Silver Spiral in Human Auric Field through Lavender Fountain
To purchase a live recording of this activation click here:
On Honesty and Courage: This is a time to let honesty rule your decisions and courage guide your actions. Truth is your key to freedom and it is necessary to own what is true for you, regardless of the influences of others and your environment. If you are to be an agent of life-affirming change, it is necessary to begin with your own life and let the ripples radiate outward. Clarity will guide you to honesty, but only you can willfully embrace the reality that you have created. And in taking responsibility for your creations, you can change them to become more effective, useful, and kind. In this time of refinement, significant polishing of the personality is taking place. Your personality is a gift through which your Soul shines. It is in your willingness to appreciate the unique constellation of thoughts, feelings, responses, flexibility, creativity, vision, and compassion through which your personality experiences life, that you will discover your purpose in this incarnation. Purposes are as much states of being as they are activities in which to participate. When you show up fully present in your personality structure, your Soul can most effectively, and gracefully, guide you through the many steps necessary to reaching personal fulfillment through soul-embodiment. You will be gracing the world with the significant contributions of life-force that only you can make through your compassionate, conscious, gracious, and perceptive understanding of how the unconditional loving of the Soul can transform fear.
In any polishing process, there are multiple steps that move from coarse to very fine expressions of that which is being refined. When you consider that your entire auric field is engaged in a transformational process being facilitated by the refinement process of the planet, then it would make sense that you may feel bounced around, dipped in a cleansing solution or two, or three, feeling a touch of sand paper, here and there, feeling the pressure of a buffer moving around and all over your life, and then finally, the soft gentle touch of a polishing cloth bringing your beauty to a new level of radiance. And, indeed, the radiance of your soul-embodiment will shine through the strength, empowerment, and unconditional loving that will emerge from the honesty and courage you engage right now. We look forward to being blinded by the light you are learning how to embody.
Opening Song: Be The Truth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress and Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Hear the truth. Speak the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
You can be the bringer of change.
You can be the bearer of the new.
You can see that all can be safe, at peace, and in harmony.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And be the truth.
Hear the truth. Know the truth. Speak the truth. And be the truth.
We are. We are. We are the truth that our Souls are alive.
We are the truth that the change starts within us.
We are the truth that love can be.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
Hear the truth. See the truth. Be the truth. We are living the truth.
Of Humanitarian or Scientific Significance:
www.viacharacter.org Ryan Niemiec, Psy. D., author of Character Strengths Interventions: A Field-Guide for Practitioners, is also director of the VIA Institute on Character in Cincinnati, OH. This site offers a wealth of information and exercises for those seeking to become their best and truest selves and the professionals desiring to help them reach their full potential. They note that “New breakthroughs in the science of character have uncovered exciting possibilities for impacting performance, life satisfaction and managing life issues. VIA’s reports, courses and resources help you unlock the potential.” You can begin with a free personality strengths survey to understand yourself better.
www.varietiescorpus.com Based on the work of William James in his book, The Varieties of Religious Experience, David Yaden a Ph.D. student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center is welcoming people to participate in a 21st century description of their own transcendent moments. He invites you to share your spiritual or self-transcendent experiences with many others the world over to create a modern data base for these moments of enlightenment. The database will be used for scientific research and to educate the public about how to engage self-transcendence in their daily lives.
www.esoteric-philosophy.net/ray-char.html This article is a summary of the virtues and vices of the personality structures created by the rays of Divinity. These rays outline the personality structure of Creation and define out life path’s in every incarnation. Benjamin Creme’s article is a clear summary to help you identify which rays are most prevalent in your life. The entire website is a plethora of information about esoteric psychology and the works of Alice Bailey.
June’s Mantra: I am embracing the courage to be honest with myself about every aspect of my life. I am willingly engaged in polishing my personality until I brilliantly shine.
Listening to Eee Aah Taye, An Ascension Mantra and doing the exercise and meditation accompanying this song will gently further your soul-embodiment.
Planetary Activation: Breathe in sapphire blue and relax into a river of strength flowing through your body. Follow that river of strength wherever it leads, continuing to breathe in the sapphire energy. As you flow, significant angelic, extra-terrestrial, elemental, animal, mineral, and plant companions will appear to assist you at pertinent moments in your journey. Consciously welcome their assistance, and begin to comprehend the importance of their collaboration on your journey. Your river is now leading you to a waterfall, and you are going over now.
In this free fall, imagine the water guiding you, rather than crushing you. Feel the force, not as dangerous, but rather, as powerful. Relax into the tumbling, roaring, disorientation, and notice that you are now encapsulated in a sphere of clear light as you settle into the pool at the base of the waterfall. A bit discombobulated, you are nonetheless safe and quite clean in your clear sphere. It begins to float out of the pool and into the strong current of the green river that you have landed in. Become aware of the changes in your environment as the top of the sphere dissolves and you are floating in a clear boat that is invisibly propelled. New guides are emerging to assist you on this section of your refinement. As you flow, memories arise out of the water, playing out the vignettes that have plagued your life story. As you watch, the green river presents you with the opportunity to change the story that is revealing itself to you. As you choose wisely, engaging the assistance of those around you, the memory dissolves and your path is again made clear. As many of these memories need to arise for you will emerge out of the water. Take this time to rewrite the story of your life through healing.
You now enter a calm stretch of river and the color of the water changes to a bright orange. The current seems to be strengthening and you find your clear sphere moving much faster now. The fish, insects, snakes, frogs, turtles, and other life forms in the river are aware of your journey and are participating in your process. They are prepared to help you to recreate yourself. They know how to utilize their environments to support themselves, and they recognize the harmony in nature, even when it appears to be harsh and unyielding. They respect the power of death to bring new life and understand their place in the spectrum of life on Earth. As the orange river rages, you find your clear sphere navigating rapids. In each rapid the losses in your life, whether they be the death of loved ones, missed opportunities, or poor decisions from which you have suffered multiple consequences, rise to the surface and begin to wash over you. The roughness of the water is shaking out the grief, the loss, the anger, the fear, the despair, and the lack of faith that has disconnected you from the continuity of life-force that is your Soul. Empty yourself into the rapids of the orange river and move through the pain. There is no way you can get stuck here. The current is too strong. Let the fish, snakes, frogs, turtles, insects and other life forms show you that life is alive in the darkness. Life lives in places that you cannot see. And in darkness, you too can thrive.

