About Trusting Your Soul: Trust that your Soul has your back. You are not being sacrificed on the altar of greed and power. You are being lifted into new life through courage, steadfastness, and faithful awareness. This is your time to become who you truly are, not who you thought you should be, or who you were told to be. In your isolation is your freedom to experience yourself through your own skin and determine the trajectory for your livelihood. Be clear about that word. What does it mean to be lively in your life? What does it mean to have liveliness support you? What does joyful abundance look like to your Soul, in your human life? Do you have the courage to develop a meaningful livelihood in this pandemic? We not only believe that you do, we are supporting you to triumph over fear and find new ways to care for all those you love, including yourself, without sacrificing your health and happiness to do so. While the Earth is healing, take the time to heal yourself, deeply, fully, and completely.
For those who are struggling, know that you do not have to do this alone. The not-so-hidden gift of the coronavirus is that we are being forced to reach out and support each other without shame or guilt in unprecedented numbers. Pride has no place in an awakened world, competent service does. When giving and receiving become balanced experiences the Earth will return to the paradise the planet was created to be. For the moment, you are all invited to experience the relief, balance, harmony, and peace that can be had, even for just minutes at a time, when you gracefully receive what you need from those who can generously give. Your Soul understands that the value of life does not change whether you are in need or sharing from your abundance. In whatever circumstances you find yourself, your Soul will always guide you to respectfully love yourself and all else with whom you come into contact in the most benevolent fashion. The only true place of safety in this pandemic is your Soul. Living within its protective comfort, your Soul is strengthening you to awaken to a healthier, more balanced, and joyful way of being through giving and receiving. Your Soul is an unshakeable guide, with you every step of the way. No pandemic or natural disaster can separate you from its enduring and unconditional love. Receive the abundance your Soul is providing now.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
The duration of our personal quarantine has pushed people to their limits. Many are cracking under the losses, restrictions, and demands that our collective health continues to require of us. Bouts of anger, periods of depression, irritability and impulsive behavior are occurring now as individuals struggle to come to terms with a new way of being for the foreseeable future. For those struggling to put food on the table, for those seeking work after graduating from college, for those who are continuing to recover from the coronavirus, fear and sometimes panic are daily companions. Everyone is experiencing the trauma of this pandemic uniquely and everyone can learn how to successfully navigate through the negative emotions it triggers.
When stress seems overwhelming, practicing distraction can be useful. It cannot take away the stress, but it can divert you away from it long enough that your physical body relaxes and your mind calms down. Distractions are unique to individuals, but they must be life-affirming activities that engage your body, mind, and heart completely for short periods of time. Whether it is trying out a new recipe for brownies, learning how to change the oil in your car in your driveway, sewing a garment for the first time, learning how to play an instrument, discovering new safe places to walk or run, or planting your first garden, the activity has to be all-consuming, giving your physical body a way to release stress constructively. If you are going to choose media for distraction, it has to be positive, inspiring, respectfully funny, and life-affirming or you have defeated the purpose. It is better if you can engage more physical activities for distraction rather than media primarily because your body gets exercise. And now that the weather is getting warmer, it is great to be outside. Prayer and meditation continue to be excellent sources of comfort and strength, but when they do not seem to be enough, practice some distraction and your faithful awareness will return you to hope once again.
May’s Mantra:
My Soul is with me every step of every day, guiding my way through this pandemic.
Inspirational Music:
Rise received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Rise up. Rise. Rise up.
Feel the power of your own Soul.
Rise, rise to the light dawning within you.
Rise to the treasure of your Soul,
Here in your body, in your mind, in your heart,
in your memories, in your hopes and dreams.
Rise. Rise.
This is your time.
This is your day.
This is your life.
Ah. Rise with me.
Ah. Rise, rise with me.
Ah. Rise, rise with me.
Ah. Rise, rise with me.
Aye. Rise with me.
Rise with me.
Rise. Rise. Rise. Rise.
Rise with me.
Crystalline Assistance:

Epidote support your soul-empowerment and attracts abundance.
The stones for May promote vibrancy in life, an awakening of the power of life force to nurture, heal, and transform that which is weak, lost, and destabilizing. These are uplifting stones that strengthen by inspiring you to flow with change, find balance in your life, and become rooted in the abundance of the natural world. They promote stability while encouraging you to discover how to fulfill yourself. Through their many hues of green, they remind you that your life is beautiful and evolving, ever growing through cycles of death and renewal. Providing hope in balance and trust in divine providence, the stones for May are steadfast crystal companions bringing you calm strength in days of trial and concern.
If you are having a difficult day, wearing any of these stones will be helpful. A green aventurine bracelet worn on your left wrist or putting on an emerald or peridot necklace can be very balancing. If you are going to carry these stones in your pockets use two, one in each pocket, to keep your auric field balanced and harmonious. You can also make an environmental grid with a group of green stones in sand to support the well being of all in your home. Place the stones symmetrically in the glass bowl until you become aware of strength and harmony radiating from them into the room. And lastly you can place some green stones around or in a houseplant to remind you that the natural world is supporting and upholding you even in a pandemic.

