Our Milky Way

On Transcendence: Be open to what your Soul has to say and be willing to share its wisdom. You are not soul-embodying to be shy, but rather to be bold in your loving and clear in your understanding of what life is and what it has to offer. Your ego cannot comprehend the gifts present to you moment by moment, but your Soul can. When your ego looks for confirmation in the third-dimensional world, it is blinded by its own ignorance of multi-dimensional benevolence. When you follow your ego for recognition and validation, you leave your self-worth behind and forfeit your personal power. That doesn’t leave you much energy to gain evolutionary momentum back. In fact, in such doubt and confusion, you’ve started to drain your spiritual reservoir! Thank goodness the energies of your Soul are limitless. All it takes is for you to willingly and consciously plug in, hook up, link with, and hold onto the spiritual essence of your being, committing to becoming that which you were created to be, which indeed, you already are. Transcendence isn’t about becoming someone different or new. It is about transcending the limitations of third-dimensional ignorance to return to the limitless expression of your life-force, existing multi-dimensionally now. Soul embodiment is the freedom to know who you are, why you are, and how you came to be here. With this knowledge, experience, and illumination your transcendence can change the face of the world that you live in, even if the neighborhood looks the same. How you live your life starts from the inside out. When you believe in the meaning of your life, no matter where you are, every day is an opportunity to experience the creativity of love. During the next two months, opportunities for creativity will flood your days and nights in ways you cannot yet comprehend. Using the knowledge, experience, and illumination your soul-embodiment brings, you can and will navigate the changing landscapes of life on Earth through the graceful empowerment that unconditionally loving brings.

Opening Song: Surely In This Moment received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move.

Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu.
Surely in this moment.
Surely in this moment.
Surely in this moment, I am home.

Surely in this moment, I am growing into my Soul.
Surely in this moment, I am becoming.
I am growing into all that I am.
Surely in this moment, life if growing brighter.
I am not alone.  I have never been.

Surely in this moment, I am feeling life exploding from my Soul.
Surely in this moment, I am growing, growing whole.
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah.

Surely in this moment, I am holy.
Surely in this moment, I can hear.
Surely in this moment, light is all around me.
And I am here, am here, to share.

Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu.
Surely in this moment.

Of Humanitarian or Scientific Significance:

www.mwoodmanfoundation.org Body Soul Rhythms is a modality created Marion Woodman, Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner that is grounded in the psychology of C.G. Jung. The process explores myths, dreams, and incorporates movement, voice and creative expression, to encourage the integration of body, mind, and soul. This modality honors the divine feminine and provides the opportunity for balance and harmony with the divine masculine.

www.embodyvibrance.com This site is home to the Soul Embodiment Coaching Program developed by Nicole Lily. Specifically developed for sensitive and gifted women on the evolutionary journey, she offers workshops, intensives, and long-term courses that support personal empowerment and soul-embodiment.

November’s Mantra:

Through my Soul, I know who I am and why I am here. My life is empowered with meaning and purpose.
Listening to
Rise from the album RISE and doing the exercise and meditation accompanying this song will support the empowerment that soul-embodiment creates.

Planetary Activation: Breathe deeply allowing yourself to become aware of a robe of majestic magenta energies being placed upon you. Allow yourself to rise into the energies that the magenta robe is radiating into your auric field. You may find yourself feeling taller and stronger, thinner and lighter. Relax into these sensations and allow the sixth-dimensional energies of your heart chakra to ignite within your chest cavity. Welcome the recognition of your own angelic nature as the magenta robe changes to accommodate the presence of your etheric wings. Become aware of the noble nature of the angel within you and its ability to lift you into the conscious recognition of your own divinity. Feel your angelic presence merging into your consciousness and receive. As you relax into your angelic presence, listen. Revelations are unfolding.

