5D Stone Awakening Grid
When building a stone grid you are engaging the assistance of specific minerals who are experts at drawing to you that which you are requesting.Discussions between you and the mineral kingdom are necessary to determine the best stones for the job.Your personality structure and the environment in which your home or office is located are just two of the aspects for consideration when building a mineral grid. The stones in your grid will radiate a collective energy that generates a frequency field uniquely designed to help you achieve your goal. The frequency signature of the whole collective is as important as the electromagnetic voices being radiated by each specimen. As a group, your stones are creatively collaborating to manifest a new reality for you and are now in a unique relationship with you. They desire to make sure that what you are requesting is what you truly need to fulfill yourself, and also bring peace to the planet from which they have emerged. Let’s take a look at the mechanics of mineral manifestation.
What is a mineral?
Minerals differ from rocks in that they exhibit homogeneous physical properties including chemical composition, crystalline structure, specific gravity and optical properties. These criteria are the markers that identify garnets, diamonds, opals and sapphires as such and set them apart all over the planet, even when they appear in different colors and forms. Because of their unique personalities, the bonds that minerals make can be likened to the friendships that form between people. We are attracted to those who can assist us and repelled from those of whom no service would be rendered. Likewise, your stones will form long-lasting bonds with each other and to you for as long as they remain in your service. As in any relationship, the more you know about with whom you are working, the more productive the experience.
Minerals are composed of elements, the basic building blocks of all structures. Elements include carbon, oxygen, silicon, calcium, iron and all those listed in the Periodic Table. Because minerals are homogeneous in elemental composition, each radiates a specific energy signature. If you compare your crystal grid to a package of crayons, each mineral represents a specific color that can stand on its own merit. When you mix the colors of the crayons on paper, new colors emerge. When the energies of these minerals join together, a collective frequency emerges that assists you to reach your goal.
When viewing a painting, the colors blend and dance in a new creation, yet on their own they retain their individual integrity. When you focus your attention on a painting, you can actually feel yourself being affected by the energy of the colors you are experiencing. Because minerals radiate energy frequencies, their energies penetrate everything in their environment. You are being touched by the vibrational frequencies of the minerals in your grid. You may find your body relaxing or being energized based upon the goal you have intended. You may find that your mind is clear and your ability to access information is growing. Your receptivity to understanding the language of stones will grow as you develop your relationship with the minerals in your grid. The frequencies emanated by specific mineral combinations create expanded energy fields that allow your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to align with the creative higher dimensional forces at work in your life and on our world. Your stones are “singing” the specific frequencies necessary to create a new reality in which you can fulfill yourself.
What is a crystal?
Crystal lattices of minerals.
The word “crystal” speaks to the internal structure of a mineral. Crystalline structure emerges from specific internal arrangements of the atoms of which they are composed. The external expression of this arrangement allows the mineral to be identified as expressing through one of seven major crystal lattices or systems. While the elements radiate the frequencies the mineral emanates, the crystalline structure determines the way in which the emanations of the mineral travel and the way they look. Since the energies of the elements are being directed to move through specific internal atomic arrangements, vibrational frequencies will flow according to the geometric parameters established by the internal structure of the mineral. The geometric systems include the cubic, hexagonal, trigonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic systems. These systems are like highways through which electromagnetic energies travel. You can consider specific angles and faces in a specimen as an exit ramp for the electromagnetic energies to move out into the world. The angles of these crystal systems remain the same but they can have very different physical appearances. Calcite appears in many colors and is noted for its configuration as a perfect rhombohedron. Yet, it also appears in what is known as a dog tooth formation and is often found with other minerals.
Garnet helps you to maintain consistent energy levels as you create the life of your dreams.
Not every face or part of the mineral will radiate the same amount of energy from it. Electromagnetic energies or frequencies travel through the geometric structures of a particular mineral specimen. Depending upon how a particular mineral specimen was formed, its faces will appear in distinctive positions. The way in which a particular mineral presents itself, with its own structural makeup and outer appearance, will determine the personality of the mineral. This will also determine what direction that specimen is to be placed for transmission of its energies into a room. For example pyrite appears as cubes but it also forms in a plate-like shape known as a sun. In its “sun” form, it radiates spirituality into an environment. It needs to be standing up in a grid. In its cubic formation, it is excellent in anchoring creative energy into the environment and is simply placed with one side down into the grid.
