About the Filter of Love: Fear is not a motivator. It is a debilitator. It robs you of your ability to access spiritual, mental, and emotional resources. When unconditional love is your mode of operation, every resource you require, including relationships, situations, and environments, is at your disposal. As you move through the coming days, weeks, and months you can choose to experience the power of unconditional love by living through love. If every word and action that comes through you is filtered with love, only good can come of them. Unconditional love is indeed a failsafe in challenging situations. The vibration of love radiates a harmlessness that is indeed powerful. Living through the filter of love will change not only your language and behavior, but penetrate deeply into your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. When unconditional love is your guide, observable facts trump judgments, and reason combines with visionary awareness to manifest abundant new realities for all.
Love revitalizes the weary and provides direction to the confused. It comforts while it heals to support the manifestation, not of the old life, but of the new. You can’t bottle it or compress it into a pill because unconditional love is as near to you as your breath and as expansive as sunlight during the day and moonlight at night. Your eyes can see the effects of unconditional love, but it is your heart that truly understands its power. When your heart directs your mind, through the power of your Soul, they collaboratively guide your evolution. Unconditional love is the fuel your heart and mind rely upon. Indeed, unconditional loving is fueling the evolution of your race, and the ascension of this beautiful planet. We trust that you will come to rely upon unconditional loving as a way of life, for indeed, that is how we have come to love humanity.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

5D Chakra Column with Golden Orange Beam from Crown down
Depending upon how you utilize your Soul’s capacity for comfort, the level of anxiety you may be experiencing will fluctuate. Difficulties sleeping that include disturbing dreams are not uncommon. Or the opposite is also true with sleeping for long periods of time and waking up without a sense of rest. Digestive issues continue to be prevalent, especially when you feel disempowered and at a loss to care for yourself or your family. If you are sensitive, you may experience physical pain when you venture out of our house. You are likely absorbing the emotional and mental pain of those around you and it is manifesting physically. Remember that you are always safe in your Soul and you are being provided for regardless of whether you are healthy, ill, recovering, or already on the other side. Choose to embrace the power of your Soul to navigate through the difficulties to welcome the blessings that do and will appear while we shelter in place. Consider exercising hope through your Soul when you are exercising your body. Physical activity helps not only to break up the day but also to releases anxiety from your cells. It frees you up to enjoy the love living in your home and the beauty to be found on your street.
Going out into the public for gas, groceries, or to the post office can generate anxiety because you are entering a collective energy field of fear, loss, and for some, desperation. If you are energy sensitive, this is extremely uncomfortable. To manage this powerful negative energy field, I have created a protocol for myself that has helped me to return home free of the symptoms noted above. Here is how I prepare to leave my home. I am offering these as options for you to try.
- I put on my Nikken necklace. It is made with far infrared and magnetic energies. You could also use a quartz necklace.
- I close my crown chakra.
- I ask the Arcturians to turn on the Arcturian Wind Machine to keep my auric field clear for as long as I am out in public.
- I bring the Golden Cylinder down and around me.
- I call forth the Silver Flame around the Golden Cylinder.
- I put my mask and gloves in my purse.
- I intend to radiate calm strength and a sense of hope.
I hope you find that some or all these strategies work to make your forays out into the world easier.
April’s Mantra:
Unconditional loving is directing every aspect of my life, freeing me to experience the power of compassionate attention.
Inspirational Music:
Open Up received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Open your eyes and see the light.
Open your mind and hear what is bright.
Open up your heart to feel what’s good.
Open up. Open up. Open up to love.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Open up and see the light around and within.
Open up and know that your heart is within
the light of day, and the light that shines in darkness.
Open up to find your way.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Crystalline Assistance:

Opal offers the freedom to colorfully flow into and through life.
The minerals for April soften us up and help us to see with new eyes. They promote compassionate awakening and support evolutionary vision so that we gracefully create a new unconditionally loving way of living. There is a tenderness to the awakening that these minerals offer, making it easier for us to consider the value of change. These stones nurture new life with the comfort and support of the Divine Feminine energies while also engaging the illumination and problem-solving skills of the Divine Masculine. When we use them in combinations, we experience gender harmony that frees up our creativity through loving action, not just behavioral adjustments.
