Just trying To Keep Up!
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for September 26, 2019

Photo by Lane Smith on Unsplash

Photo by Lane Smith on Unsplash

The Fall Equinox has made us realize just how fragile our world is.  All of the kingdoms of nature are coming together to support the planet in the midst of great threats, especially those brought by human nature.  If you have broken through your resistances to personal evolution, you are experiencing grace, ease, and a sense of freedom that is life-giving and hopeful.  If you have not, it may feel as if life is crashing all around you, and even within you.  The gentleness that your Soul is asking you to recognize will be found in the midst of intensity.   When you can no longer tolerate the dramas and choose to separate yourself from them, you will experience not only release and relief but also peace.  That experience of peace will lead you to treat the rocks, plants, animals, humans, and angels surrounding you with greater compassion, respect, understanding, support, and love.  Humanity has to change its operating system from fear to unconditional love to save ourselves and all on Earth.  It is arrogant to believe that only humans struggle to survive.  Indeed so many of our plants and animals are barely surviving and we depend upon them all for our existence, not just some.

This September the struggle for life is as personal as it is planetary.  The feeling that time is passing so quickly that we can’t catch our breath is accurate.  So much life on Earth is struggling to breathe, to hope, to thrive.  The Earth has begun her healing journey without most of us because she has had to.  To focus on each moment and bless the life around you is a good way to stay grounded and infuse hope.  Blessing your food before you eat it.  Honor the water you drink by carrying it in a glass or steel bottle.  Thank the animals for the lives they have sacrificed for you and make your life count.  Would the animals you’ve eaten been proud of you?  When life is balanced, nature moves slowly.  Crops take their time from seed to fruit.  Animals grow over weeks, months, and years.  Rocks continue to form and morph in volcanic vents.  Tectonic plates shift.  It takes a really long time for humans to reach maturity compared to animals.  There is a reason for that.  Now the entire planet is out of balance and our experience of time is changing.  If you have never tried not wearing a watch, give yourself that opportunity.  Watch what happens to you and how you feel?  How much are you willing to trust life, rather than control it?

So, breathe deeply.  Stay calm.  Listen to your Soul.  Slow down.  Pay attention.  Trust that your love of life can help you to create a life of love for all who live here. And celebrate everything good that happens in your day, especially with others.