What Karmic Pattern Are You Releasing?
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for January 18, 2020

Old experiences that hurt become encrusted in the auric field.  These function like the barnacles that grow on marine life and ships in the sea.  When enough barnacles encroach upon the host, their lives are threatened and infrastructures are weakened.  The traumas and dramas that live in our auric fields are the barnacles that suck the life-force out of us.  Emerging from all of our earthly incarnations, they have accumulated over time and contaminate our experience of being loved and our capacity to love.  Our struggles with sabotaging relationships and sustaining self-worth can be traced back to these horrific incarnational episodes.  The Heavens have decided that it is time to scrape the barnacles out of our auric fields.  This is a necessary process to save our lives and our world.  We are being supported by tremendous celestial assistance to succeed where we have previously and repeatedly failed.  It is our time to understand, forgive, heal, and unconditionally love.  In doing so we will redeem ourselves and experience the creativity to chart an enlightened future for us all.

We begin 2020 with courageous hearts, minds, wills, and bodies in action.  Looking through the eyes of your Soul, begin to comprehend the patterns that are revealing themselves to you.  Utilize the mind of your Soul to accept the limitations of your humanity and understand the consequences that your egoic choices have created in your current incarnation.  Allow your heart to melt the emotional energies from the images, memories, and words frozen in your auric field.  Engage the power of your Soul, to face the truth, learn from it, and grow beyond it.  Call upon your angels and guides to infuse you with the willpower to choose the new over the old, liberation over oppression,  to love your fear until it dissolves. Welcome the enlightenment that your Soul is delivering to you now and you will be blessed with freedom, health, and hope.

It is very hard to do this deep processing on your own so seek out a practitioner that you trust to help you understand your truth.  No one can do this work for you but they can guide you to the most gentle, productive, and life-affirming choices available to you.  Especially helpful are Akashic Records readings, multi-dimensional energy work that includes transforming incarnational trauma, and astrological readings that identify the patterns with which you entered this lifetime.  What is not helpful now is psychic readings where someone else tells you what they believe about you.  You are learning to be your own Soul reader because you are developing an intimate relationship with your Soul.  In trusting yourself to connect to and understand your Soul’s guidance, no one can deter you from your enlightenment.  It is just such influences that created the traumas and dramas you are now having to release. There is a very powerful gift being offered to you as we enter a new decade.  Accept the gift.  Utilize the gift.  Share the blessings to come.