man-woman-line-drawingLiving Enlightened Relationships
Enlightened relationships are drama-free experiences of respectful and creative collaboration. Struggle is replaced by support in an environment of unconditional loving that responds to whatever we require to become joyously soul-embodied. The spiraling energies of soul-embodiment unify the masculine and feminine energies inside us so that we can create peace and harmony around us. Profoundly safe, fifth dimensional relationships offer us the freedom to make enlightened decisions that lift us beyond fear and into grace. And, they are fun! Soul-embodied people embrace the beauty of living on this evolving planet and the adventure of developing fifth dimensional lifestyles that honor all life on her. Your Soul is inviting you to experience your own capacity to love fifth dimensionally through this program!

During each of four classes you will:
Be attuned to the energies of the Divine Feminine and Masculine living on our 5D Earth.

Receive personalized attunements and activations from your guides as they lovingly assist you.

Experience the expansion of your auric field as you are upgraded to access the harmony, clarity, and peace living in the unconditional loving and creative collaboration of our evolving humanity.

Gain conscious awareness of your Soul’s power to lift you beyond the dramas and traumas of 3D relationships that generate fear, loss, and emotional pain.

Dates:  May 13th and 27th, June 10th and 24th, Wednesdays night from 7pm to 9:30pm
Location:  The Center for the Soul, 50 Main St., Chester, NJ 07930
Fee:  $220.00 for the series for couples and individuals registering before May 1st.
After May 1st, $240.00 for the series for couples and individuals, or $60.00 per class.
All couples and partnerships are welcome.
Register:  Call Lynn at 201-572-7771.