*Are you struggling with challenging situations or personalities
in your home or workplace?
*Seeking ways to harmonize your environments?

In the Crystal Personalities for Healthy Relationships workshop, you will focus on a particular relationship that requires healing and create a grid to be placed where you spend the most time together; a grid uniquely tailored to work continuously for you 24 hours a day, enhancing your relationship and promoting positivity in your environment.

Ilona Anne Hress guides you step-by-step through a groundbreaking system, showing you which minerals are most beneficial for you and your loved ones—taking the guesswork out of mineral selection and grid design. Clear and informative take-home materials are provided.

Let the mineral kingdom help you to create harmony in your relationships and environment by reducing conflict, increasing understanding, facilitating communication and embracing forgiveness!

The following describes the crystal systems discussed in the workshop and the personality structures with which they work.

Cubic Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Cube

For people who: These individuals enjoy routines due to their structured and logical natures. They are able to create order out of chaos because they can see the big picture. They understand the causes and effects of situations and relationships. Exhibiting generosity, they engage a spiritual understanding of the Divine Plan in all of life. They can get stuck in the rules of logic and become rigid.
Roles and Positions: Teachers and Leaders
Use these minerals: Garnet, Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Copper, Fluorite
Element: Earth

Hexagonal Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Tetrahedron

For people who: These individuals are driven to succeed and exhibit the consistency, preparedness and honesty required to achieve the many and great goals that they set for themselves. At risk of overworking and overwhelming themselves, they can become preoccupied with the tasks and detach emotionally from the rest of their lives. If this occurs, chronic illness is likely to follow. The remedy is to play and nourish the emotional connection in their lives.
Roles and Positions: Inventors, Athletes, Entrepreneurs
Use these minerals: Aquamarine, Apatite, Emerald
Element: Fire

Trigonal Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Cube

For people who: These are simple and peaceful people who lack ambition and tend to be passive. They avoid conflict and are open and helpful, making them excellent colleagues and employees. Generally content, they exude a happy disposition. These individuals can become superficial and self-indulgent because they do not appear motivated to seek depth in their lives. Boredom may follow.
Roles and Positions: Farmers, Laborers
Use these minerals: Hematite, Calcite, Quartz, Tourmaline
Element: Ether

Tetragonal Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Dodecahedron

For people who: These individuals appear competent and dependable to the outside world while their inner landscape is filled with restlessness and boredom. They learn quickly by engaging imagination and innovation. However, emotionally volatility can render them incapable of honest accomplishments. Their discontent often encourages deceitful behaviors and betrayals in relationships. When they focus on helping others to develop themselves, they can enter into more authentic relationships that ease their internal emptiness.
Roles and Positions: Impostors, Actors, Scientists, those with Borderline Personality Disorder
Use these minerals: Chalcopyrite, Anatase, Rutilated Quartz, Vesuviantie, Apophyllite
Element: Ether

Orthorhombic Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Icosahedron

For people who: These self-sufficient, loyal and persevering individuals are socially aware and helpful people. Highly empathic, they are excellent caregivers. Change is difficult for them due to the consistency and structure that they have created in their lives. They are prone to panic attacks when feeling threatened and depression when they lose focus of their own happiness.
Roles and Positions: Medical Professionals, Volunteers, Caregivers
Use these minerals: Aragonite, Topaz, Iolite, Barite
Element: Water

Monoclinic Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron and Octahedron

For people who: These are spontaneous and unreliable individuals who express their personal insecurity through gossip and dramatic behaviors. They are poor decision-makers who function more from intuition that rational thinking. They create and perpetuate dramatic situations and are difficult in relationships. Because of their innate intuition they understand how emotions are triggered in relationships, situations and environments and can help others identify negative behavioral patterns.
Roles and Positions: Artists, those with Histrionic Personality Disorder
Use these minerals: Selenite, Mica, Jade, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Epidote
Element: Fire and Air

Triclinic Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solids: Dodecahedron and Octahedron

For people who: These individuals feel so victimized by their circumstances that they detach themselves from life. Traumatized, they experience disruptive thought patterns and are emotionally numb. They engage in unpredictable behaviors but can make positive decisions and act on them. Due to the extent of their suffering, they are spiritually aware and look to metaphysics for comfort and guidance. They exhibit clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience abilities.
Roles and Positions: Psyhics, those suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Use these minerals: Kyanite, Chaorite, Rhodonite, Turquoise, Amazonite, Labradorite
Element: Ether and Air

Amorphous Crystalline Matrix – Platonic Solid: Dodecahedron

For people who: These individuals are versatile, creative and spontaneous. The innovators of society, they are enthusiastic, playful people who are focused on the now. They need freedom to explore in their lives and have difficulty with commitment.
Roles and Positions: Explorers, Artists, Entrepreneurs
Use these minerals: Obsidian, Apache Tears, Opal
Element: Ether

With this information you can present friends and loved ones with powerful stone gifts that will help them to transform themselves and your relationship with them!