Focus, Settle, Strengthen, Anchor
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for July 1st, 2020

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

These four simple words can guide us to create the benevolence required for the planet and all life upon her to thrive.  In the crucible that is the year 2020, choices are more important than ever and who sits in your driver’s seat is critical to the consequences you will experience for the rest of your life.  The coronavirus is the great awakener, forcing humanity to consider our worth and reason for being.  The Cosmic Light Collective has given us a roadmap to walk the evolutionary path as safely as possible through the challenges ahead.  Here are the guideposts:

Focus upon the life-force within you.  Keep your vision clear and your mind calm so that you can accurately ascertain what is occurring within you and around you simultaneously.  This is being fully attentive so you can be fully responsive.

Settle into the moment that you are living.  Do not reach into the fears of the future or get lost in the regrets of the past.  Relax into your body in the environment it is experiencing. Use the information your senses are amassing to inform you about the next step or steps to take.

Strengthen yourself so that you are ready to act in integrity and with courage, generously giving of yourself in service.  Embracing self-confidence, show up prepared to collaboratively create with those addressing the current challenges.  You may be collaborating with the kingdoms of nature and not just other people. Your gifts and talents are tools for peacemaking.

Anchor into the power, wisdom, and presence of your Soul  
to access the guidance that is being provided for your well being and the well being of all.  Develop an intimate and profound relationship with the source of your being to understand that the life force from which you were created never dies.  However, it does grow and change, and that is what your Soul is inviting the entire human civilization to do right now.  You are contributing to the awakening of the Soul of Humanity and your life and the lives of billions depend upon the guidance you are consciously receiving. Trust your Soul awareness and engage your soul-empowerment to share what you know with those who need it.

There is so much more guidance and insight that the Cosmic Light Collective shared on the June 24th call.  Listen here: