Eleven stones create a crystalline matrix for your soul-embodiment.
These eleven stones take you on a journey, a Soul’s quest to understand, embrace, and then embody the fearless faithfulness of the seventh dimension. Encouraging you to explore the power of Creation living within, they ask you to share what you have been given to absorb all that you are yet to be. Step-by-step they guide you into an experience of creative collaboration that deeply bonds you to life. This profound collaboration facilitates the ascension of all life on Earth. Unconditionally loving, this stone grid fearlessly and faithfully offers itself to serve your evolution. It will support you for the next twenty years.
Black Tourmaline with Hematite Point
The first stone of your journey into the seventh dimension introduces you to the Clear Light of Creation. It connects you to this tremendously pure light that vibrates at very high frequencies. Through this connection you can access your Monad and the cosmic energies in which it resides. This black tourmaline with hematite point aligns and unifies your auric field to the Clear Light of Creation. In doing so you are anchored into the strength and stability to be experienced in the seventh dimension. You are empowered to overcome any and all obstacles to your fulfillment.
Area of the physical body targeted: Root Chakra, legs, Soul Star beneath the feet.
Affirmation: I am anchored into the Clear Light of Creation. -
The second stone in your journey into the seventh dimension uplifts your sense of self by creating a soul-empowered appreciation for all that you have to offer. Citrine increases your confidence in holding true to your core beliefs, thoughts, and feelings so that your experiences reflect the respect and appreciation you have for contributing to life on Earth. A fearless faithfulness emerges as you trust in your soul-awareness to act in integrity, with compassion, knowing that you can and are unconditionally loving all that cross your path. You grow to experience fearless faithfulness, not merely at moments, but rather as a way of life.
Area of the physical body targeted: Solar Plexus Chakra, up to the chest, and across the shoulders.
Affirmation: I am flowing in fearless faithfulness. -
Green Aragonite
The third stone in your journey into the seventh dimension awakens you to your path of service. Knowing that you can unconditionally love in fearless faithfulness, you become excited about how your service will unfold in relationships, situations, and environments. Joy begins to swell up as you recognize the gift that being of service is. You appreciate the opportunities that are coming your way. You understand that the strength to provide whatever is required, when it is needed, is already growing within you.
Area of the physical body targeted: Waves of energy flowing through the legs, feet, and toes.
Affirmation: I am joyfully serving life through the unique contributions that I make. -
Labradorite Slab
The fourth stone in your journey into the seventh dimension promotes collaboration. It encourages openness, flexibility, and creativity so that your interactions with others are filled with respect and safety. You are not only connected to those with whom you are working, you believe in them and they believe in you. Trust emerges through the intimacy that this collaboration fosters. You begin to trust in the safety you are experiencing. This creates an experience of expansive loving that draws you into enlightened relationship. As you relax into this soul-awakened creativity, conflicts dissolve, solutions arise, and you feel fully supported by Creation.
Area of the physical body targeted: Pelvis, lower back, buttocks.
Affirmation: I am open and flexible, creatively collaborating with others to support the planet’s ascension. -
Chocolate Rhodocrosite
Your fifth stone on your journey into the seventh dimension caresses your central nervous system as your commitment to service deepens. Chocolate rhodocrosite provides you with the strength to be compassionate, to truly see and hear through your soul awareness. It connects you to the mind of your Soul so that the choices you make create, support, and uphold peace, even when it is uncomfortable. Upgrading your central nervous system to relax into seventh-dimensional frequencies, the pulse of peace begins to live within you and radiate through you.
Area of the physical body targeted: The entire body through the central nervous system, the brain and especially the eyes and ears.
Affirmation: I engage the strength of compassion and feel the pulse of peace radiating through me. -
The sixth stone on your journey into the seventh dimension draws to you all the partners and mission mates with whom you will serve. It assists you in accessing all the resources required for success. It connects you with your multi-dimensional Soul family, your extraterrestrial ancestry, and celestial support teams. It encourages you to receive by dissolving all judgments about what you need, when, from whom, and why. You easily recognize the relationships, situations, environments, and resources that are equipping you for success and fulfillment.