Become aware of your consciousness lifting off in the care of your angelic presence. As you fly into the innermost reaches of your spiritual essence, allow yourself to accept, perceive, comprehend, understand, and appreciate what you are being shown and why. This particular journey has been uniquely designed by your Soul to awaken a level of mastery of which you have been previously unaware. Engage this mastery as it is shown, for your Soul’s mind is informing, instructing, and guiding you. Spend this time wisely, receiving the spiritual, mental, and emotional infusions upon which your etheric network will be reconstructed. Transcendence requires recalibration and reconfiguration. These are occurring to you now. You may feel the presence of many angelics, ascended masters, and celestials participating in your upliftment. Collaboration is the hallmark of unconditionally loving creativity. Enjoy this.

As the recalibration of your auric field completes, and the reconfiguration of your incarnation continues, become aware of the frequency surrounding your consciousness. This may appear as a song, sounds, sensory vibrations, or flashes of color. However they emerge, let your consciousness sink into and be supported by these new ascension frequencies. Pathways of enlightenment will draw your consciousness back into the presence of your own angelic nature residing in the magenta robe. As you prepare to consciously return to your physical humanity, you are carrying within you the new frequencies of transcendence that soul-embodiment brings. Embrace the vibration at which you now resonate for that which you have energetically transcended you have returned to Earth to physically transcend. And so, you shall!

November’s Stone Grid:

Morganite encourages unconditional loving.

The minerals for November support your transcendence by strengthening your connection to the mind of your Soul through the power of your heart. Tender, dynamic, compassionate, fluid, insightful, and creative, these stones radiate the empowerment of the divine feminine embodying her meaning, living her purpose, and fulfilling her reason for being.   Her ability to creatively express the voice of the divine is supported and upheld by the nurturing strength of the divine masculine. These minerals are the movers and shakers of unconditional loving and they awaken the angelic nature living within us so that we engage in the enlightened and courageous decisions that soul-embodied individuals make. Transcendence is a peaceful although demanding process and the beauty of these minerals reminds us that in the most challenging moments of our evolutionary development, the creativity of our Souls will never fail us.

Because transcendence begins internally, wearing these stones is the best way to engage their assistance. Whether you put them in your pockets or wear them as jewelry, having them next to your body will provide strength, insight, support, and creative willpower. Some of these minerals such as danburite and rhodocrosite are soft so putting them in your pockets can damage the stone. They are best worn in jewelry. Rubellite, morganite, and pink Lemurian quartz are very strong and cannot only be carried but are also well utilized in grids. Their strength will radiate the power of unconditional loving when placed in the most active rooms in homes and businesses. These grids are especially powerful for women needing to embrace self-confidence and for men to embrace vulnerability and connection. They support the transcendence of relationships out of conflict and into enlightenment. Whether you wear these stones or welcome them to live in your homes, their strength of their beauty will remind you of the strength that the beauty of your Soul offers you.

These pink calcites radiate tenderness and the ability to see through unconditionally loving eyes.

Here are the minerals for November:

Magenta: Cobaltoan Calcite, Pink Smithsonite, Pink Danburite, Nirvana Quartz, Pink Lemurian Quartz, Morganite, Rubellite, Pink Opal, Lithium Quartz, Pink Mangano Calcite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Chalcedony, Rhodocrosite, Pink Zoisite

Questions for Reflection:

  1. To whom did you give away your power? How did you get it back?
  2. What has been the most enlightened decision that you have made thus far? How did it change your life?
  3. Have you ever consciously connected with an angel? What happened?
  4. Do you embrace guidance or question it?

In the Spotlight from www.livingenlightenedrelationships.com

Upgrading the Subtle Bodies of the Auric Field into 5D Resonance

5D Subtle Bodies Crystalline Matrix

The resonance within your subtle bodies is shifting in accordance with the acceleration of your planet’s experience of her own multi-dimensional awakening. Your planet has its own auric field which sustains all life forms upon and within it. As the resonance of the planetary auric field is modulated by incoming solar, galactic, and universal frequencies, the auric fields of all life forms upon the planet are likewise affected. Within the context of solar, galactic, and universal evolution, multiple evolutionary timelines are impacting your current experience of being human. As your planet evolves into her fifth-dimensional expression, the opportunity to consciously embody your Soul’s presence becomes a reality out of necessity.   Evolving into higher dimensional resonance requires the upgrading of the aspects of your being that allow you to experience life on Earth. Your hopes and dreams, thoughts, feelings, memories, and behavior must upshift to access and utilize the current electromagnetic streams bathing the planet in evolutionary opportunity. This experience requires the stretching of your humanity into your divinity, with the willingness to transmute the past, and transcend into the collaborative creation of a new reality. We are providing some simple steps to assist you in engaging these benevolent higher dimensional frequencies for your soul-embodiment.

