Photo by Jacob Aguilar-Friend on Unsplash
Fear not the uncertainty of the future, because it is being created now through your enlightened decision-making. What you deem necessary and important from the soul’s perspective is beginning to outweigh the old screaming voices coming from your ego telling you to “Beware!” Yet to “be aware” is truly what your soul has been, and still is teaching your through the coronavirus. Trust that what you have learned through this pandemic will serve you well in the future. The resetting of your priorities is just one of the powerful tools that you will continue to use in the days, months, and years ahead. Although the loss has been great, what can be gained will be greater, if you see through the eyes of your soul. The ego is slowly dying. Sometimes the pain of its passing will be more severe than others, but that is also up to you. Surrender is an important tool that the coronavirus has highlighted. If you can willingly surrender your ego’s control to your soul’s thriving, life will be kinder, gentler, and more abundant, even when it may be uncomfortable.
As you transition from the limitations and restrictions of pandemic living, the awareness with which you choose to embrace your future, determines not only the existence of, but the trajectory for the entire human race. What considerations are you already engaging in living your soul-aware and soul-empowered life? The ignorance of the ego has no home in an enlightened society which seeks to understand the needs of all its inhabitants. The little decisions you engage every day create major impacts in the world’s forests, oceans, and skies. You are already grappling the effects of climate change that require you to seriously think before you act. Consideration will guide you into enlightened relationships through which your self-esteem will grow, not because you appear more powerful to others, but because everyone is becoming more empowered to love each other, and all else. Conscious connection will be one of the greatest gifts to emerge post pandemic because the value that you place on every aspect of life has changed. We have talked about moving out of the superficial and into the sublime and that time of transition is now here. Your soul-inspired life is profoundly productive because it connects you with all that you need how, when, and where. It leads you to those with whom you will collaboratively create new ways of being, thinking, experiencing, and trusting each other. Everything you need you will discover through your continuing soul-embodiment. Your new enlightened world is beginning to emerge and the tools you require to succeed are already here. Use them well!
Current Ascension Symptoms:
If you feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you and you are trying to get your footing, welcome to March. This third month of 2021 has us transitioning out of who we were in the pandemic into who we are going to be post pandemic. We are being asked to consider how we choose to spend our time, on what, and with whom going forward. Confusion is relatively constant, and it may be difficult to focus. When we are unsure about where to put our energy, it is easy to get distracted and feel pulled in multiple directions. If you find yourself becoming forgetful or missing deadlines, it is part of the awakening. Under the influence of fatigue, it becomes easy to procrastinate because it is hard to think and even harder to physically move. Lots of muscle aches and pains are accompanying our mental and emotional distress as the body tries to compensate for the changing infrastructure we feel in our lives. All this uncertainty fuels fatigue and it ebbs and flows throughout the days of the week, making it hard to predict what your energy levels will be. If you can relax into your soul’s guidance, confusion can turn into revelation over time. We just need to ride this through by trusting that our souls know how to gracefully propel us forward. Do know that lots of good will come from all this uncomfortable upheaval.
To ease the fatigue let your soul feed your body. In meditation, the physical body relaxes into the protection and support that the spiritual body is providing. You feel better after meditating because your cells, which have been at the mercy of a scattered auric field, have just received a coherent energy infusion. The fatigue fades, even if just for a short time. Healing epsom salts and baking soda baths are calming to the entire auric field and a wonderful gift to give whole auric field. Give yourself extra time to finish projects and reach deadlines. It will relieve some of the emotional and mental pressures surrounding you. Any kind of exercise that brings you joy is especially beneficial now. The monotony of pandemic living has created lots of apathy which disappears in the moments where laughter and fun take center stage. Playing in the dirt, especially when our garden beds need to be nurtured for spring growth, is also helpful to anchor us into the present moment, move our bodies, and fill up on the beauty and generosity of nature. At this time of year when spring reminds us that life is ever renewing, recognize that you are in the midst of significant soul growth and the beauty to come will eventually take your breath away.
March’s Mantra:
I am engaging every tool that my soul has provided to make enlightened decisions about my present and future life.
Inspirational Music:
Time To Trust received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Rise.
It’s time to trust and flow in faith.
Crystalline Assistance:

