The Tetragonal System of Minerals
Do you enjoy trying new fashion trends? Is your library filled with self-help books that you actually read? Are you insatiably interested in what life has to offer? Are you worried about what others think of you? Is it easy to make yourself into what others think you should be? It’s hard work to keep up appearances when you really don’t know how you feel or who you are. The tetragonal system of minerals will support you in discovering your authentic self, if you will let them. Containing the inner structure of a rectangle, the molecular structure of the tetragonal system promotes an outer solid appearance with an internal fluid experience. Correlated with the Platonic Solid of the dodecahedron, the tetragonal minerals radiate the element of ether, the invisible force of energy through which physical matter emerges. When used appropriately this etheric energy expands your awareness and intuitively links you with the intelligence and presence of your Soul. The tetragonal system also correlates with the octahedron transmitting the element of air. The winds of imagination, innovation, and change flow through the tetragonal system. Those with a tetragonal personality are fueled by change, live with insatiable curiosity, and have an intuitive awareness of how to improve life.
There are two reasons you may be drawn to a tetragonal mineral. You may enjoy the forward thrust of rutile and scapolite because you are comfortable with constant change and enjoy researching the answers to your questions. The stylish aspect of you will enjoy the shiny appearance of chalcopyrite and cassiterite. Having them in your environment will brighten your spirits. But in searching for your true identity, anatase and apophyllite will become valuable companions. Because these minerals systems outline specific ways of processing electromagnetic energies, they help us to define the specific groups of behaviors, thought patterns, types of beliefs, and connection to memories which coalesce into certain personality styles. Let’s look at how a tetragonal personality approaches and experiences life.

The dodecahedron transmits the element of ether or spiritual energy.

The octahedron transmits the element of air.
The Tetragonal Personality
These individuals do not really know who they are so the image they project is important to them. Stylish according to the parameters of the environment in which they find themselves, they can act the part to fit in and attempt to belong. They excel in the profession of acting because they can easily embrace the personality of the character they are playing. Although they look good on the outside, those asking to connect to the person inside the outfit find themselves left with no one to connect to. Their internal emptiness generates a great deal of fear that has them constantly searching for internal security, all the while hiding this great secret that they do indeed feel empty. Filled with emotional volatility, they can easily change their appearance and acquaintances to avoid significant relationships.
The problem is that when they have learned to play a role, others connect to them for that purpose and may truly enjoy their company. When threatened with exposure, they will quickly end relationships, leaving a trail of betrayal and loss behind them. Those they have left behind will be clueless as to why they are gone. For the tetragonal personality, telling lies and living with deceit, may become commonplace, not out of maliciousness, but in an attempt at self-preservation. Scandals often appear in the lives of tetragonal personalities, for which they may be branded, disrespected, and shunned. A sense of internal shame and loneliness results for which they continue to seek redemption.
In the movie Catch Me If You Can Leonardo DiCaprio plays a conman whose innate intelligence allows him to successfully impersonate a Pan Am pilot, a pediatrician, and an attorney. The movie is based on the true life story of Frank Abagnale Jr. who successfully passed over more the $4,000,000.00 in bad checks, before the age of 19, while moving in and out of the aforementioned professions. He was tried and imprisoned for fraud, but did not have to complete his sentencing in jail because he served the remainder of his time working in the check fraud department of the FBI under the agent who initially caught him, Carl Hanratty Jr. Frank’s early life was reportedly filled with instability and dysfunctional family relationships that left him without the internal clarity or support with which all tetragonal individuals suffer. In the end, his skill as a conman became the base for a stable life in the FBI.
Redemption will ultimately be found for those with tetragonal personalities in the source of their existence, the essence of who they are, their Souls. Their exhaustive search through multiple disciplines make them excellent researchers and scientists. They question and question in an attempt to understand, coalesce, and embrace the meaning of their existence. They welcome inspiration and imagine possibilities as they sort through the information and experiences they have undergone. Through their extensive studies and field work, they can contribute to the good of society and build a solid personal identity based upon realized achievement. They are no longer a fraud. Fueled by the mental awareness of the octahedron and the spiritual presence of the dodecahedron, tetragonal personalities can embrace their intuition as an internal anchor of self-awareness and soul connection.
