Mount Shasta California serves as the root chakra of the planet
To purchase a live recording of this activation click here:
On Freeing the Past: Your past does not define who you are. It informs you about of what you have been capable. In doing so, your personal history creates an opportunity for change. When you accept what happened without judging it, you can view your history as a fact, an observable truth recorded in photos, videos, books, governmental documents, and located in physical destinations. What did these experiences require of you then? And what do they require of you now? For some, forgiveness is the starting point to release regrets, hurts, traumas, losses, and fears that have never left. For others, gratitude is a way shower into appreciation, an expanded understanding of what opportunity truly means, and the fuel to create excellence in every area of life. When combined, forgiveness and gratitude make a formidable team in the development of personal and collective joy.
To get to the present, you cannot carry around the past. The gifts of your personal history are already living within you. They need to be opened, treasured, and utilized to their highest purposes in this moment. Every skill that you exhibit, whether it be artistic, athletic, academic, spiritual, or technical, you have been developing over lifetimes. The only thing that matters right now is that you are using these skills to fulfill yourself and contribute to the wellbeing of humanity and the planet. Through the unconditional loving of your Soul, every hurt, regret, and loss can be healed. You have reincarnated over-and-over-and-over-again to make right what went wrong. Redemption is one of the most powerful ways to gain maturity, build character, and connect with Soul empowerment. The more redemption that is at hand for you, the greater your life force will grow, offering more energy to free the pain of humanity as well. The past is not a treasure chest. It already delivered the treasure that is alive in your capacity to collaboratively create, unconditionally love, and joyfully celebrate.
As the solar eclipse approaches on August 21st, the Sun will be helping you to burn away the old third dimensional limitations, losses, and fears to create space for your emerging fifth dimensional lifestyle as a soul-embodied human being. This is a tremendous time to embrace the life-affirming changes that your Soul is empowering you to make.
Opening Song:
Blown Away received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away.
Blown away. Blown away. All that’s hurt has been healed, blown away.
Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away.
All the fears have taken flight, blown away.
Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away.
All the pain has dissolved, blown away.
Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away.
Confusion is leaving now. Blown. Blown. Blown. Blown away.
Blown away. Blown away. Blown away. Blown away.
All that’s hurt has been healed.
Blown. Blown. Blown away.
Of Humanitarian or Scientific Significance:
www.radicalforgiveness.com. Colin Tipping, the author of Radical Forgiveness: Making Room for the Miracle, offers an elegant process for quickly dissolving the residual pain attached to the emotional difficulties that are part of third dimensional living. These simple techniques and self-directed tools have helped thousands to “release toxic pain from old emotional wounds, free themselves from harmful behavior patterns and experience deeper levels of self-acceptance than they’ve ever known before.” Mr. Tipping is committed to helping individuals use forgiveness as a manifestation tool, encouraging them to create the life of their dreams when freed from their past.
www.gratefulness.org This is one of my favorite websites of all time and I always feel good when I visit. You can light a candle, send an e-card, learn gratitude practices, read inspirational stories, and connect to a community of grateful people at this site. “A Network for Grateful Living is a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility. We hold grateful living as an engaged mindfulness practice, grounded in both wisdom and science, which supports our ability to see the wonder and opportunity in every moment, and motivates us to act boldly with love, generosity, and respect towards one another, ourselves, and the Earth. We believe that the fully realized expression of our core values and mission will bring forth our Vision, which is: a peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all.”
August’s Mantra:

Gold assists you to fulfill your potential, to become a soul-embodied human.
The treasures of my past have become the gifts through which I am freely living my life, one moment, one hour, one day at a time.
Listening to Once Upon A Time from RISE and doing the exercise and meditation accompanying this song will encourage you to welcome a fifth dimensional lifestyle into your everyday experiences.
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep violet and feel it penetrating your lungs. With every breath become aware of the grief, pain, and loss of the past being exhaled from your body. As you continue to breathe in the violet you may see images, hear conversations, and feel physical pain as the traumatic experiences are being released from your auric field. Visualize a violet mist being created around your body as you exhale the pain, the tears, the emotional hurts, the physical losses, and the mental regrets from your auric field. Relax into the violet mist as the traumas are neutralized and the negativity is transmuted into pure energy.

