Back Pain
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for August 7, 2019

Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

As we continue to explore the truths erupting into our lives, our connection to our Souls is growing stronger and clearer.  We are transcending the fear and conflicts of the ego to embrace honesty as a way of being, not as intentional momentary acts.  To live in the truth as you know it, and honor the truths of others when they are not in alignment with your understanding of the truth, is what is known as being unconditionally loving.  To stand up as a soul-embodied human being requires backbone.  To live your truth without shame or doubt is experiencing the fearlessness of the fifth dimension in a third-dimensional world.  It does take courage, bravery, and determination and you have all three if you are reading this monitor.  The back pain that you may be experiencing is reminding you to stand in your Soul’s truth and not be fooled by the manipulations of the ego.  You do not have to choose conflict when confronted an uncomfortable reality.  Simply stay in the truth of your Soul and you will find freedom.  In so doing, you will offer that freedom to those by whom you are being confronted.  Compassion and respect are now necessary to honor the evolutionary journey the entire race is experiencing.  Consider good posture as a sign of empowered self-respect.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all walked in that level of stature?  That is the ultimate goal.  For now, we hold that posture of truth, compassion, and unconditional loving as often and for as long as we can. Eventually, fearless and soul-empowered harmonious living will become our new way of life.

This is a good time to be conscious of your language toward yourself and others.  When anger and frustration arise, listen to the truth of your Soul and dissipate the negativity radiating from the ego.  Using the Bach Flower Essence Holly can help dissipate anger and frustration, while Willow can assist you in releasing resentments that have built up over lifetimes.  If you feel like you are losing control or shocked by what you hear or see, try Bach’s Rescue Remedy.  Four drops of Rescue Remedy into your mouth can assist you in being Soul centered and clear-headed quickly.  Breathe into the presence of your Soul and listen to the new, empowering, and life-affirming directions your Soul is providing.  We cannot create the future out of a broken past.  We are calling in a present from a future of peace that will emerge within us.  If you find your back feeling stiff, try some gentle stretches as you are growing taller in grace and truth.  Be especially kind this week.  It will feel wonderful.