The courage you have shown in the months of 2020 are developing the spiritual muscles that will see you through the next twelve years of growth and change. This year has been a spiritual boot camp of sorts. You have been learning how to recognize and exercise the true meaning and purpose of the values of honesty, integrity, understanding, compassion, support, and service. Humanity will continue to explore and experience the depth of these core values moment by moment, day by day, month by month, and year by year until the entire civilization awakens to embrace the changes spurred on by the collective soul of humanity. The crystalline clear light of brilliant understanding is penetrating the earth plane, bringing with it the enlightenment that will facilitate the presence and power of unconditional love in action.
You have collectively called forth this crystalline clarity to guide you into your galactic citizenship and through it provide the Earth with the help it requires to heal. What was once invisible to the human eye and heart will emerge as real because it must. Interventions far beyond the capacities of humanity are necessary for the survival of the planet and all life upon her. The changes that you will collectively embrace will not be enough to save your world. As you change your way of life across the planet, the planet will change the way it experiences its existence. Everything you know about life on Earth will begin to shift because you will awaken from your ignorance of planetary intelligence and allow yourselves to be educated by nature itself. There is much beauty to be experienced as you release control over your environment and let your environment teach you a new, better, and more respectful way of life. These changes are upon you and you are the few who have already begun the journey into relationship with the soul of the Earth. This is a time of great hope for the Earth. The planet is seeing a future of collaboration with a soul-embodied humanity capable of unconditionally loving the celestial home it has been given.
We are offering this prayer at this holy season to help you access and utilize the spiritual powers living within as you galvanize life-affirming change:
May the light of love find a home within me.
May I radiate the living flame of the Peace of Christ.
May the kindness and grace of the heart of Mother Mary flow through me.
May my body be a sanctuary for my Soul and a gift to the Earth.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
Issues with the neck and throat are reflecting the challenges we are experiencing in expressing ourselves and lovingly speaking our truth. Sore and scratchy throats and issues with the mouth and teeth are forcing us to look at what is trapped inside that needs to find a safe and generous way to move out. To speak our truth in love does not mean that we avoid confrontation, but rather that we respectfully and compassionately approach the areas of conflict with hope rather than dread. The holidays always raise family wounds so that they can be healed. This year, those wounds run very deep. It is time for angry judgments to be replaced by understanding and forgiveness, so that healing is given a fair chance to effect life-affirming change. We consume our words as easily as we consume calories, and poor choices with either leave us with regrets. Issues with swallowing may emerge. It is becoming more difficult to swallow hurt, pain, guilt, anger, struggle, shame, and suffering the way we did eleven months ago. We are being asked to rediscover what it means to nurture ourselves, our families, our communities, our nation, and our world. It is as much about what comes out of our mouths as it is about what goes into them. And too, our digestive systems are suffering with the unhealthy energetic diet that makes nurturing our bodies more difficult. By practicing honesty with ourselves and generosity with others, our voices can become vehicles of healing. When that happens, our vocal cords can create the harmonies they were created to express, and our bodies can finally relax to receive what they truly require to be healthy and happy.
Many of us are experiencing deep and sometimes uncomfortable dreams. The negativity, fears and dark memories held within the subconscious mind are being safely released while we are sleeping. The content of the dreams may bring an issue or situation into your conscious awareness so that you can redeem yourself and provide healing where necessary in your waking life. Using lavender or other calming oils can be helpful along with placing an amethyst or a moonstone under your pillow. Dreaming in this way is very purposeful although going through these dreams can be unpleasant.
December’s Mantra:
I am welcoming crystalline clarity into my life. I am embracing the changes my Soul requires of me.
Inspirational Music:
The Divine Mother is Here received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Ah. I know your pain. I feel your tears.
I know your grief. I understand your fears.
My heart flows to you. My heart is ever true.
I am here for you.
I feel your pain. I know that you’re afraid.
I see your grief. I feel it under you.
No more shall you be under the fear.
No more shall you be under the greed.
No more shall you be under power’s grip.
No more shall you be your own worst enemy.
I bring truth. And I bring hope.
No more shall the faithless rule.
Aye. Yah.
No more fear shall rule this world for I Am here.
Crystalline Assistance:

Faden Quartz supports incarnational healing.
The minerals for the end of the year promote awareness of and an understanding about the way life needs to change. These stones transmit important communication coming from celestial sources to help humanity become soul-aware and soul-empowered. As sources of multi-dimensional intelligence, these stones facilitate transformation by supporting advancements in the disciplines of technology, education, medicine, environmental science, physics, spirituality, governance, and more. They encourage us to shine brightly by utilizing the insights gained from our spiritual core to inform our choices and guide our behaviors to promote the wellbeing of all. These stones do not support opinions. They guide us to utilize our intelligence to discover and unfold the multi-dimensional truths informing our lives. Functioning as teaching agents, these minerals make us attend to the homework assignments our souls provide in the form of relationships, situations, opportunities, and environments. The insights and vision available to us through the interventions these minerals promote, offer us trajectories for manifestation. Once we begin to understand what we are capable of collaboratively creating, we can set goals that can be realistically reached in the time frames necessary to make a difference. These minerals encourage us to focus on what we can accomplish in the present to build a profound peace in the future.