The Flower of Life contains Metatron’s Cube
Become aware of luminous silver strands of energy descending into the violet mist surrounding you. As the luminous silver strands weave their way into the violet mist, it becomes a pulsing lavender orb of light, in which you are now floating. Become aware of the lightness you are experiencing as you feel a strand of silver energy rising through your left foot and hand. Feel it weaving its way through your circulatory system, touching every cell of your body through your arteries, veins, and capillaries. Relax into this light infusion as the Divine Feminine energy nurtures your energy field through your physical form. Become aware of the tender loving touch of these luminous silver strands comforting and caressing you from the inside out.
The silver strands concentrate their focus now upon your chest cavity and begin to weave themselves into your physical heart and your multi-dimensional heart chakras. Feel a pink orb emerging in the center of your chest. It is pulsing in time with the beating of your heart. With every pulse, the pink energy is growing deeper and stronger until it becomes the color of magenta. As this magenta energy emerges in your heart, the lavender orb you are in turns a brilliant white. As you inhale, the magenta energy grows. And as you exhale, the magenta energy streams out of your heart and creates filaments in the white orb around you. These magenta filaments reach into your etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. As these filaments continue to emerge, become aware of a magenta geometric grid forming within your auric field. Feel the tender power of this magenta grid and become aware of a new coherence in your auric field. Experience the awakening of another level of life-force flowing within you now. You are experiencing the transformative power of your sixth dimensional heart chakra and are being freed to multi-dimensionally love. Very gently now, lift your arms and move your hands through this magenta grid in your auric field. Note that its coherence is stable as you move your hands through it. You can view this magenta grid, almost like training wheels on a bicycle. It is stabilizing your auric field as you learn how to navigate new experiences of life-affirming choices inspired, motivated, and guided by your sixth dimensional magenta heart chakra. As you continue to wave your hand through the magenta grid, open your eyes. Become aware of, or clairvoyantly watch, the dynamic power of multi-dimensional loving at work in your auric field. Embrace the visceral experience of your emerging fifth and sixth dimensional auric fields. Live in the love through which you were incarnated, and through which you are ascending into your soul-embodiment now.
August’s Stone Grid:

Purpurite encourages you to release old patterns of behavior and thoughts to clear the way for personal fulfillment.
The stones of this month’s grid awaken and support your capacity to multi-dimensionally love. The assist you to become aware of just how expansive your heart is by introducing you to your 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional heart chakras. Offering you the opportunity to experience the freedom of living beyond the past, the minerals for August honor your incarnational history and ask you to live beyond the past, welcoming the future into the present. These are dynamically powerful stones in their tenderness, in their fearlessness, in their capacity for exploration, in their capacity to promote profound healing, and in their understanding of the creativity of multi-dimensional loving. These stones know that love will always find a way, and they will teach you how to utilize multi-dimensional loving.
Because loving is an active process, utilize these stones to help you make the most effective and loving decisions. For direction in relationships, place them in bedrooms, kitchens, family, and living rooms. For support and guidance at work and school, place them on desks and at computer stations. To support healthy living and wellness practices, place them in lockers and yoga or gym bags. Just looking at the stones will remind you to let love guide your decision-making process so that you choose high and well. At family dinners, you can choose one of the stones, and pass it to each family member, asking them to share something wonderful about the family before or after the meal. If you are single and opening up to a new relationship, you can carry a stone in your left pocket, or in a necklace close to your heart, sending out a signal that you are welcoming a multi-dimensionally loving partner. To support physical health, you can create a grid of these stones and place them in the kitchen and/or bathroom to remind you to eat well and take care of yourself. The stones for August are beautiful and colorful, just as multi-dimensional loving is. Place them where you will access their radiance, to build your radiance, every day.

