Pay Attention and Love Your Knees
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for September 4, 2019

Photo by Miguel Carraça on Unsplash

This is definitely not the time to multi-task!  As our Souls assume control of our lives situation by situation, relationship by relationship, and opportunity by opportunity, our egos are periodically experiencing panic attacks.  These unpleasant moments of anxiety, confusion, discomfort, distraction, and forgetfulness are just reminders that we have more work to do to stabilize our emerging fifth-dimensional lifestyles.  When they occur ground yourself into the light of your Soul beneath your feet and consciously reclaim your Soul’s power to live your best life.  Your ego is having a tantrum.  Give it a time-out.  Breathe deeply into the present moment and open up your higher sense perceptions to reclaim your safety and connect to the guidance your Soul is providing.  You have more resources at your disposal than ever through the manifestation power of your Soul.  We are just being introduced into how to use this  5D treasure chest within us. ( I am very much looking forward to the manifestation part of the journey!)  For now, listen as best you can and follow the directions. Try to relax into the faithfulness your Soul has placed in you. It takes a great deal of determination and focus to physically ascend. We are learning how to focus on 5D while living in 3D. That takes quite a bit of concentration and clarity. Your Soul is constantly providing.  Keep paying attention.  It will get easier to hear the voice of your Soul and spot the signs of soulful activity around you.

As for our knees. if you have been experiencing discomfort in both knees simultaneously be aware that a new energy center is opening in the 7D chakra column between the knees.  There is a rotating infinity channel connecting the knees and crossing in the space in between your legs.  This awakening chakra point connects us with galactic frequencies and serves as a filter system as well.  As I know more, I will share.  In the meantime, arnica cream and warm baths have been helpful.

Due to Labor Day weekend, our activation was pushed back a week. I look forward to seeing you this Friday, Sept. 6th for our latest spiritual infusion and support!