Shine The Light
April 1st call starting at 7:15 pm!
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 31, 2020

blue galaxyI’m saying, “Hello!” to all of you and taking a big deep breath for all of us.  The Light is shining within you.  Can you hear its voice and let it sing through you?  Your loved ones and your community need to feel your good vibrations and hear the sounds of unconditional love.  Send them forth!! You can do this!!!  And it will make you happy to sing and dance and create with love.  Join me right now in singing “This Little Light of Mine” and shine, shine, shine.  In my third eye, I can see you starting to smile.  Join me this Wednesday as we uplift, uphold, and upshift each other and our world.  I’m changing the start time to 7:15 pm because it will be easier for you to call in on the quarter-hour.  The call-in number is 425 436 6345, and the access code is 431968.  I apologize to all of you who could not get into the call last week.  The system was overloaded.  Do keep trying.  Many people got on after five tries.

Please be patient with me as I am learning how to use this system.  I plugged in the numbers to record the call but only 4 minutes were recorded.  I don’t know why.  Here is what you need to know from last week’s call.  One million Blue Galactic Dragons came to the Earth on the Spring Equinox to support the planet’s healing and ascension.  They will stay for 25 years until she is firmly established in her fifth-dimensional celestial body.  You can ask these dragons to work on your property to heal the kingdoms of nature that reside around and in your home.  The Blue Galactic Dragons ask for your collaboration in healing this planet.  Let them help you make enlightened choices about the resources you consume and how much you actually need.

Secondly, you can send Blue Green Healing Energy to all healthcare facilities in the United States, with special emphasis on the areas important to you.  Visualize the Blue Green Energy as rivers of healing moving through the hallways and corridors of each facility moving into all those who walk or are wheeled through them.

Remember that you are always safe in your Soul and anchor deeply into the bright white orb of light beneath your feet.  Draw your Soul’s white light up through your body using your breath as a pump.  Then expand the white light until you feel yourself floating in the center of a white Soul bubble.  Listen to your Soul’s guidance to gracefully navigate through your day.  Radiate calm strength and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!