Morganite encourages unconditional loving.
Here are the minerals for August:
Violet and Lavender: Ametrine, Sugilite, Auralite-23, Purpurite, Lavender Jade, Lavender and Purple Fluorite, Purple Anhydrite, Amethyst, Purple Orbicular Chalcedony
Pink and Magenta: Cobaltoan Calcite, Morganite, Rubellite, Rose Quartz, Pink Lemurian Quartz, Pink Smithsonite, Pink Mangano Calcite, Pink Opal, Pink Chalcedony, Pink Danburite
White: Faden Quartz, Apophyllite, Petalite
Questions for Reflection:
- If you were writing your autobiography right now, what would you describe as the most important lesson you have learned in life?
- How have you proved to yourself that you can change? What behaviors, attitudes, or feelings were you able to overcome? Did you congratulate yourself?
- How much experience have you had with redemption? Do you feel confident in your ability to resolve conflicts?
- What would lasting joy look like in your life?
In the Spotlight from www.livingenlightenedrelationships.com

5D Subtle Bodies Crystalline Matrix
The 5D Subtle Body Commitment Process
The subtle bodies of your fifth dimensional auric field are highly sensitive and powerful. Multi-dimensionally aware, they offer you great understanding, inspiration, strength, creativity, and support in the development of your soul-embodied humanity. These levels of your Soul’s presence are to be consciously embraced and continuously consulted in the daily decision-making of your emerging 5D lifestyle. This activation introduces you to each of your 5D subtle bodies and provides you with an experience of the function, purpose, and unique guidance each offers. Ways to overcome resistance to committing to this new level of personal multi-dimensional coherence are also provided. This is a beautiful process to bring a new level of clarity and coherence to your auric field.
ExploreLifein5D has found a new home at livingenlightenedrelationships.com.
To learn about and apply for the $500.00 Explore Life in 5D grant, please visit the Explore Life in 5D section of the website under the enlightened living tab of the menu bar. We are also accepting nominations as well. Thank you for all the donations we have collected over the summer. We are looking forward to sharing these beautiful books, crystals, scarves, and jewelry with you at our activation on Sept. 22nd. Please help us to raise the rest of the funds needed for our grant in December by inviting your friends to join us at our September activation!
Adventures in Service and 5D Creations
Linda Beg: Gluten free, organic, local, nonGMO, super healthy, and full of love baked goods. www.starseedbakery.com, 973-957-0500
Janice Solomon: Homeopathy. www.resonanthealingny.com, 914-522-0913
If you are interested in offering your evolutionary product or service at an activation, please call Heather at 973-452-8370. We look forward to hearing about what you are sharing with the world.
Upcoming Events:

5D Gender Unity
The Love, Respect, and Appreciation Retreat
An Experience of Enlightened Relationships
Do you long for the freedom to express yourself in complete support?
Is it your dream to fulfill yourself in the presence of unconditional loving?
Are you aching to experience the immense power of your loving?
Isn’t it time to feel safe, supported, encouraged, and celebrated?
Enlightened relationships are the expression of fifth dimensional unconditional loving in action on the Earth. They transcend the drama and struggle of human relations through the power of the Soul by awakening your capacity to unconditionally love, and forgive. No longer fighting, the joyous collaboration of your internal masculine and feminine energies give birth to self-confidence, faith, and great hope for the future. Whether your most challenging relationship is with yourself, your spouse, your business partner, or your neighbors, enlightened relationship has the power to heal wounds, generate harmony, and invite respectful creative collaboration into your life. Join Ilona for an adventure into loving that will transform the way your heart, mind, and body live in the world.
Held on the sacred grounds of The Blue Deer in Margaretville, NY, this two-and-a-half day retreat will support the unfolding of your intimacy with your own Soul. This sacred land offers you an intimate experience of Mother/Father Earth that will facilitate a deeper connection to the masculine and feminine energies already living within you. The weekend unfolds in presentations, meditations, activities, and exercises that provide an experience of fifth dimensional living. Wonderful for individuals, this retreat is especially helpful to couples and business partners. Ilona invites you to experience the joy and peace of enlightened relationships!
Date: Thursday evening Sept. 28th to Saturday, evening Sept. 30th
Location: The Blue Deer, Margaretville, NY
Fee: $625.00, meals and lodging included.
Please call Julie at 845-222-6923 to register for this loving experience of 5D living.
If you are interested in hosting a class on crystal healing as stone medicine or grid making, please call Ilona at 973-822-5042.