression of who you are.  When you listen to yourself do you enjoy the way you sound?  There is a unique quality to every voice that can be as powerful as your physical presence.  We all have experienced phone calls that have changed our lives not simply because of what we heard, but how we heard it.

What Are You Breathing Out Into The World?
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for November 8, 2019

Take a big breath and exhale deeply. Feel the energy inside of you flowing out into the world. What did you send on your breath and whom do you wish to receive it? We take our breathing for granted because it is obviously how we live.

Letting Go, Making Space, Breaking Through
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for October 22, 2019

Are you finding yourself shedding parts of you that no longer work?  This can be lots of stuff that includes judgments, resentments, failures, disappointments, and prejudices.

Emotional Excavation and Accidental Injuries
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for October 15, 2019

As I am writing this I am looking at the big black bruise on my fingernail.  It will remain there for a long time until it grows out, reminding me to pay attention to my position in space. 

Oh My Aching Body!
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for October 4, 2019

We are in the midst of great growing pains and we ache, all over. Being pushed by our Souls to accept greater ease, comfort, faithfulness, and grace in our lives, we are being forced to let go because hanging on hurts too much.

Just trying To Keep Up!
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for September 26, 2019

The Fall Equinox has made us realize just how fragile our world is.  All of the kingdoms of nature are coming together to support the planet in the midst of great threats, especially those brought by human nature. 

What Are You Digesting?
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for September 17, 2019

There is more activity than usual going on from our mouths all the way down to our buttocks. This unpleasantness is asking us to consider our choices carefully and making us aware of immediate consequences.

Pay Attention and Love Your Knees
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for September 4, 2019

This is definitely not the time to multi-task!  As our Souls assume control of our lives situation by situation, relationship by relationship, and opportunity by opportunity, our egos are periodically experiencing panic attacks.

Hungry, Emotional, and Harried
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for August 22, 2019

This is just an awful combination for the feminine energy!  Really, we are “breaking up” with our egos and moving on to a new relationship with our Souls.  The emotional roller coaster of transition out of the drama and into grace is taking its toll this last week of August.