The crystal systems remain consistent in organic material as well as inorganic material. Our physical bodies contain the crystalline structures of the mineral kingdom. Dr. Marcel Vogel, the creator of the Vogel crystal, described the human energy field as an array of oscillating energy points that have a layered structure with a definite symmetry. He then concluded that the physical body can be seen as a crystalline structure, particularly the skeletal system. He created a unique quartz crystal, hand cut according to sacred geometrical specifications that produces healing and connection to what he called Universal Life Force. As we work with the geometric structures of minerals, we learn how to geometrically move energy through the crystalline matrixes located inside of us. Because the human form embodies the higher evolution of the elements into organic life, we can utilize the gifts of the mineral kingdom to further evolve within and beyond our bodies into the regions of the Soul. In learning how to flow with the energies emanated by the crystalline mineral systems, we can facilitate an acceleration or a deceleration of the energetic movements within us. Combinations of minerals from differing crystal systems can stimulate growth, release impediments, or stabilize one’s progress.
Light and Color
A mineral’s ability to reflect and refract light assists us in being able to reflect and refract the Light of God through our subtle bodies. The transparency or translucency of a mineral addresses the clarity of the frequencies it generates. Some minerals are opaque and there is a continuum of translucency that minerals reflect. Jaspers are quite opaque yet facilitate lots of movement in the human auric field. Agates, which are amazingly colorful, can also be more transparent especially when lit from behind. The more transparent the mineral is, the higher the frequency. The more translucent the mineral is, the lower the frequency. As we work to become transparent generators of the love and wisdom of the Universal Mind, the minerals included in these collectives assist us in clearing out the debris that impedes our own brilliance. It is important to mention that on the spiritual path, multiple frequencies are required for healing and regeneration such that no mineral should be judged as less than another. Sometimes the lower frequencies of a translucent crystal are precisely what is needed to remove a negative thought or energize a weak physical organ. You need to feel connected to the mineral that you are using at every step in your evolutionary journey. Just as you cannot judge a book by its cover, don’t judge a stone until you have learned about and worked with it.
This stone grid facilitates your connection to your soul.
Mineral Placement and Sacred Geometry
Stone grids are best placed in sand which is composed of silicon. It is from silicon that we have the semiconducting crystals that have transformed our world. They work in your cell phones and computers and are used throughout the emerging technologies of the 21st century. Because of silicon’s unique ability as a communicator, sand becomes an excellent medium through which the personalities of each specimen are free to express themselves, to use their voices. And, the sandy environment supports the proper positioning of each mineral necessary for an effective grid. You cannot stand a crystal point with a rough bottom on a tabletop. You need the support of the sand to keep the mineral upright. Additionally, certain minerals will have to be placed with a particular face up into the room or facing a specific direction to allow their frequencies to flow. Sand provides flexibility and stability in placement. Additionally, you can match the color of the sand you use in your grid to support your goal. For example red sand will energize your grid, blue sand will bring clarity, and white will bring purity.
When you link your stone grid with sacred geometry, the energy fields generated by your grid expand and their power increases. Sacred geometry transmits the consciousness of the Universal Mind through form. Geometry constructs forms within and out of empty space. It defines a shape, such as a rectangle, triangle, and circle, and gives the manifest shape a purpose. When calling forth a new reality, sacred geometry is a powerful force to initiate change. For example, most of the houses we live in are constructed out of rectangles to ground us into our lives. How different would our lives be if we all lived in round homes? By utilizing the shapes defined by sacred geometry, the electromagnetic energies of your stone grid is specifically focused and delivered uniquely within the body or around a room. Triangular formations will facilitate downloading of higher frequencies. Rectangular or square formations will ground and stabilize wild or erratic energies. Circular formations promote connection and feelings of wholeness. Straight lines will accelerate processing, while wavy lines will disperse energies moving too quickly.