Jade inspires you to fulfill yourself and supports you to embrace the resources and relationships that make this possible.
Here are the minerals for May:
Green: Diopside, Epidote, Moss Agate, Tree Agate, Uvarovite Garnet, Green Jasper, Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Emerald, Green Calcite, Variscite, Prehnite, Peridot, Brochantite, Chlorite in Quartz, Bloodstone, Nephrite Jade, Fuchsite, Wavellite, Moldavite
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep vibrant green and feel yourself becoming leaves on a tree lifting to feed upon the Sun. Continue breathing in the green and feel the branches of the tree expanding and leaves multiplying on the branches until you become a canopy of green high above the ground and bathing in sunlight. Now imagine inhaling the sunlight and exhaling the energy into the branches then down into the trunk of the tree, finally into the roots, and into the earth below. Become aware of the life-giving energy of the Sun cascading through the leaves down into the roots gently, graciously, seemingly effortless. Relax into this process and become aware of the flow of nature.
Gently now it begins to rain. The leaves get bathed in the water and send it into the branches. The roots begin to drink as the water settles into the Earth. Imagine that your feet are the roots absorbing the rainwater. Become aware of the water rising into the trunk and through the branches to reach the leaves. Feel the energy moving up your legs as the tree drinks in the elixir of life. Fill yourself up as the tree gracefully fills itself up.
Now fed and watered, a gentle breeze begins that turns into a happy wind. Become aware of the branches beginning to sway and the leaves beginning to dance in the wind. Although grounded and stable, become aware of how this tree moves with the wind, surrendering to the currents of the air, as an elementary neighbor who’s come for a visit. Allow yourself to surrender to these currents and enjoy the way life moves in unfolding time.
Notice that your swaying branches begin to touch the swaying branches of other trees near you and suddenly your private reverie becomes shared. You are dancing with trees all around you and each are feeding the other with what they have to share. Vibrations of joy move through the leaves down into the roots. Now the roots are reaching out to each other and celebrating their collective livelihood. It is as if they are wiggling their toes underground while their branches are waving up above. Relax into the beautiful relationship these trees share, where everything they need is right where they need them to be when they need them. Join in the dance.
And as night falls, the breeze stills and the moon shines upon these large, old trees. Their steadfast strength, their graceful dignity, their powerful nurturing present in the stillness. Move deeply into the trunk of your tree and listen to its memories, the wisdom it has gained from all its years, the truth it understands. Let it tell you of how life can be if you let it be. Stay as long as you like for the tree is enjoying your respectful company. When your conversation is complete, step out of the trunk of your tree and behold it. What kind is it? Where is it located? How old is it? Is it safe? Does it need anything from you for its future? Send your tree a blessing from your Soul’s light, sharing your life force with it, as this tree shared its life force with you. Blessed be.
Questions for Reflection:
- Do you believe that you have to struggle to grow? Where did you get that idea?
- When in your life were you the happiest? What was happening then?
- How has your Soul revealed itself to you this week? Did you like what occurred?
- From whom did you receive this week? To whom did you give? Was the experience different or the same?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls – Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm. 339-209-6632
Our Wednesday night calls begin with sending Blue Green Healing energies into all of the healthcare facilities in the United States and to all working and living within them. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. Then we discuss a topic that this critical time is asking us to address. This has included how to consider living a zero-waste lifestyle, and the future of spirituality, prayer, and meditation on Earth. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. I invite you to join me on Wednesday nights to expand your awareness, deepen your appreciation for what is occurring on the planet, and contribute comfort and energetic care for all.
How To Build Environmental Grids, Two Hour Video-teleconference Classes

The stone landscape of the seventh dimensional grid.
Because the assistance of the mineral kingdom is so important to bringing balance and peace into our homes, I am offering simple two-hour videoconferencing classes on How To Build Environmental Grids. These classes are for those who already have minerals and crystal points at home and would like to put them to their most optimal use in supporting and protecting your loved ones. Of particular importance is the need for protection from 5G electromagnetic frequencies. The mineral kingdom can be helpful with this. Additionally, during this time we are being given the opportunity to understand, heal, and appreciate the relationships we have with those closest to us. Stone grids can generate forgiveness, patience, awareness, understanding, perseverance, joy, comfort, peace, and unconditional loving in our homes when forced intimacy may make it challenging to appreciate one another. If you are interested in joining a class or hosting and online experience for your loved ones, please call me at 973-822-5042 or text me at 862-823-6141 to discuss the details. The fee for these classes is $25.00.
Online Partnering with the Angels Classes
The angels are very busy assisting humanity with this massive wake up call to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Many of you have experienced the intimate care they provide during the Partnering With The Angelic Kingdom events. For those seeking this deep angelic and celestial support, I am offering this class online at a reduced fee. The video conferences are limited to six people. If you are interested in hosting an online angel experience please call me at 973-822-5042.