Adventures in Service and 5D Creations

Debbie Carcuffe: Debbie will be offering organic crystal infused bath and body products, crystal energy bracelets, blue love bottles, and VitaJewel water bottles. www.Portal of Healing.com, 201-841-0358
If you are interested in offering your evolutionary product or service at an activation, please call Heather at 973-452-8370. We look forward to hearing about what you are sharing with the world.

Upcoming Events:

Christmas Crystals, Sunday, December 2nd, from 1pm to 6pm

Crystal Companions for Children

All of Ilona’s minerals are looking forward to meeting you at her annual Christmas Open House. Enjoy fifth-dimensional company while you explore the beauty, variety, and joy of the mineral kingdom. Sign up for a fifteen minute personal crystal reading or simply have hot chocolate and treats while you get to know some new stones up close and personal. Leave with meaningful and life-changing gifts for those you love.
Crystal readings are $25.00 for fifteen minutes. Please call Ilona at 973-822-5042 to make an appointment. Minerals are sold separately.

Think About Your Valentine This Christmas! Consider giving
The Love, Respect, and Appreciation Weekend
An Experience of Enlightened Relationship

The flow of unconditional loving in enlightened relationships.

Are you looking for a spiritually fulfilling intimate relationship?
Are you struggling in a relationship that no longer works?
Are you suffering from rejection, loss, and disillusionment in love?
Are you aching to experience the immense power of your loving?
Are you ready to embrace safety, support, encouragement, and joy?

Whether your most challenging relationship is with yourself, your spouse, your business partner, or your neighbors, enlightened relationship has the power to heal wounds, generate harmony, and invite respectful creative collaboration into your life. Enlightened relationships are the expression of fifth dimensional unconditional loving in action on the Earth. They transcend the drama and struggle of human relations through the power of the Soul by awakening your capacity to unconditionally love and forgive. The joyous collaboration of your internal masculine and feminine energies give birth to self-confidence, faith, and great hope for the future. Join Ilona for an adventure into loving that will transform the way your heart, mind, and body live in the world.

Held in the TaRa Institute in Valley Cottage, NY, on the grounds of the Tolstoy Foundation, this weekend retreat will support the unfolding of enlightened intimacy. This sacred Buddhist space offers you an intimate experience of your Soul that will facilitate a deeper connection to the masculine and feminine energies already living within and around you. The weekend unfolds in presentations, meditations, activities, and exercises that provide an experience of fifth dimensional loving. Wonderful for individuals, this retreat is especially helpful to couples and business partners. Ilona invites you to experience the joy, peace, and possibilities that enlightened relationships create!

Date: Friday evening, 7pm February 8th to Sunday afternoon, 2pm February 10th
Location: The TaRa Institute, Valley Cottage, NY
Fee: $500.00 including lunches and dinners. A $200.00 deposit secures your investment in establishing and deepening the enlightened relationships in your life.
Please call Deborah at 845-477-8449 to register for this loving experience of 5D living.

www.NewsfortheSoul.com Living Enlightened Relationships Radio Show
On Tuesday, November 27th at 3pm EST, Ilona will take this activation out into the world. Hosted by Nicole Whitney, www.newsforthesoul.com blog talk radio offers Life Changing Talk Radio from The Uplifting to the Unexplained since January 1997. Each show is taped and archived so that you can listen to it anytime.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so grateful for the light you shine,
the goodness you do,
and the love that you share!