The five Platonic Solids transmitting the elements of fire, are, water, earth, and ether.
It is important to balance every layout and grid because a balanced mineral collective will increase your own sense of balance. Utilize the entire space of the container you are using for the grid. Ceramic, glass, and wood containers are best. Plastic will stifle the radiation and metal may encourage the frequencies to travel too quickly to allow your goal to manifest. Watch how you lay each specimen in the sand, making sure that its energies are free to radiate. If you place a mineral in the wrong position, you can literally block its energy from flowing. Think of this like turning off a light switch. When the electricity stops flowing, the room gets dark. When you turn off a crystal, you won’t feel its emanations. Continue to work with the positions of your stones until you feel the movement that you are seeking.
Pay attention to symmetry in your layouts to increase flow. We were created with two eyes, hands, legs, ears and feet in symmetry. Cooperation and coordination are the hallmarks of excellent physical and spiritual functioning. Your crystal companions will help you attain these within your own field and in your environments. These are simply guidelines to get you started in placing your minerals in grids. Pay attention to your own intuition and listen to your minerals. They will often tell you where they can best be utilized. Remember that you are in a conversation, so keep the discussion flowing.
Active grids promoting new jobs or new locations should be placed in active areas of your home. Grids supporting healing and rest can be placed in bedrooms and quieter areas of your home. Office grids need to be placed where they will be most beneficial depending on whether they are for collaboration in conference rooms, or in individual cubicles to support specific skills. Grids can be placed in gardens or in outdoor environments to support the property and ecological harmony. These will of necessity require bigger stones depending on how large the property is. Note the purpose of your grid and place it in your homes and offices accordingly. Make sure the grid is protected and that others are not picking up the stones and disturbing the configuration you worked so hard to achieve.
Choosing Your Stones
To make an effective grid, you have to have a clear intention and a singular purpose. Don’t ask your stones to complete five of your hopes and dreams simultaneously. Give them one purpose and let them succeed. You can always move on to another request at another time. Additionally, you have to take responsibility for how you inhibited achieving this goal in the past, and be willing to make the personal changes necessary to collaborate with the energies of the grid. Each crystal lattice expresses a particular personality style. Research your personality structure and incorporate the stones from the crystal system that will support your unique character strengths and help you overcome your weaknesses so that you realize your goal.
Be clear about what you are requesting. Is it an environment, a relationship, a resource, or a situation that you are calling forth? Focus upon one of the four options and utilize the chemical composition of the stones that will best support your choice. Do you need a sulphide to understand what is true for you? Do you need an oxide for motivation? Do you need a sulphate for protection? Remember that you are developing a relationship with the mineral kingdom in building your grid. Do the research to understand with which stones you need to communicate. Stones desire to be successful with you, but you need to pick the ones who are most qualified for the mission you are assigning them to.
After you have researched the stones most qualified to assist you, choose specimens that you feel drawn to, that feel good in your hand and are pleasing to your eyes. Do not ask anyone else to choose for you because this is your grid and these will be your companions. If your minerals feel like a good match for you, honor this feeling. Additionally, choose crystals that are roughly the same size so that their vibrational frequencies are balanced. You do not want to mix a hematite the size of a baseball with a citrine the size of your fingernail. Your stones need to like each other, so listen to which minerals want to be part of your grid, and which do not. Generally speaking, the larger the minerals you use, the greater the power.
Programming and Maintenance

Stone gird to promote childhood
Before using your minerals, wash them in salt water. The only exception is halite which will melt in water. Also, be careful using water with celestite as its matrix or host rock will break down with repeated washings. You can also cleanse your crystal companions with high quality sage or place them in beds of shigh-quality to rest. Because they are now going to work for and with you, you want the energy of those who have previously touched them to be released so that your minerals can focus on you.
