Building Your Fear Immunity
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 7, 2020

airportWith the emergence of the corona virus, building up our immune systems has become more important than ever.  It’s not like we do not know how to give our body its best chance to fight off viruses and bacteria.  The question is: do we give our bodies what they need to serve us best?  And more importantly, do we build up the immune system of the entire auric field to support the health of our physical form?  Because this is a global medical event, there is no safe external space.  There is, however, a safe internal space and this is your Soul.  The mantra: I AM safe in my Soul, can be a powerful tool to keep you conscious of the integrity of your auric field and its ability to help you successfully navigate this challenging time.  You are not alone on this journey and your intuitive guidance and soul-empowerment allow you to be fearlessly faithful and calmly aware in the months to come.  You can even chant this mantra for your loved ones by name:  My child is safe in his/her Soul.  My parents are safe in their Souls.

As soul-empowered human beings, we are to embody the peaceful strength that an enlightened understanding provides.  Ours is not to allow fear to drive us to panic, to trust that all that we need will be provided when so that everyone has the resources to care for themselves and their loved ones, not to doubt the larger purpose unfolding in this serious planetary drama, to honor and to help abate the suffering and struggle of all who have or will fall sick, and to bless the souls of those who have been and are being sacrificed as this virus works its way through humanity.  Although our medical community has come far in easing discomfort and providing physical healing, it has not learned how to dissolve the fears that have generated the illnesses and injuries throughout human history.  This is our greatest task:  to dissolve fear by unconditionally loving.  This requires that we soulfully show up for and with each other so that we provide the calm strength in which we can all heal a destructive pattern that has impeded the health of an entire civilization.

Exposure, the revelation of that which has been hidden, has been the prevailing theme for the last few years.  It has challenged us to define what truth means and to whom.  It has offered us the chance to become continually conscious rather than choosing to use our conscience only when presented with a moral dilemma.  So much of the exposure we have experienced has been global and social, regarding leadership and those in powerful positions in business and science, politics and education.  Now, however, the exposure is becoming personal.  The true internal operating systems of those surrounding you in your neighborhoods and communities are about to be revealed.  This time, Mother/Father/Earth did not create a local catastrophe.  We are not waiting for the electricity to return, or gas to return to the station so that we can fill up.  This time we will avoid a local catastrophe if we thoughtfully care for each other by respecting our common humanity.  We will have to exercise self-control and generosity.  We will have to embody compassion and emotional strength.  We will have to learn to laugh as much as cry.  And most of all, we will need to experience unconditional loving so powerfully that it will change our understanding of what it means to behave as human beings from now on.  We will discover just how much we trust our Souls to work through us to create better lives for all.

These planetary energies are giving all of humanity the opportunity to become proud of who we are and how we serve each other.  They are providing us with an opportunity to dissolve the shame in our lives because we can show up and deliver the unconditional love that was not shown to most or even all of us.  One fear triggers the rest and a deluge of pain, hurt, and loss usually gets unconsciously acted out.  But now, as we evaporate the shameful experiences in our lives, we can digest the difficult conversations, behaviors, and situations that we have carried around.  Whether we were the shamer or the shamed, we can dissolve these acidic experiences in our lives and multiple digestive disruptions including acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach are making sure we don’t ignore this powerful opportunity for healing, reconciliation, and self-love.  Along with soothing digestive teas and clean eating, meditation can help your body calm down while your Soul guides you into the ways to resolve the painful experiences of your life and navigate your current challenges. Issues with the mouth, throat, and neck are present because one of shame’s greatest weapons is the voice.  Have you lost your voice or experienced a scratchy throat?  As you pay attention to your voice, what are the go-to words you need to build into your everyday language that empowers you?  What are the words that calm your fear, bolster your faith, and remind you of just how powerful your ability to love is?  Practice them and then share what works for you. Help others to use their voices as healing instruments.

Ours is a beautiful world in crisis.  Mother Earth is sharing with us the fear with which she is living, as she fights for her existence with a civilization not only choosing to ignore her pain but significantly contributing to the demise of all life upon her.  What the planet requires is our enlightened loving.  It is time we figure out what that looks and feels like.  If we succeed, those who have died from this virus can look upon us from the Heavens and be proud of not only what we have learned, but how we now choose to live.

Having any sense of control helps to calm the fear and channel the anxiety, so utilize the immune builders that you enjoy the best.  Thieves essential oil, Elderberry Syrup, Vitamin C, are just some of our plant kingdom healers.  You can also look into the Perelandra plant essences at  Bach’s Rescue Remedy along with the individual essences of Mimulus and Red Chestnut can help to alleviate anxiety and restore balance.  Stay focused on the present and fill it with as much love as you can.  Make sure that you are using EMF protectors on your cell phones and by your modems to protect yourself from the 5g frequencies.  Use crystal energy to grid your homes and wear shungite jewelry when you are out and about.  Again, this is a beautiful world about to blossom into Spring.  Nurture life and dissolve fear.  I am blessing you with peace.