Because we are sheltering in place, use these stones in grids where you are spending most of your time at home. Surround a multi-colored stone with pink and magenta minerals and let unconditional love flow like a fountain into your home. Use one of the magenta stones for a family meditation where every member holds a stone while they share a vision of the future for their family. Designate a family member as a secretary who writes the visions down or videotapes the meditation. Put this in a safe place and intend to pull it out in a year to see how far the visions have manifested. And, these pink and magenta stones are wonderful sleep aids and bathing companions. When you need a bit of relaxation and comfort, hold any of them and they will, in turn, hold you.

Kunzite keeps you rooted in your Soul’s love for you regardless of the circumstances you find yourself.
Here are the minerals for April:
Pink: Rose Quartz, Pink Opal, Pink Mangano Calcite, Morganite, Pink Chalcedony, Pink Kunzite, Rhodocrosite, Pink Danburite
Rainbow: Chalcopyrite, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Australian and Ethiopian Opal, Alexandrite
Magenta: Cobaltoan Calcite, Pink Vesuvianite, Rubellite, Rhodonite
Planetary Activation:
Close your eyes and breathe down into your heart. What do you see, feel, or sense? Relax into the energy in your chest cavity and on the inhale bring the energy up to your mouth. On the exhale release the energy from your heart and pay attention to what is leaving your body. What are you sending out into the world? Do you like the way this feels? If you are pleased continue this process. If not, welcome the presence of a Pink Ray angel or a group of them into your auric field. Allow these angels to come before you and place their awareness upon your heart. These angels will address the hurts and losses and then emanate the compassionate energies you require to heal your own heart. Notice whether you are in resistance, and if so, consciously give yourself permission to enable this heart healing. This process is commencing now. As the Pink Angels complete the process notice the difference in the energies you are exhaling out into the world.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Breathe deeply into your head. What do you see, feel, or sense? Relax into the energy in your head and on the inhale bring the energy up to your eyes. Let it settle at the back of the eye sockets. Then open your eyes as you slowly exhale. Watch the energies coming out of your eyes? How are you seeing the world? Upon what are your eyes focused? If you are pleased continue the process. If not, welcome the presence of the Rainbow Angels into your auric field. They will take up residence around and above your head, radiating the frequencies that will expand your Soul’s vision to help you understand your current reality from a multi-dimensional perspective. Notice whether you are in resistance and if so, consciously give yourself permission to enable this healing of your mind and the expansion of your vision. You may experience some discomfort as the neurons of the brain are being reconfigured to process multi-dimensional vision. Continue breathing up into your head and out through your eyes and the discomfort will pass. Peaceful clarity will descend upon you. This process is commencing now. As the Rainbow angels complete your healing notice how your vision is changing and what you are now able to see that previously you could not.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your pelvis. What do you feel or sense? Relax into the energy in your pelvis and on the inhale bring this energy to your navel. On the exhale release the energy from your navel. What are sending out into the world? Are you comfortable with what is emerging from you? What happens to the energy once it leaves your body? Do you like how it feels? If so, continue the process. If not, welcome the Magenta Ray angels to descend into your auric field. They will assist you to honestly evaluate the level of vulnerability and receptivity in your relationships. They will introduce you to the intimacy of unconditional loving by serving you in the relationship they are now building with you.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Notice whether you are in resistance and if so, consciously give yourself permission to accept and participate in this human and angelic relationship. This process is commencing now. Become aware of the energies moving through your entire body as the rigidity and anxiety in your relationships, the embarrassments and humiliations, the betrayals and the losses are revealed to be healed. Allow yourself to melt into the grace moving through you as the Magenta Angels offer you the ability to forgive, understand, and transcend the difficult challenges in your relationships. Feel your auric field reconfiguring with unconditional respect and honor for yourself and all life. Become aware of how your physical form is relaxing into being unconditionally loved. Embrace the fluid and peaceful energies as your body opens to love.
