Bach Flower Essence Sessions
Ilona offers multiple services through which your evolutionary journey is supported and your relationship with your Higher Self is nurtured. Here she describes what occurs in a 75 minute session in which a customized Bach Flower Remedy is created for you.
To schedule a session in person, or on Skype or Google Hangouts please call Ilona 973-822-5042, or text 862-823-6141.

Star of Bethlehem helps you to overcome shocks to your auric field.
The plant kingdom has always been generous with humanity. They literally feed and heal us. When we respect the green world, we begin to understand the power of plants to enhance life force. When we collaborate with their wisdom and knowledge, we become better, healthier, and happier human beings. Of the massive plant kingdom on the Earth, thirty-eight plants and trees introduced themselves to Dr. Edward Bach, a British homeopath, after World War 1. They offered themselves as a complete healing system for the emotional and mental suffering of humanity. In 1933, Dr. Bach presented these plant remedies in his book, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. Ever since, these remedies have been assisting individuals to conquer their fears, calm their distress, reclaim their self-esteem, and engage in purposeful and joyous lives. It is my privilege and pleasure to offer you the assistance of these remedies as a Bach Flower Essence Practitioner.
By listening to how your life is making you feel, and connecting with your Soul to understand the evolutionary journey you are currently experiencing, the plants that seek to help you restore your energy, reclaim your clarity, and embrace a hopeful future reveal themselves. The essences contain the vibrational energies of the plants so you are receiving energy medicine in the form of energy infused water stabilized by brandy. There are no scents and not much of a taste to these essences. Four drops in the mouth four times a day is all it takes for the essences to assist you. They do not interfere with any medication and can support the success of other healing modalities. They are extremely useful when anxiety is overwhelming and confusion is debilitating.
Having utilized the essences on my own journey for many years, I am happy to offer you this easy and simple gift from the plant kingdom and Dr. Bach. Your initial session in which a customized remedy is created for you lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. The fee is $100.00 for the initial consultation which includes your remedy. Follow-up sessions are $75.00 for forty-five-minute sessions. Please call me at 973-822-5042 or text me at 862-823-6141 to schedule this gift to yourself.