The Tetragonal System of Minerals includes:
- Cassiterite
- Rutile
- Apophyllite
- Anatase
- Torbernite
- Zircon
- Vesuvianite
- Scapolite
- Wulfenite
- Chalcopyrite
- Gehlenite
Ray Two – Spiritual Architecture – The color is Golden Yellow.
Tetragonal personalities are looking for their inner home. Their task is to build a personal architecture that allows them to climb the stairway to the Soul and then walk back down with a blueprint of how to embody their Soul’s presence in their daily lives. It is important for these individuals to engage the best contractors for their soul-embodiment because there is much work to do in many aspects of their lives. The man who was St. Francis of Assisi created a religious order, The Franciscans, in which many found the way to inner peace. Furthering his evolution, he is now known as Ascended Master Kuthumi and from the inner planes he continues to help us discover and embrace the wisdom of our Souls. Djwhal Kuhl, another Ascended Master serving on the second ray, offers you his profound insights and wisdom to embrace the essence of who you are and how you serve in the world. The second ray illuminates the pathway to soul perfection. It lights the runway of your humanity through the ability to perceive your divinity. Lord Lanto, a contemporary of Confucius, is willing to share this wisdom of enlightenment with you when you ask him to. When your Soul’s presence lands on the runway of your humanity, you are no longer alone.
The Archangels Jophiel and Christine and their legion of angels are ready to help you open your eyes to the truth and stay put long enough in whatever situation or relationship you are in, to see and feel it. These lovely angels will never give up on your redemption because they are charged with helping you succeed at redeeming yourself in fulfilling relationships. Call upon them when you are most tempted to run away from who you are. The Elohim Cassiopea is ready to help you connect the dots of your intelligence, ingenuity, flexibility, spirituality, and intuition to construct a fulfilling life of accomplishment and meaning. The Elohim Apollo and Lumina will help you to utilize the light of illumination to build a strong inner foundation for your self-esteem. Look to them to turn the inner light on so you are not building in the darkness of self-condemnation and insecurity.
The Arcturians, our celestial neighbors in the star system Arcturus, have a sincere appreciation for the struggle that tetragonal personalities endure while finding their way to spirit. They have a multitude of self-awareness modalities that they will share when you call upon them. Many of their star ships travel through our skies supporting all the kingdoms of nature on the planet. Ask for them to assist you in finding the avenues to redemption that will set you free from fear and shame. You can learn more about the Arcturians in We, The Arcturians: A True Experience, by Dr. Norma Milanovich
The planet Earth was created as an experiment in the amnesia of a civilization. Humanity was created without the memory of our spiritual heritage and asked to find its way back to the heavens. Those with tetragonal personalities embody this struggle daily and suffer the consequences of fear and emptiness. Through all those serving on the second ray, struggle can be replaced by knowledge, emptiness replaced by love, and fulfillment earned by accomplishment.
Ray Ten- The Ray of Possibility – The color is Pearlescent White.
The tenth ray supports the development of multi-dimensional relationships not merely from an intellectual perspective, but rather as a lived experience. It provides you with the opportunity to communicate through your Soul with higher dimensional intelligences that unconditionally love and support your soul-embodiment. Specifically, Lady Vessa and Master Andromeda will attend to you when you ask for their assistance to develop loving and respectful multi-dimensional relationships. They will help you to embrace the reality of your Soul’s ability to connect beyond the Earth so that your experience on Earth can be enlightened by the technologies, philosophies, and experiences of advanced civilizations and the benevolent beings who live them.
Archangel Metatron, the master of sacred geometry, offers you the gifts of crystalline insight to guide your progress into higher dimensional awareness. Call upon him for profound understanding of the vastness of Creation and the power of creativity to help you gain perspective on your life. To learn more about sacred geometry and specifically Metatron’s Cube, read The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I and II by Drunvalo Melchizedek.