Jade inspires you to fulfill yourself and supports you to embrace the resources and relationships that make this possible.
These stones facilitate the auric and physical environments in which positive changes develop into new patterns of thought and behavior. Focused upon helping you to establish a conscious relationship with the forces of life active in each kingdom of nature, these minerals encourage you to recognize the energy of life wherever and however you encounter it. They nudge you to understand how your behavior is nurturing or hindering life and encourage you to consider the consequences of your actions before you engage them. When you comprehend your mistakes and understand your detours, these stones will infuse healing into the auric field by harmonizing the subtle bodies back into coherent functioning. Soothing to the emotional body, calming to the mental body, and in relaxing the physical body, these minerals restore balance and offer restoration. They support the consistent vitality in which your soul-embodiment continues your unfolding fulfillment. Their goal is to turn you into a creative collaborator with every kingdom of nature so that your life-force is harmonically linked to all life on Earth. Then, they hope and trust that you will respect and honor them as much as they respect and honor you.

Aventurine balances the auric field and strengthens your ability to lead your own life
Because these minerals develop and deepen your connection to the kingdoms of nature, placing them in environmental grids is especially helpful both inside and out. Place a grid of these stones in your garden to support your plants, or create a medicine wheel out of stones found on your property, placing one of these green specimens in the middle of the wheel to protect all life that lives on or moves through your property. For inside grids focus upon the type of change you are desiring, such as physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, or spiritual healing. Research which of and how many of these green stones support your goals and then create a grid energetically linking them to your auric field. You can take individual stones out of the grid to hold, carry, or meditate with and then put them back into the grid when you are finished. Remember that these stones promote long-term change so there may be some short-term disruptions as they prepare you for better living. Regular cleansing with sage, Clear Away spray, and sacred geometry are necessary because these stones are bulldozing your auric field, clearing away debris, healing trauma, and restoring life-force. They need your tender care to take care of you.
Here are the minerals for March:

Epidote support your soul-empowerment and attracts abundance.
Green Diopside, Green Aventurine, Malachite, Emerald, Fuchsite, Dioptase, Amazonite, Variscite, Green Jade, Peridot, Epidote, Moldavite, Brochantite, Chlorite, Green Fluorite, Green Turquoise, Tsavorite Garnet, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep green energy and feel yourself being drawn into an ancient forest. Here the trees know you by name. As you settle onto the path before you, notice the penetrating quiet into which you are walking. Become aware of the wisdom, patience, and sense of humor with which you are being addressed. Relax into this profoundly beautiful environment and open to the aromas and textures surrounding you. Notice now the presence of a gentle and large being coming up from behind you. Step aside and turn around to greet this Ancient One who has come to visit you. Relax into your connection.
The Ancient One guides you to a glen just a few miles ahead. On your way there, this gentle and wise being speaks with you of how life has been and what was. Fully engage in the conversation for you have come here to receive the guidance that will be invaluable for your future. Notice that as you get closer to the glen, the quiet recedes and the sounds of the forest emerge. This forest sounds sweet. You find yourself smiling as you are talking and walking with the Ancient One. When you arrive at the glen, the Ancient One gestures for you to sit on a stone bench and to drink from the spring gurgling next to the bench. The golden liquid is sweet and thick. As you continue to sip the golden liquid your vision begins to change. The Ancient One waits for you to adjust and then dissolves into one of the massive trees surrounding the glen. You become aware of the consciousness of each tree as these Ancient Ones reveal themselves to you. Under your feet at the stone bench, you are resting upon one of the major roots that connect these Ancient Ones. Feel your feet being drawn into the root system while your vision continues to access the life-force of the Ancient Ones. Breathe, focus, and receive what you came for……….
As their transmission comes to an end, notice that your guide emerges from his tree and the Ancient One appears before you. He hands you a purple leaf and encourages you to chew it. It tastes a bit like licorice. As you chew your vision returns to normal and only the Ancient One standing before you in the glen remains. Note the changes in your physical body and become aware of how differently you are residing in it. Breathe the deep green energy into your lungs and hear the new vibration of life moving through you as sound. Listen to the melody that is supporting the development of your emerging enlightened lifestyle. Relax into the song of your future as the Ancient One guides you down the path and into the arms of your soul. Feel your soul embracing you as it settles you back into your earthly consciousness. Take three deep and long breaths and then open your eyes. What do you see?
Questions for Reflection:
- Can you identify the ignorance of your ego when it is making itself known? What do you do when you become aware of its desire to manipulate you?
- Name three ways in which you surrendered to the pandemic. How has it changed you?
- What considerations are you engaging for your first post-pandemic get-away or vacation?
- How do you honor the kingdoms of nature in your everyday routines? Can you feel the kingdoms responding to you?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light Ascension Community Membership