The octahedron transmits the element of air.
The rapids come to an end and the current becomes gentle as your clear sphere now flows into a wide stretch of river that is turning pink. Your clear sphere is morphing into a clear houseboat. It is quite beautiful, comfortable, and spacious. You can see into the water below and the sky above, yet you feel safe. Here the sky is a magnificent gold with rainbows regularly crossing the sky. The lake is vast and yet there is a current. The breeze is filled with lavender and anything less than empowered peace, seems to be blown away and gently neutralized. Slowly, many other clear houseboats appear on this pink lake and they feel warm, open, comfortable. People are waving to each other. The salutations are filled with enthusiasm and wonder. As the houseboats come nearer, they begin to connect, neighbors meet, and communities form. You notice that the houseboats connect in the shape of an octahedron creating a small pink lake in the middle of the structure. And, neighboring octahedrons are forming all around the one in which you live. You feel excited, in wonder, and happy to be in this new environment. There is comfort here, safety, and a sense of possibility. Welcome to the freedom of soul-embodied living, of emerging fifth dimensional community. As you settle into your houseboat, you notice a brilliant white orb of light running vectors of energy through your vehicle. You recognize that your fifth dimensional Soul Star is generating the power to run your houseboat and that the octahedrons are connected to the grids of the ascending Earth. You are completely supported to experience an enlightened way of living on the Earth. Welcome to the emergence of your fifth dimensional lifestyle.

Fire agate helps you to ignite your creativity and manifest your dreams.
June’s Stone Grid: The stones for June are powerful transformers. Whether they act gently or intensely, they are committed to awakening your capacity to consciously reconfigure your hopes and dreams, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical presence according to your Soul’s blueprint for this incarnation. They instill you with the courage necessary to make life-affirming changes and support your desire to fulfill yourself. Fear busters, they help you to rise beyond the limitations of the ego to reach for the understanding of the Soul. And then, they encourage you to utilize this information and insight to act on your truth, charting an authentic and realistic path for your emerging soul-embodied life. June’s stones promote the honest realization of your Soul’s presence and power in your life. They are leading you to experience the peace and safety that can be found within Soul embodiment so that you can share it with every form of life around the world.
Because the stones for June promote transformation in every aspect of your life, it might be most helpful to pick three challenging situations or relationships that you desire to positively embrace, or resolve, in the coming months. Pick up to four stones for each situation or relationship that you have identified. You can either carry these in your pockets and bathe with them, or place them in grids at home or at work. Touch them often. Place your grids where you can see them every day. Let them remind you of your soul-empowerment and feel their encouragement as you create insightful change. Receive the strength they are providing you to be creative and flexible as you travel beyond third dimensional fear into the safety of fifth dimensional unconditional loving.
Here are the minerals for June:

