Believe In Love
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for December 18, 2019

love photoIt is time to believe in love again, not as a human creation, but as a divine birthright. To live within the inherent power of the creative forces of loving brings you into direct connection with your Soul and illuminates your life with possibility. This holy time of year is often called the season of miracles because we celebrate the manifestation of love, the birth of a new life. What we give birth to each Christmas depends upon how open our hearts have grown all year long. Pain and struggle do not have to break and shut our hearts down. They can break our hearts open into love’s glorious ability to overcome, transcend, and transform life as we have known it. Consider how your heart has grown in 2019? Is it blooming, expanding, celebrating? Is it hurt, guarded, or in hiding?

Your heart was touched by life and responded to the degree that your mind and body would let it love. When you were born the love program was already installed in your heart. However, learning how to utilize a multi-dimensional unconditionally loving heart takes a lifetime. When you experience the divine communion that occurs when you feel safe, comforted, and supported by love, you are healed. The fear dissolves, the loneliness evaporates, the energy flows and the world becomes a gracious place. You can feel this way, even if it is just for fifteen minutes at a time when you focus on the healing power of your heart. Even though the human heart may break, the heart of your Soul never wavers. There is a bridge from your cardiac cells into the electromagnetism of the heart of your Soul. All you have to do is travel a pink bridge from one to the other. The bridge is as strong as your mind and body will consciously allow.

Build your bridge right now. Make it beautiful, strong, and as big as you need it to be. Imagine the light of your Soul on the other side of the bridge. Now add to that the presence of however you experience the Creator. Feel their tremendous love flowing back to you on the pink bridge. Breathe it into the cells of your heart. See this celestial love traveling through your bloodstream into every cell of your body. Feel your muscles relaxing, your brain calming down, and your breathing slow and steady. Relax into the safety of divine arms reaching out to hold, comfort, and steady you. Look into the eyes of those emanating love to you and be at peace. Stay here for as long as you desire.

Now that you have been touched by divine love, share this experience and invite everyone you know to walk the pink bridge for themselves. Invite them to believe in love again because love has and is healing them. Bring the pink bridge into your daily life and use it with your loved ones, your pets, your plants, and even your crystals. Let the love flow and your corner of the world will transform. This is the power of love that we celebrate this holy season!

As we embrace this great love moving through us, the neurons of our brain are preoccupied with their growing receptivity to higher dimensional frequencies. This creates periods of absent-mindedness and we are indeed in one of these cycles. Even though you may feel that you are focused on a task, your brain is running two programs, one Earthly and one Divine. Sometimes the information gets scrambled. Until the download is complete pay extra attention to what you are working on. Check the ingredients you are adding to your holiday treats, the addresses on your packages, the withdrawals from your checking accounts, and the time you may need to travel to holiday outings. Let the love flow in the kindness you share, the smiles that you offer, and the lightness your laughter brings. By the beginning of 2020, your focus will be stronger than ever and so will your power to love. Enjoy the blessings of an open, happy, and full heart this holy season!

P.S. If today’s message touched you, consider attending The How-to-Love Weekend on February 28th in Warwick, NY. You will experience unconditional multi-dimensional loving that will forever change the way you understand yourself and your ability to love. To learn more visit: