Honesty and Courage
A Live Audio Activation by
Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith, recorded and mastered by Scott Kunz

Fire agate helps you to ignite your creativity and manifest your dreams.
Welcome to the activation that promotes the safety, possibilities, and freedom of soul-embodied living through which your new fifth-dimensional lifestyle will emerge. Utilizing the strength and power of water, you will be supported to rewrite the story of your life as you flow into compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and healing. Assisted by angelic, extra-terrestrial, elemental, animal, mineral, and plant companions, you will develop powerfully positive relationships that reinforce the importance of collaboration on your journey. To prepare yourself for the activation, settle into a comfortable position and connect to the white light of your Soul pulsing beneath your feet. You will be gently guided through this evolutionary process.
During the activation, you will find yourself traveling in a clear sphere of light as you witness the memories that have shaped the trajectory of your life. Through healing, you will receive the strength necessary to change the old stories that kept you entrapped in the negativity of the past. The presence of underwater life forms will show you that life is alive in the darkness and will help you to respect the power of death to bring new life. In learning how to utilize every environment to support your journey, grace and appreciation will become treasured companions. Your Soul will provide you with a unique energetic houseboat as you flow into an experience of fifth-dimensional community with others, like you, journeying into the excitement and wonder of fifth-dimensional living.
Click here to view the information and evolutionary tools presented during this activation.