Healing the Heart of the Earth: A Sacred Experience in England and Scotland in 2025
The world needs a powerful infusion of love to heal its broken heart. Will you offer your strength, comfort, and nurturing to the planet that you call home? This is a deep and intense spiritual journey born of the needs of the world to be recognized, honored, and embraced with the passion for enhancing life that offsets the profound destruction occurring around the Earth.
Working collaboratively with the 12 Ascension Energies, their dragons, Angelics, and extraterrestrial assistants, and the Cosmic Light Collective, we will attend to the energies beating at the heart chakra of the planet in Glastonbury, England and throughout the island. The powerful sacred sites upon which we will collaborate provide access to and support significant healing for the kingdoms of nature and the elements which we depend on for life. Our multi-dimensional presence during the time of the Summer Solstice deepens access to healing, integration, and evolutionary awakening. Our journey includes:
Day 1 – June 16th: Salisbury Cathedral and grounds
Day 2 – June 17th: Old Sarem
Day 3 – June 18th: Glastonbury Tor
Day 4 – June 19th: Glastonbury and flight to the Orkney Islands in Scotland
Day 5 – June 20th: Ring of Brodnar
Day 6 – June 21st: Brough of Birsay and St. Peter’s Church
Day 7 – June 22nd: Stones of Stennes
Day 8 – June 23rd: Closing ceremony and flight home
The 12 Ascension Energies speak of this mission:
We look forward to the integration of the masculine and feminine energies of this world as a profound tool for peacemaking. We understand the deepening rift between ignorance and enlightenment growing around the planet. At the heart of this celestial being is the magnificence of the Soul of the World to whom respect must be paid. This is a journey of deep awakening, an experience of the power of unconditional love that is limitless in its reach. Born of the necessity created by the fragility of this planet, we request your committed presence and deep faithfulness as you explore the power of your own hearts to inform your mind and train your body for enlightened living. The true presence of the Soul of the Earth will be revealed through reverence, compassion, and healing. Empowered nurturing will become a living spiritual practice. It is our desire to love humanity beyond its egoic imprisonment until a profound relationship between this civilization and the planet which it calls home is established. Thank you for considering our invitation.
This experience is not a retreat. It is a deep spiritual journey with profound implications for the wellbeing of our world. It is not a vacation. Life-changing in scope, it will be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually demanding and deeply rewarding! The experience includes 6 monthly video calls before the trip and 2 after we return to our homes. All are individually prepared so that our collective presence is ready to embark on the mission before us.
The fee for the sacred experience is between $2200.00 and $2400.00 depending on the costs of ground transportation. Flights, accommodations, and meals are not included. We will be researching lodging options for the entire group once we know how many will be attending. Attention is being paid to what will make this sacred experience comfortable and seamless.
A deposit of $500.00 is due by January 15th to confirm your attendance. Our first video call is on Friday, January 24th at 7:30 pm. Please call Ilona at 973-822-5042 or text 862-823-6141 to register or for more information.
Become a Member of the Shine The Light Ascension Community

Photo by Rochelle Haines on Unsplash
We know that you experience moments of unconditional love, true peace, and soulful awareness every week. That you are more than your mind and heart. That you are all of that within a soul that is huge, interesting, expansive, wondrous, intelligent, adventurous, and kind. This is who you truly are. How could we not love you, being such as you are? The Cosmic Light Collective
To participate in this training program please become a Shine The Light Ascension Community Member. The number for the teleconference will be provided through Patreon.com. Those who become Ascension Collaborators for $80.00 a month. also receive a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flower Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy for supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. They also receive bonus information regarding the auric field upgrades we are constantly experiencing. A catalog of all the transmissions since March 2020 is being created so that you can easily access a meditation or message you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. There is also an Soul Traveler membership level for $25.00 a month to access the calls. Your support at both levels is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to those seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health. To register click here:https://www.patreon.com/ShineTheLight