Keeping the Pace
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 1, 2021

Soon a year will have passed since the coronavirus forced us into social distancing and changed the way we live.  Our response to this viral invader was to energetically serve, responding to the consequences that the virus has created for the entire world in partnership with the Cosmic Light Collective.  Whether we are addressing the souls of those who have died from Covid-19, the grief of those who remain, the suffering caused by racial injustice and social inequality that continues to be exposed, the economic hardships it created, or the extreme pain of a planet enduring climate change in which such a virus could emerge, every week we show up ready to contribute to the healing and transformation of ourselves, our nation, and our world.  Our commitment to be present to what needs our attention, without agenda or expectation, allows us to collaborate with the multi-dimensional insight and direction that the Cosmic Light Collective provides.  In what has become a powerful multi-dimensional partnership, we are approaching and impacting multiple aspects of human culture as we fully participate in the ascension of the planet upon which humanity is developing its capacity to become a realized soul-embodied civilization of peace.

The Cosmic Light Collective describes us as an Ascension Community and notes that we are one of the hundreds of thousands of small groups around the world engaged in this multi-dimensional partnership.  Through our consistent service, templates for enlightened living are being created through which the general population can take the steps required to choose soul-awareness.  These templates promote the behavioral shifts that emerge from an awareness of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all of the kingdoms of nature on the planet.  Every week we are consciously experiencing how the Soul of Humanity is descending in and through us, supporting the development of the enlightened lifestyles necessary for us to live in harmony with the Soul of the Earth.  And, we have a deadline!

According to the Cosmic Light Collective, 2032 is the year in which the evolutionary timelines of the Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, our universe, and the multi-universal system in which it resides, coalesce in collective evolution.  Our weekly sessions are necessary to reach our planetary goals which will impact the wellbeing of many more civilizations than our own.  It is a rigorous and demanding schedule that is critical to our evolutionary development over the next eleven years.  Covid-19 created an opportunity for the Cosmic Light Collective to link with us in these intimate energetic communities because we were physically isolated and open to the assistance and comfort they are providing. They learned how to make conscious contact with us, providing us with healing and stability so that we could navigate the dramas presented by the pandemic with grace, and offer that healing and stability to others.

As the process unfolded, the Cosmic Light Collective started to introduce us to advanced multi-dimensional healing techniques and modalities.  These granted us access to the higher galactic and universal assistance required for planetary healing and significant behavioral shifts.   By 2032 the way we physically treat each other and every kingdom of nature must be visibly different than how we are now behaving.  Through the Golden energies from the Great Central Sun, the deep forest green energies of the Ancient Galactic Healers, to the frequencies of the Clear Light of Creation from the center of our universe, we are experiencing powerful new frequencies and modalities that are initiating and establishing new physical patterns of behavior within our auric fields. Over the months, we have noticed that we are freer to make the enlightened choices that dissolve the dramas in our lives.  With soul-empowered confidence we find ourselves surrendering our egos to our souls and trusting ourselves and our community to confront anything that inhibits our collective evolution and come out thriving.  In what has become a galactic Ascension Training Program, we are receiving weekly lessons that impact planetary evolution and simultaneously support our soul-embodiment as the Soul of Humanity and the Soul of the Earth take center stage.

Each Ascension Community is a soulful family affair committed to caring for and loving each other through all the changes that ascension brings.  It seeks to uphold and honor the soul of every family member and community participant because as each soul develops the soul of the whole grows stronger.  The Cosmic Light Collective describes our community as a testing community. They utilize us in many environments, situations, and relationships, and with multiple resources to research and develop ascension training methods and materials.  They admit that their first attempts are not always successful so being part of this community can be challenging.  However, through us, they learn how to tweak techniques and modalities so that they are more effective and less disruptive in our lives.  Because the soul always unifies, the shifts that each member experiences are greater and more because the entire community is encouraging and motivating each other’s progress. The evolutionary trajectory of the ascension community is being continually uplifted, which in turn supports the transformation of our species and our planet.