
doveAbout The Future of Peace: The future is what you choose to make it. You have the power to create beauty out of hatred. You have the intelligence to choose truth over illusion. You have the strength to forgive and heal. You have the visionary capacity to collaborate on solutions where unbearable suffering has lived. All of these are your inheritance as soul-embodied human beings transforming the world in which you reside. No other celestial being can do this for you because we do not live here. It is your hands, hearts, minds, and bodies that take up the mantle of peace every moment of every day. When you wake up in the morning breathe in peace before you even get out of bed. Let peace awaken your mind, open your heart, and strengthen your body so that when your feet hit the ground, hope is alive in your cells. It is much easier to navigate a busy morning when peace guides you to the easiest and most effective way to get things done for yourself and your family. Peace is a conscious choice, while chaos and pressure are third-dimensional states of being. They no longer have to be! The courageous are detaching from their egos and redefining what it means to be alive. They are soul-empowered, not ego-dependent human beings, who are free of manipulative forces and deceptive energies, because they cannot be controlled by outside influences. Peace requires freedom. Your Soul is in a unique and unconquerable position to provide you with this transformative power. Call upon it. Rest in it. Let it work through you. Discover the peace your Soul has to offer and feel your life transform from the inside out.

Current Ascension Symptoms:

Challenges are greeting us from everywhere. They are highlighting the places where our egos are still maintaining control so that we can remedy these situations and fix these relationships. As we accept and embrace these challenges, aches and pains appear in the parts of our bodies being affected by previous choices that have led us to the consequences we are now experiencing. When you fix the outer experiences, the inner aches and pains dissolve. It is interesting to note that aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen do not work on these aches and pains because they are energetic in origin and not physical injuries. However, these still hurt! Try a cleansing bath with baking soda and epsom salts to take the edge off. Look to your Soul for guidance on how to resolve these karmic expressions and ask your spiritual guides and celestial assistants to strengthen you to follow your Soul’s directions. The pain will pass and energizing freedom with emerge.

January’s Mantra:

To create peace, I live in the freedom that my soul-embodiment offers me.

Inspirational Music:

Peace Be Upon You received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Breath of the Soul.

Peace be upon you, forever more.
Peace be within you, now and always.
Peace be within you, forever more.
Peace be within you, for always.

Peace guide your every step through open doors.
Peace find you happy and joyous.
Peace be upon you, forever more.
Peace be within you, for always.

Peace be the light of day, at break of dawn.
Peace be the moonlight, to guide you.

Peace be with you, forever more.
Peace be with you always.
Peace be with you, forever more.
Peace be with you for always.

Crystalline Assistance:

Emerald strengthens the body to perform at its greatest capacity.

The minerals that infuse courage and strength into our auric fields are great partners to carry around now. We need them because as soul-embodied humans we are changing the ways we express ourselves and live our lives. Our egos have lost the power to control our perception and these stones helps us to understand, believe, and experience everything through the lens of our Souls. These minerals support us to engage in enlightened behaviors and act with soulful integrity. They keep us calm as we transform from weak and frightened humans into empowered and unconditionally loving human beings. They share the strength of their crystalline matrixes with us who are learning how to build our own Soul scaffolding. And, they bring beauty into our days when our choices are difficult, and our words must be lovingly impactful. It is best to work with these stones by wearing them in jewelry or carrying them in your pockets. Because they are supporting your soul-embodiment, keeping them in contact with your body is most beneficial. Just remember to give them a shower and rest at the end of the day. They will have earned it.

Chalcopyrite encourages you to find joy in your life.

Here are the minerals for late January:

Pink: Cobaltoan Calcite, Rubellite, Morganite, Pink Opal, Pink Kunzite, Rose Quartz

For Courage and Strength: Emerald, Aquamarine, Heliodor, Shungite, Hematite, Azurite, All colors of Aventurine, Super-Seven, Mystic Merlinite, Chalcopyrite, Smoky Elestial Quartz, Garnet with Blue Kyanite, Auralite 23, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Indicolite

Planetary Activation:

Imagine blowing a deep magenta energy out of your body and into the air around you. Keep blowing it out until everything around you appears draped in this magenta mist. Relax into the vibrant tenderness of this magenta frequency and notice how everything in your environment appears to be growing softer and becoming gentle without losing any physical integrity. Settle into this experience. Now instead of blowing out the magenta frequency, breathe it in. Feel it flowing through your bloodstream and reaching every cell. Become aware of gentleness flooding your body and every cell relaxing into tenderness. Surrender into the safety you are now experiencing. Allow yourself to be nurtured.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator,

In this calm and relaxed state become aware of three celestial beings coming to your assistance. Each has a defined task to fulfill with you and together they will create a transformational opportunity for you. Focus upon your assistants and link with each light being. You are capable of communicating with and understanding these light beings so trust yourself to do so. They will reveal themselves in ways that you can accept and absorb. Begin now.

Your first assistant guides you to a powerful memory in which your soul-embodiment was threatened. Take this opportunity to work through this painful and/or devastating experience. As a hurt human being, we can believe that our Soul has abandoned us, but that is not so. Our innate ability to reconnect to our Soul was hidden from us such that we understood the connection to be irreversibly severed. Your guide is now helping you to reconnect to your Soul and secure the connection. The illusion of abandonment and disgrace is being dissolved as you reattach to your Soul, the origin of your humanity.

Your second assistant reveals the environment in which your earthly life was so threatened that you questioned the purpose of living. This light being will infuse you with the courage to witness what occurred in this lifetime and why this place on Earth was chosen for this devastating experience. This light being will show you the Soul context in which this lifetime occurred. In comprehending what your Soul was teaching you in this place, you can reconfigure your understanding of this lifetime to make it meaningful, when it appeared to be meaningless. Your Soul never wastes a lifetime even if you believe that you have.

Your third assistant takes you on a journey into the graces that have visited three significant incarnations. During these incarnations, you took these graces for granted. Now you must consciously attend to the lessons being offered from those moments and integrate them into your current incarnation. It is of great importance that you do so. As you experience these powerful interventions and insightful gifts, you will understand why.

Settled comfortably in the magenta mist, your three celestial assistants are surrounding you now that they have completed their individual assignments. They project beams of energy into your auric field further securing your attachment to your Soul, continuing to expand your understanding of your current incarnation, and awakening your soul-embodied capacity to be a conduit of grace. An explosion of color appears in your auric field as the seeds of lasting peace have been sown in the energetic garden of your emerging soul-embodiment. Nurture these well.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How have you transformed a relationship in which you hated the person you once loved?
  2. Do you like looking through the eyes of your Soul? What changes when you do?
  3. When was the most peaceful year of your life? What happened to make it so?
  4. How do you respond to manipulative people?

Upcoming Events:

New Moon Planetary Activations for 2020

world tree, earthWe continue our journey into the Fifth Dimension on Earth in our New Moon Planetary Activations throughout the coming year. Here is a message about what 2020 will bring:

2020 will delight as much as challenge you to become soul-embodied vehicles of transformation. Your capacity to live from your truth, with integrity and compassion, offers you tremendous opportunities to transform conflict into peace through awareness and understanding. Although the world may experience many ups and downs, your evolutionary journey can progress smoothly as you join together to create life-affirming fifth-dimensional communities that choose unconditional loving over reactionary fear. You are the decision-makers of the future and this is the year that you begin making a series of choices that will forever change how you experience economics, education, health care, and science. It’s not a leap of faith that occurs in 2020. It is a conscious paradigm shift that is soul-driven, soul-inspired, and soul-empowered to honor life on Earth in all its forms. This will be a year marked by the courageous and certainly that is you!

Please join me on these Friday evenings at 7:30 pm at the Masonic Lodge, 170 Main St., Madison, NJ 07940.

January 3rd
May 29th
October 16th

January 24th
June 19th
November 13th

February 21st
July 17th
December 11th

March 20th
August 21st

April 24th
September 18th

I am very grateful for your participation in our fifth-dimensional community and for the work you do every day to reveal Heaven on Earth. I am excited about continuing our journey into enlightened relationships throughout 2020!

The How-To-Love Weekend

The flow of unconditional loving in enlightened relationships.

There is only one space left! Are you feeling called?

Ever wonder what went wrong in some relationships and why others just seemed to flow? Loving is both a skill and an art. The skills can be taught and then the artistry unfolds. Let Ilona guide you into the mechanics of unconditional loving, giving you the tools to understand how each gender understands and approaches life, and what it takes to turn them into a complementary, respectful, and productive team. Discover new levels of intimacy and the power of soul-embodied enlightened relationships. Let your experience of being loved expand as old wounds heal, resentments dissolve, and your confidence in knowing how to love grows.

This weekend retreat presents the opportunity to practice unconditional love by experiencing it. Multiple exercises and artistic adventures turn what you learn into what you know. All is done with compassionate joy that respects the process of every individual. Participants experience their own supportive crystalline grids, meet the dragon choosing to assist them through the retreat, and are surrounded by angelic and celestial beings who guide them into an enlightened relationship inside themselves that changes the way they love all others for the rest of their lives. In this weekend, you invest in love and love transforms you.

Held at the Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast Inn, you are surrounded by beauty and comfort. All meals and snacks are provided so that you can focus on you. This experience benefits everyone who loves so single people, couples, and business partners are all welcome to transform their relationships. I am so privileged to offer this opportunity and look forward to watching how love transforms you.

Date: Friday, February 28th to Sunday, March 1st,
Place: Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast, 24 Maple Ave., Warwick, NY 10990 845-987-7255
Fee: $575.00 for the retreat program. Meals and art supplies included.
Accommodations at the inn are $339.00 for the weekend. Please register by calling Deborah at 845-477-8449. A $200.00 deposit is required by January 10, 2020.