Mineral Jewelry for Healing and Rejuvenation

To utilize jewelry as a stone prescription for healing, you have to become conscious of the stone’s value to your particular health issue and use it appropriately. For example, for someone undergoing radiation treatment, smoky quartz will detoxify the body after treatment and reduce the severity of burns. In the case of chronic illness, citrine […]

How To Use Your Crystals for Healing

Stone healing is literally a treatment modality. Knowing how to use stones when, where, and how makes them effective, efficient, and competent companions on your journey to wholeness and wellbeing. As with all treatment modalities there are protocols for optimal use and basic techniques that encourage success. For example, in physical therapy you exercise, in […]

Ilona’s References for Stone Healing and Crystal Therapies

Once you find yourself drawn into relationship with the mineral kingdom, it introduces you to the worlds of chemistry, physics, sacred geometry, electromagnetism, optics, and astronomy. It is amazing at how a little tumbled stone can invite you to participate in the deepest understanding of the collaborative nature of life on Earth. And then, to […]

Crystal Companions for Children

Do your children love to collect rocks? Are they picking them up off the ground and filling up their pockets?  At street fairs or carnivals are they asking you for money to bring home more stone friends?  Do you find stones all over the house?  Do your children carry them in their pockets to school, […]

Why A Crystal Can Help Your Personality Shine

When you speak to your crystals you are actually talking into and through the molecular bonding through which your prayers are sent and your answers received.

Crystals to Organize Your Life

The Cubic System Of Minerals Do you need to think straight, act purposefully, and take into consideration the future consequences of your momentary decisions? Are you overwhelmed by emotion and find it difficult to think? When bombarded by information, challenges, and relationships do you want to hide?

Crystals to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Have you had difficulty finding your purpose? Do you struggle to find meaning in what you are doing with your life? Is it easy for you to procrastinate? Do you wish there was a pill to take for motivation? If you need an infusion of ambition, a hexagonal crystal will work for you.

Crystals for the Traumatized and Suffering

Have you felt the brutality of life? Are you constantly fearing the next barrage of hurt, pain, and loss? Does your search for happiness often end in despair? Have you lost faith? These are the questions of those who are suffering from traumas of any kind, emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual.

Crystals for Stability and Self-Awareness

Do people get easily aggravated with you? Is spontaneity your way of life? Have you been called moody? Are you racked by self-doubt? Do you look to psychics for guidance? If you answered yes to any of these questions you have a roller coaster of a life.

Crystals for Contentment and Happy Relationships

Do you enjoy the simple things in life? Is feeling appreciation as natural to you as breathing? Are you comfortable with the people that surround you? If so, then you are greatly blessed with an experience of contentment that can never be taken from you.