Listening to Your Soul
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for April 29th, 2020

Photo by Siska Vrijburg on Unsplash

During the seven weeks that we have been sheltering in place, our Souls have been very busy, guiding us into self-reflection and honest self-examination. For those who have opened the doors of their consciousness to their Souls, the personal growth and emerging insights are creating noticeable changes in the way we experience life. We are learning to transcend triggers and remain in soul-empowered self-control when confronted with disrespectful, inconsiderate, and selfish individuals who are lost in fear and anger.  We are honoring the safety we experience internally and externally as we anchor into our Soul’s presence, power, guidance, support, and direction.  And in the stillness of our homes, where it is easier to hear, we are listening to what the living beings on the Earth, including the planet, are saying to us about what must change going forward. It is not simply about listening.  It is about entering into conversations with the Soul of the Earth and collaborating on solutions that are practical and quickly implemented.

There were many powerful words spoken by Mother/Father/Earth on last Wednesday’s call, As she eloquently spoke of her pain, she also spoke of her power to heal.  The Earth is taking control back of her body in all its many facets and kingdoms of nature.  As the coronavirus dispels our illusions of entitlement and arrogance, we are left with the tremendous opportunity to spiritually mature as a race of human beings aligned with affirming life, not wasting it. We begin now, while we are safe in our homes, to make the inconvenient and uncomfortable choices that show respect for the air we breathe and the water we drink, the animals who have died to keep us alive, and the garbage we create by what we choose to buy and how we use those things. Having comfort makes life easier but convenience is not necessary to feel comfortable.  And in our search for convenience, we have not only disturbed the comfort of nature.  We have begun to destroy the kingdoms of nature we depend upon for that comfort.  There is a consequence to every choice we make, and now more than ever our choices must be respectful and considerate.  Humanity has proven that we can globally come together to save human lives. Now can we come together to save the life of our planet?. To hear the Earth speak in her own words, listen to this  recording:

If you have had difficulty understanding what your Soul is trying to tell you, a Light Language Session with Deborah Allderdice may be helpful.  Deborah is offering complimentary twenty-minute light language sessions so that you may experience the support of and receive instructions from the Pleiadians of the Pleiadian Star System. The Pleiadians hold the blueprint for the physical ascension of the human race and were one of the star systems who contributed to the development of humanity. They have a deep understanding of the human condition and compassionately support the healing of the human race. Deborah speaks one of the languages spoken in the Pleiadian Star System so you actually hear them speaking to you in the language they use in the stars.  Then she translates that information into English so you can understand the messages they are providing for you. You can reach her at to set up a reading.

Thank you to all the volunteers on the Soul Release calls.  We are working hard to recognize, honor, and guide those who have sacrificed themselves for our collective awakening into their new heavenly homes. The Soul Release calls are on Thursday nights at 5:15 pm and Friday afternoons at 1:15 pm. The call-in number is 339-209-6632 and there is no access code.  You can text or email me the names of your loved ones who have died and we will guide them into their heavenly new homes. I invite you to join us in this life-affirming work.

Never underestimate the power of your Soul and your ability to consciously utilize it.  As we move forward into a post-pandemic life, your soul-empowered living will make the difference for many.  By living in the peace of your Soul, you radiate hope into others frightened that they will not be able to find their experience of peace, safety, and comfort.  Please remember that In all environments, the SOUL SHINES. You just have to know how to see it. Bless you all and talk to you tonight!