Sit up as straight as possible and focus your awareness on your auric field. Around you become aware of the Pink, Rainbow, and Magenta angels that have been ministering to you. Feel their excitement at the progress you have made in engaging your capacity not only to receive unconditional loving but to offer it. Relax into the freedom your body, mind, and heart are now experiencing, especially in the midst of a planetary crisis. As the angels depart from your presence, they are reminding you that the power of unconditional loving now resides in you. Use it abundantly and well!
Questions for Reflection:
- Which gives you more pleasure, receiving love or giving it? Can you imagine how it would feel if these were balanced in your relationships? Would it change the level of intimacy with those you love?
- What is your go-to fear buster? How often are you using this tool?
- What are your primary conditions for loving someone? When will you be ready to let them go?
- Who taught you how to love? How do you get your heart and mind to agree on the best ways to do so?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls – Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm
*****NEW NUMBER: 339-209-6632,
Our Wednesday night calls begin with sending Blue Green Healing energies into all of the healthcare facilities in the United States and to all working and living within them. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. Then we discuss a topic that this critical time is asking us to address. This has included how to consider living a zero-waste lifestyle, and the future of spirituality, prayer, and meditation on Earth. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. I invite you to join me on Wednesday nights to expand your awareness, deepen your appreciation for what is occurring on the planet, and contribute comfort and energetic care for all.
Soul Release Working Teleconference Calls – Thursdays 5:15 pm and Fridays 1:15 pm
Call 339-209-6632. No access code required.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
We have been successful in helping thousands of individual souls who have died in fear, trauma, confusion, isolation, and loneliness, from Covid-19 find their way into their new heavenly homes. It is a privilege to recognize, appreciate, honor, and attend to those who have sacrificed themselves for our collective awakening. Their deaths are bringing attention not only to the pandemic but also to the inequalities and challenges within our society and our healthcare systems. We shower them with grateful love as Golden Angels take them by the hand and see them into the heavens. The thousands of angels and dragons with whom we are working are sending powerful healing energies into the places our attention is focused upon to clear and balance the environmental energy so that the souls can gracefully release themselves. This is truly a multi-dimensional collaborative effort and we as humans on the ground make all the difference. Through our humanity, we can help confused Souls to recognize the angelic assistance present to them because we literally energetically guide them to the angels. We began with a focus upon hospitals in New York City and the five boroughs and have now reached out into New Jersey healthcare facilities. Our work will continue throughout all fifty states focusing upon those environments needing the most energetic assistance. More volunteers are welcome, for the more energy we can generate, the more souls we can reach. If you have a loved one who has died or know of someone who has succumbed please send me their names. We begin these calls by honoring these individuals and witnessing their ascension into the light. You can text me names at 862-823-6141.
How To Build Environmental Grids, Two Hour Video-teleconference Classes
Because the assistance of the mineral kingdom is so important to bringing balance and peace into our homes, I am offering simple two-hour videoconferencing classes on How To Build Environmental Grids. These classes are for those who already have minerals and crystal points at home and would like to put them to their most optimal use in supporting and protecting your loved ones. Of particular importance is the need for protection from 5G electromagnetic frequencies. The mineral kingdom can be helpful with this. Additionally, during this time we are being given the opportunity to understand, heal, and appreciate the relationships we have with those closest to us. Stone grids can generate forgiveness, patience, awareness, understanding, perseverance, joy, comfort, peace, and unconditional loving in our homes when forced intimacy may make it challenging to appreciate one another. If you are interested in joining a class or hosting and online experience for your loved ones, please call me at 973-822-5042 or text me at 862-823-6141 to discuss the details. The fee for these classes is $25.00.
Online Partnering with the Angels Classes
The angels are very busy assisting humanity with this massive wake up call to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Many of you have experienced the intimate care they provide during the Partnering With The Angelic Kingdom events. For those seeking this deep angelic and celestial support, I am willing to offer this class online at a reduced fee. The video conferences are limited to six people. If you are interested in hosting an online angel experience please call me at 973-822-5042.