Eye Issues
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for July 15, 2019

Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

If you are having itchy eyes, vision issues, or even styes, your eyes are inviting you to explore what you refuse to see or what it is hard to look at.  As all of your lifetimes on the planet coalesce, healing is occurring to bring wholeness to your planetary experiences.  When our egos take over, we literally see what supports our illusions.  However, observable truth is observable truth and it will remain so until we learn how to see through the eyes of our unconditionally loving Souls.  In order for your illusions to dissolve you have to be willing to honestly view what has occurred in your lives and begin to understand why.  Judgments are like filters placed over the eyes, skewing your vision according to an already defined opinion.  And the older we grow, the more filters cover our eyes.  Consider how many filters you have been born with, lifetime after lifetime.  Now is your chance to dissolve all those filters, give your ego an evolutionary upgrade to serve the mind of the Soul, and finally see all kinds of truths everywhere.  Your Soul’s vision will facilitate a multi-dimensional understanding of what is happening to you and everyone else currently and why.  The truth really does set us free but only when we are willing to visually and emotionally embrace it.

Be gentle with your eyes.  Wear sunglasses.  When was the last time you saw your optometrist?  And most importantly, thank your eyes for all that they help you to see.