Sapphire is a stone of joyful awareness.
Blue: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Iolite, Tanzanite, Barite, Benitoite, Lazurite
Green: Emerald, Jade, Aventurine, Seraphinite, Malachite, Chlorite, Bloodstone, Brochantite, Variscite
Orange: Fire Opal, Fire Agate, Sunstone, Aragonite Stars, Amber, Orange Selenite, Carnelian, Vanadinite
Pink: Pink Mangano Calcite, Pink Opal, Morganite, Pink Smithsonite, Pink Vesuvianite, Pink Chalcedony
White: Danburite, Petalite, Faden Quartz, Self-healed Quartz, Selenite, White Amethyst
Questions for Reflection:
- How can you create an exercise program to strengthen your courage?
- How much have you been hurt by lies? How easily have you been able to forgive the people who lied to you?
- What kind of “beauty products” can you engage in the auric makeover you are now undergoing?
- What is your personality style? Are you happy with how your Soul chose to make you?
In the Spotlight from www.livingenlightenedrelationships.com

Crystal lattices of minerals.
Why A Crystal Can Help Your Personality Shine
Multi-dimensional electromagnetic frequencies are traveling through the crystal systems of your minerals and moving into hopes and dreams, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical body. Knowing which crystal system to use, when, on your path to fulfillment makes the evolutionary journey easier, more rewarding, and potentially fun. Your personality is a gift and a responsibility. Through it you express yourself in the world, and through it you receive your experience of the world. Honoring your unique personality configuration allows you to expand your understanding of how life works, and to embrace compassion for all those who are still trying to figure this out. There is a powerhouse of support available to you through these crystal systems. They desire to help you to fulfill yourself, to grow into your Soul awareness, and to honor them as an important and useful part of your world. It is my pleasure to introduce you to their transformative power.
In the Spotlight from ExploreLifein5D.com
We are taking the summer off from our regular book exchange and stone station to prepare for new offerings in September. Any beautiful and well-loved scarves, jewelry, crystals, and books needing a new home are welcomed to join us in raising the funds for our next grant recipient. You can deposit them into the Grant Donation Crate at the activation. Because of your generosity, we are looking forward to supporting a beautiful fifth dimensional pioneer this December. Thank you!
Adventures in Service and 5D Creations
Angela Armstrong: Intuitive Life Coach, hunahealingcenter.com, 973-224-0096
John Logan: American Eagle Crystals, 973-449-9839
If you are interested in offering your evolutionary product or service at an activation, please call Heather at 973-452-8370. We look forward to hearing about what you are sharing with the world.
Upcoming Events:

5D Gender Unity
The Love, Respect, and Appreciation Retreat
An Experience of Enlightened Relationships
Do you long for the freedom to express yourself in complete support?
Is it your dream to fulfill yourself in the presence of unconditional loving?
Are you aching to experience the immense power of your loving?
Isn’t it time to feel safe, supported, encouraged, and celebrated?
Enlightened relationships are the expression of fifth dimensional unconditional loving in action on the Earth. They transcend the drama and struggle of human relations through the power of the Soul by awakening your capacity to unconditionally love, and forgive. No longer fighting, the joyous collaboration of your internal masculine and feminine energies give birth to self-confidence, faith, and great hope for the future. Whether your most challenging relationship is with yourself, your spouse, your business partner, or your neighbors, enlightened relationship has the power to heal wounds, generate harmony, and invite respectful creative collaboration into your life. Join Ilona for an adventure into loving that will transform the way your heart, mind, and body live in the world.
Held on the sacred grounds of The Blue Deer in Margaretville, NY, this two-and-a-half day retreat will support the unfolding of your intimacy with your own Soul. This sacred land offers you an intimate experience of Mother/Father Earth that will facilitate a deeper connection to the masculine and feminine energies already living within you. The weekend unfolds in presentations, meditations, activities, and exercises that provide an experience of fifth dimensional living. Wonderful for individuals, this retreat is especially helpful to couples and business partners. Ilona invites you to experience the joy and peace of enlightened relationships!
Date: Thursday evening Sept. 28th to Saturday, evening Sept. 30th
Location: The Blue Deer, Margaretville, NY
Fee: $625.00, meals and lodging included.
Please call Julie at 845-222-6923 to register for this loving experience of 5D living.