Photo by Rochelle Haines on Unsplash
Our weekly Wednesday night calls are the core of our ascension training program and will continue to be free of charge as long as we are under the influence of the pandemic. If you desire the weekly write-ups of what we are being taught and a copy of the recording, the fee will be $50.00 a month. Your membership includes a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flow Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy to all who are supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. A catalog of all the topics we have already experienced will also be included so that you can easily access a meditation or message that you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. Your support is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to all who are seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health. The program will officially begin on Wednesday, April 7th. Registration details we be coming shortly, including three, sixth month, and yearly memberships. Thank you for joining me as we transform ourselves and our world.
We know that you experience moments of unconditional love, true peace, and soulful awareness every week. That you are more than your mind and heart. That you are all of that within a soul that is huge, interesting, expansive, wondrous, intelligent, adventurous, and kind. This is who you truly are. How could we not love you, being such as you are?
The Cosmic Light Collective
The Spirit of Spring Day – May 2nd, from 1 pm to 6 pm
95 Madison Ave., Madison, NJ 07940
Come, access the beauty of the mineral kingdom and the wisdom of the Angles and Celestials as we celebrate the spirit of new life emerging through our soul-empowered, soul-aware living. The weather is warming up and giving us an opportunity to safely physically connect after a year of virtual creative collaboration. Whether you are bringing home some new mineral companions, or accessing the wisdom of the angels and celestials, or just bringing a chair to enjoy the vibrations of our ascension community, you are welcome. Here are the offerings:
Ardith Walker – Angel Master Angel Readings
Fifteen-minute readings for $25.00
Deborah Allderdice – Pleaidian Light Language Readings
Twenty-minute readings for $25.00
Ilona Anne Hress – Crystal Readings and minerals for purchase
Fifteen-minute readings for $25.00
John Logan – American Eagle Crystals
The minerals are being sold all afternoon but readings are by appointment only. Please register with Ilona by calling 973-822-5042 or texting 862-823-6141. Please wear a mask and bring your own lawn chair. Looking forward to enjoying your company!
Spend a Week with The Angels Online Course

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Discover the minerals that connect you with the angelic kingdom.
Develop communication and collaboration with the angels in your life.
Experience the healing power of the angels in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings,
memories, and physical body.
Create environmental grids to continuously welcome angelic assistance in your life, relationships, careers, and living spaces.
Absorb music designed by the angels to connect you to the presence and powerful support they are offering.
The best way to experience your emerging relationships with the angelic kingdom is to make time to get to know each other. In spending one entire week devoted to experiencing the power, majesty, generosity, unconditional love, and sense of humor these celestial beings radiate, your life will forever be changed. Five minerals that radiate angelic frequencies will be your guide and bridge to the angelic realms. Before beginning your online course, you will need to gather these angelic minerals from your collection or purchase them. For seven days these minerals will introduce you to many multi-dimensional angels devoted to your wellbeing as you are guided through meditations, activities, and music to intimately interact. At the end of the week, you create an angelic environmental grid through which the angelic relationships that you established continue to flourish and deepen. It is my pleasure to offer you this self-guided experience of the presence and power of the angels in your life. Learn More
Fee for the course: $35.00.
Fee for the Small Angelic Stone Kit: $50.00. Fee for the Large Angelic Stone Kit: $100.00