Lay out your stones in front of you and set your sand into your container. Welcome in divine protection and assistance and set your intention. You can place your hands over your minerals and connect your head and heart to them. Speak your intention out loud and wait until you feel your stones receiving their assignment and settling into it. You may feel a jolt of energy, give a sigh of completion, or just become aware of a quiet understanding. Then place your stones in the sand according to a configuration that utilizes the geometry that supports your goal. Thank your crystal companions for coming to your assistance. They are assisting you by acting as conscious tools for your transformation. Then place your grid where it will best work for you. Make sure that your grids will remain undisturbed and will not endanger any pets. You can place a grid under a glass dome or in a cake stand and they will still be effective.
Depending on how intense of an environment you live in, you may need to clear your stones with incense or liquid sage once a week or so. You do not have to take them out of the grid and wash them with salt water. Take note of your grid as you pass by and say thank you. Your stones are working hard for you. Once your goal is achieved you can dismantle the grid, place the stones in salt water and release their programming. They can be used for another application or may need to rest in a drawer for a while.
Connecting to the Earth Grid

United Vector Geometry(UVG) 120 Sphere. The planetary grid.
The electromagnetic radiation of your stone grids does not simply stay within the confines of your homes and offices. These energies connect with the electromagnetic energies surrounding and moving through our planet. Because of this, your grids access the energies of the Earth to help you achieve your goals. David Hatcher Childress in his book, Anti-Gravity and The World Grid, explains that the geometric pattern of the grid surrounding the Earth is energetic. It is a source for free energy and was used by ancient civilizations to thrive. The geometries upon which your grid is constructed connect to the geometry that makes up the energy patterns that support life on Earth. When you activate a stone grid to manifest a new reality, you are accessing the energies of the planet to bring forth that which you require.
The planetary grid can be seen as a huge crystalline structure. William Becker and Bethe Hegens describe the planetary grid as United Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 Sphere. The Earth is surrounded by twelve pentagonal slabs covering the surface of the globe which are dodecahedrons. These are overlaid by twenty equilateral triangles. This entire geometric structure Bethe Hagens calls the EarthStar, based on the rhombic triacontahedron projection method developed by R. Buckminster Fuller. Many of the world’s largest cities and military bases are located at the nodes of this grid to utilize the electromagnetic power available at these locations. Additionally, the most sacred places on Earth can also be found on the nodal points of the EarthStar.
This is because the Earth grid accesses and distributes the energies of our solar system, galaxy and universe around the world. Support from your angels, the Ascended Masters, and even the celestial beings of light from other star systems, comes to your aid through the minerals of your grid as they download these frequencies from the planetary grid. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Xian Pyramids, Hamakulia in Hawaii, Bimini, Lima, Peru, and Easter Island are just a few of the sacred sites through which the electromagnetic frequencies are delivered to the Earth. In their research, Becker and Hagens note that the planetary grid stores and integrates biology, metaphysics, mythology, astronomy, geology, and human struggle.
Earth Grids with the Aqua Spiral, Lavender Fountain & the 5D soul-embodied human being
Moreover, they note the connection of the grid to the equinoxes and solstice activities on the Earth. On these powerful days, multi-dimensional energies and information descend into the planetary grid from our solar system, galaxy, universe, and even from the cosmos. The UVG120 Sphere is a multi-dimensional communication and transport system through which your prayers are answered and your intentions attended to.
Importantly, information from the grid is available to all and can be monitored by the spiritual planetary hierarchy to support the health and wellbeing of life on Earth, including yours. It is through this grid work that major technological breakthroughs such as the telephone, the discovery of electricity, and other life-changing advances become available to the civilization. However, a single human being is usually given credit for the divine inspiration and guidance that appears in the lives of multiple scientists and academics during a specific time period in which the technology is necessary for human evolution. Personally, you can use your grid to download the inspiration and guidance you need to make significant changes in your behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. As you progress in your evolutionary development, you help the rest of the civilization to do so as well.
With this in mind, be conscious of how the intentions of your grid support not only your life, but also all life on Earth. You are engaging a respectful relationship with not only with the mineral kingdom, but with those to whom the mineral kingdom communicates. Your stone grid is a source of power and a generator of electromagnetic frequency that will support your growth and development only for your highest good and the wellbeing of all with whom you come into contact. Stone grids are beautiful and strong spiritual tools. Use them well and honor their presence in your life. Truly a new reality will emerge in your life.