Area of the physical body targeted: Outstretched arms, upper chest, and throat chakra.
Affirmation: I am connected to all those with whom I am serving. I am receiving every resource required to complete my missions. -
Blue Tiger’s Eye
The seventh stone on your journey into the seventh dimension provides you with sacred access to higher sense awareness so that you can create life-altering change. Because the pulse of peace is alive within you, you begin to see, comprehend, understand, and perceive new realities. Your mind is expanding and transcending the limitations of the ego allowing you to embrace possibilities that were previously inconceivable. There is no fear of losing control or being controlled going forward because you understand that control does not exist in the higher dimensions. Collaboration does. You understand how profoundly the wellbeing of all is safeguarded by Creation, and you have been called to collaboratively serve. Your multi-dimensional communication center at your Mouth-of-God chakra expands to help you gain access to the pure thought within your Monad to help these new realities emerge.
Area of the physical body targeted: Third eye chakra and all the senses in the head: eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
Affirmation: I am living the peace to see, comprehend, understand, and perceive new realities. -
Green Snakeskin Jasper
The eighth stone on your journey into the seventh dimension fills you with childlike wonder. Its playful, curious nature encourages you to serve with lightness of spirit. It replaces “hard work” with a sense of adventure. It provides an experience of youthfulness that is inspiring rather than tiring, especially during challenging missions. Energizing and imaginative, green snakeskin jasper keeps the laughter flowing and a sense of humor active as new realities are being created, individually and collectively.
Area of the physical body targeted: Tickles the toes and soles of the feet.
Affirmation: I am inspired by the childlike wonder of Creation. Imagination flows through me. -
Spider Web Jasper
The ninth stone on your journey into the seventh dimension infuses you with enlightened power. It provides endless energy and fuels your constant connectivity to Creation. It is so exuberant and enthusiastic about your fulfillment that it fears nothing. It will not allow any obstacle to stand in your way. You are securely connected to your Soul and turned on to reach your Monad.
Area of the physical body targeted: Solar plexus chakra, around the abdomen to the middle of the back, and down to the coccyx.
Affirmation: I am fueled by the endless energy of enlightened power. I am exuberantly connected to Creation. -
The tenth stone on your journey into the seventh dimension fills you with a deep appreciation for being alive. You feel comforted by your link to the Creator through your life on Earth. You understand what a privilege it is to be human, to experience life in a physical body. You are grateful for your companions on Earth from every kingdom of nature. You sense that you belong to this world without question and that you are never alone on the Earth. The landscape of your life becomes filled with peace as you sense the goodness to be experienced and created here.
Area of the physical body targeted: The face and the front of the body.
Affirmation: I am deeply grateful for the privilege of being alive on the Earth. I belong here. -
Green Zebra Jasper
The eleventh and last stone on your journey into the seventh dimension unifies your subtle bodies and connects them to your solar, galactic, and universal expressions. A new level of wholeness and completion enters your life as your fearlessly and faithfully arrive at the seventh dimension. Your auric field has expanded to deliver you into your next evolutionary experience, bringing you ever closer to all that exist within the source of Creation from which you emerged.
Area of the physical body targeted: The entire auric field reaching through the subtle bodies.
Affirmation: I am expansive in the wholeness of my auric field. I have dimensionally arrived.

The stone landscape of the seventh-dimensional grid.
Your 7D grid is best placed in the most active room in your home. It generates a frequency field that fills the space it resides in from the top down. You may feel as if fearless faithfulness is raining down upon all who make contact with the grid. The calm strength, joyful awareness, and empowerment to collaboratively create that these minerals offer can motivate and inspire families and businesses to fulfill themselves in ways previously unimaginable. To keep the grid in optimal functioning, please cleanse the stones at least weekly. Smudging with sage or copal is helpful or place a cleansing sacred geometry underneath the grid to constantly energize it.
Thank you for collaborating with these stones to promote the ascension of all life on Earth.