Herkimer Diamonds support soul-embodiment.
Because these minerals have a direct impact on the way we think and how we feel, intimately interacting with them would be most beneficial. Wearing them as jewelry, placing them in your work and study spaces, and gridding them in the most active areas of your homes and businesses are some of the best way to engage their assistance. Meditating, especially with these varieties of quartz, is an excellent way to download the celestial assistance being provided. But that is not enough. You have to engage in behavioral change and follow the new thought patterns that reflect your soul-awareness. So, having these stones in your hands when making hard decisions or engaging in difficult conversations will help you to move through these challenges gracefully. Making sure that your grids are in your line of vision when you are talking on the phone or emailing others at your computer is also helpful. The grids not only radiate enlightening energy, just looking at them reminds you to pay attention to what you might otherwise dismiss. The end of this year is a great time to choose three or four of these minerals with which you would like to work throughout 2021. Spend some time connecting with your specimens to create a plan to help you meet your evolutionary goals for next year.
Here are the minerals for December and January:
White and Clear: Faden Quartz, Amphibole Quartz, Vogel Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Phenacite, Petalite, Apophyllite, Selenite, White Aragonite, Okenite, White Amethyst, Phantom Quartz, Candle Quartz, Milky Quartz, White Moonstone, Pearl, Magnesite, Clear Calcite, White Opal, Howlite, Albite, Azezulite, Mother of Pearl, White Muscovite
Planetary Activation:
You will need a sheet of paper and a writing instrument for this activation.
Breathe in a brilliant white light and feel it blowing up inside and around you like a balloon until you are floating inside it. Become aware of the soft strength of this white light, the power of its brilliance. Notice how your eyes are freed of the limitations of human sight. Awaken to receiving the visions your Soul has for you. Become aware of your third eye chakra opening multi-dimensionally and release your consciousness to the mind of your Soul. Relax as you consciously connect to the mind of your Soul.

M31 Great Galaxy in Andromeda Constellation with satellite galaxies M110 and M32
Become aware of a bridge appearing in front of you. It will be whatever color is necessary for you to experience. Allow the architecture of the bridge to guide your awareness of how to cross it. Access the energies of the beings awaiting you on the other side and open to their assistance. When you are ready to receive their transmission step forward and let the journey begin. They will greet you on the other side of the bridge and guide you to the best meeting place for your time together. These beings have traveled far to support your evolution and have specific goals for you to achieve so that you are able to effectively engage the assistance descending now upon the Earth. Absorb the colors through which your celestial teachers are expressing themselves and notice the changes within as you do.
As this session completes, your celestial teachers leave you with three assignments. Write these down, along with any instructions that they have provided. Over the next three months, specific experiences will be provided for you to achieve these goals in your earthly life. Your celestial teachers will remain available to you during this period so feel free to call upon them for insight and guidance. You may also choose to invite the colors with which you connected with your celestial assistance into your life in multiple ways. All that you need to succeed is available to you. Access and utilize it.
Questions for Reflection:
- How responsive are you to the challenges that your Soul presents? Do you grumble first and then pay attention to the opportunity? Do you easily recognize a lesson appearing in your life and dive in with faith?
- What has been your greatest struggle this year? What kind of spiritual, mental, and emotional muscles have you developed in overcoming this struggle?
- Since the pandemic, has your relationship with the planet changed? How so?
- Can you identify the arrogance of your ego? How do you handle it when it tries to exert control?
Upcoming Events:
Spend a Week with The Angels Online Course and Drawing
Discover the minerals that connect you with the angelic kingdom.
Develop communication and collaboration with the angels in your life.
Experience the healing power of the angels in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical body.
Create environmental grids to continuously welcome angelic assistance in your life, relationships, careers, and living spaces.
Absorb music designed by the angels to connect you to the presence and powerful support they are offering.
The best way to experience your emerging relationships with the angelic kingdom is to make time to get to know each other. In spending one entire week devoted to experiencing the power, majesty, generosity, unconditional love, and sense of humor these celestial beings radiate, your life will forever be changed. Five minerals that radiate angelic frequencies will be your guide and bridge to the angelic realms. Before beginning your online course, you will need to gather these angelic minerals from your collection or purchase them. For seven days these minerals will introduce you to many multi-dimensional angels devoted to your wellbeing as you are guided through meditations, activities, and music to intimately interact. At the end of the week, you create an angelic environmental grid through which the angelic relationships that you established continue to flourish and deepen. It is my pleasure to offer you this self-guided experience of the presence and power of the angels in your life. For more details visit Spend a Week with The Angels

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Fee for the course: $35.00.
Fee for the Small Angelic Stone Kit: $50.00.
Fee for the Large Angelic Stone Kit: $100.00
In honor of this Holy Season, one lucky individual will receive the course and a small angelic stone kit as a gift. Simply email me,” I have a lucky angel!!!” and you’ll be entered in the drawing. Make sure to leave me your address. The winner will receive the course and stones by Christmas.
New Moon Planetary Activation Dates for 2021
Here is a message from the Cosmic Light Collective about what 2021 will bring:
Radiant grace is your teacher and companion as you navigate the twists and turns of 2021. Your growing soul-awareness will be reflected in how your choices change your behaviors. Your ability to attend to the issues and relationships with which you are confronted will emerge from a compassionate intelligence that is willing to embrace the unknown rather than run from it. Opportunities to experience unconditional loving will emerge as the planet continues to heal, throwing the population into a physical reality that they, as of yet are unwilling to accept. Moments of joy will be matched by moments of defeat as the ego continues to surrender to the mastery of the Soul. This journey into surrender lays the foundation for the collaborative creativity to be experienced late into the year. Through many spiritual tests, personal lessons, and soul assignments 2021 will be known as one of the greatest years of evolutionary development for the entire civilization. We are with you on this journey and offer ourselves as guides for your enlightenment.
For 2021 we will continue to meet online at 7:30 pm on these Friday nights:
Jan. 15th
June 11th
Nov. 5th
Feb. 12th
July 9th
Dec. 3rd
March 12th
August 6th
April 9th
Sept. 10th
May 7th
Oct. 8th
When the pandemic ceases, I look forward to being with all you in person and celebrating what we have learned and how we have grown.
Shine the Light
Weekly Teleconferences with The Cosmic Light Collective
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.