Knowing Your Truth
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for January 1, 2020

From the time life is conceived it changes.  Transition after transition occurs in one dimension and through many simultaneously,  guiding us through what it means to be alive.  As the years pass and the decades unfold, what we have learned is much more important than what we have done.  For in understanding how to make the best choices we create informed, effective, and purposeful lives that leave legacies behind.  Although every new year highlights our choices, our capacity to make soul-empowered choices has never been greater than in 2020. If you are experiencing neck pain and issues with your throat and voice, the obstacles and inhibitions to using your voice to speak the truth in love are being cleared.

Change will almost assault us this year.  As soul-embodying human beings, we can greet these challenges courageously, relaxing into the transformations ahead rather than resisting them.  In collaborating with our Souls and our celestial guides, the miraculous can be realized because we participate in making the miracles.  When the wisdom and grace within you partners with courage everything is possible.  Fifth-dimensional lifestyles are being lived now in the midst of third-dimensional decay.  The faithfully courageous are discovering how to live drama-free lives in harmony with the planet and offering us templates of new ways of being.  The good is not hidden.  Fifth-dimensional pioneers are expressing themselves through their services, products, and innovative research.  They are daring to speak unpopular truths and provide solutions whenever possible. Those solutions are just not being sought by the masses, yet.  Mostly because they require the daily routines of life to change, morph, and become more respectful to the planet.  We are in year 8 of the New Earth and have 12 more difficult years ahead.  Be one of those who is already leading a drama-free life this year.  Be one of those who is in greater harmony with the planet.  Be one of those whose life is an example of graceful courage.

There is only one way to assure that this occurs and that is to know your truth, speak it with love, and act in integrity with honesty.  So many lies and deceptions are being revealed every day all around the world.  We knew this was coming and are undeterred by the deceit.  Our evolutionary path is clear and not only will the truth set us free, but it also guides our journey by lighting the way.  Determine what it is that you really need to know to lead a fulfilling life and then seek it out.  Let every other superfluous piece of information go. Be clear about who you are getting your information from and what agenda this information may serve.  Do your own research and corroborate multiple sources when it appears confusing.  In general, when more agree on an issue than disagree there is some truth to what is being presented.

And, trust your Soul’s insight.  Take it seriously.  Your evolutionary journey may include moments of entertainment, but it is the template for living an enlightened life.  In 2019 many were faced with the challenge of committing to their spiritual fulfillment because of what it would require. In free will, they chose the comfort and convenience of third-dimensional living. In honoring and respecting their truth, we radiate unconditional love to them and send them blessings.  We honor their journey and we continue to ask these questions of ourselves to make sure that our focus is on planetary ascension.  What is my truth about my commitment to embodying my Soul?  How invested am I in my evolution?  How does that express itself in my life?  Am I grateful to embrace this opportunity to uphold the well being of my world?  For us collaborating to create a soul-embodied humanity, our lives will become more demanding.  We will grow in ways of which we cannot even conceive.  And life will amaze us as we amaze ourselves with what the power of our Souls can really and truly do for every living being on the planet.  An amazing, empowering, and enlightening 2020 has begun!