Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash
About Sacred Places: It is time to look deep within and to explore the vast treasures that reside in the most sacred places of your being. You are accustomed to connecting with your Soul and now you must delve deeper into your relationship with whom you truly are. The faults and cracks of your ego are becoming evident day-by-day and they will not heal with modern medicine or politics. They will be soothed, calmed, engaged, guided, and directed through the interventions of your Soul, your spiritual beingness. A massive emotional release predisposes anyone to the power of the healing if safely and compassionately navigated. Shock and numbness do dissolve leaving consequences to be addressed not merely in words, but definitely through respectful and collaboratively creative action. Creativity is always engaged in the healing process for without it no transformation is possible. You are not returning to the you that lived in and through the consequences. You are becoming who you need to be to avoid creating negative and destructive consequences from now on. As the discussions unfold around the world, begin to listen through the ears and eyes of your Soul, to pay attention with a compassionately expansive mind that feels the stories behind the words it is hearing. Discover the new ways to “be” with each other even when you cannot physically touch. Explore the power of spiritually driven connection to transcend dogmatic positions of judgment and condemnation. Recognize the sacred in the ordinary and make your streets places of worship where the dignity of the Soul is reflected in the love shown to all.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
The digestive system is bearing the primary burden of all the stressors in our collective lives. Trying to make sense of the pandemic, racial injustice, social class inequities, and all of the energies surrounding this pivotal presidential election are making it a challenge to digest our lives so that we can figure out ways to truly nourish each other. The heart and lungs feel heavy under the weight of enormous grief, guilt, awakening, and shame, especially as hidden stories rise from the closets and drawers to reveal to ourselves the depths to which we must go to create transcendence. Our bodies are doing their best to support us but may be buckling under the pressures to keep us physically healthy while our spirits, thoughts, emotions, and memories spin in confusion and loss. So what do we do?
Begin by taking the time to connect with your Soul, however you do it. Some people can meditate while others find it easier to pray, walk in nature, or journal. It doesn’t matter how you connect. What is important, though, is that you stay with it long enough so that your mind goes blank and your body relaxes. I know you understand what I am saying. When you reach the place where a deep stillness occurs you have succeeded. It is from there that you ask for your body to be healed. When the spinning stops your physical cells can absorb the healing. You do have to carve out this connection time in your day. Although challenging, it is priceless not only to you but to all those who depend upon you to be calm, clear, effective, and hopeful. You can add crystals, flower essences, essential oils, or vibrational sprays to encourage and deepen your spiritual connections. Bach’s Rescue Remedy can be taken every hour when you are in crisis. Additionally, carrying an amethyst, purple fluorite, or pink chalcedony in both pockets can be comforting.
Now that more practitioner offices are opening for treatment, consider what alternative modality will be most helpful to you. Whether it is chiropractic, acupuncture, reiki, nutritional support, spiritual healing, or psychotherapy, trust your Soul’s guidance and listen to what feels comfortable, affordable, and right for you. Although we are still socially distancing, we can safely receive what we need to heal. And, we have to heal together, leaving no one behind to suffer.
June’s Mantra:
I am sacred space. You are sacred space. Together we are the sacred space of life, transforming our pain into everlasting love.
Inspirational Music:
Open Up received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Open your eyes and see the light.
Open your mind and hear what is bright.
Open up your heart to feel what’s good.
Open up. Open up. Open up to love.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Open up and see the light around and within.
Open up and know that your heart is within
the light of day, and the light that shines in darkness.
Open up to find your way.
Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu. Lu.
Crystalline Assistance:

Azurite supports your intuition to act upon divine guidance.
The stones for June promote spiritual awareness. They encourage soulfully driven mind expansion to promote your individual and our collective evolutionary development. Some strong and hard stones such as aquamarine, blue topaz, or blue quartz, encourage us to get tough, take on our challenges with courage, and act through our soul-empowerment. Others, such as angelite, azurite, and celestite, help us to soften up, listen to the collective need, and go with the flow. Sometimes, softening up is even more important than growing strength. Ultimately, balance needs to be established so that you are free to know just how soft or strong you need to be at any moment in time. Using combinations of softer and harder stones encourage balance throughout your auric field, promoting greater auric coherence. It is easiest to access the power of your Soul when your field is balanced, open, and welcoming. The minerals of June support your consistent and conscious connection to your Soul’s love, wisdom, and power so that you can utilize it to transform your life.

Lapis Lazuli can guide you into the wisdom of your Soul.
Because these stones promote conscious thinking, they are wonderful companions to have when you are making decisions or engaged in learning. Have them in little bowls wherever you use your computer or on your desk. These are excellent stones to help your children with schoolwork. Let them pick out some small tumbled specimens and place them in a dish on their desks. When confronted with a learning challenge, they can pick one up and rub it to get some inspiration. When you are trying to find solutions to your problems, hold them in your hands or put them in both pockets and walk around with them for a while. You can also make a vibrational spray, like AWARE, to spray around you when thinking about hard situations or relationships. When placed in grids, these stones of insight and guidance promote awareness. They can help families and organizations to become attentive to each other and creative in the ways that they support each other’s success.
Here are the minerals for June:
Larimar, Azurite, Lazulite, Blue Quartz, Sodalite, Angelite, Blue Wing Anhydrite, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Blue Fluorite, Celestite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Covellite, Blue Kyanite, Chrysocolla, Turquoise, Blue Aventurine, Benitoite, Blue Topaz, Blue Halite
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep blue-green light and visualize yourself floating in a big blue-green bubble, deep in the ocean. You are completely safe and comfortable as the currents guide you on this journey. It is dark around you but inside the bubble is a gentle and dim light. You can see and hear the life around you without disturbing them. Relax into this immersion into the aquatic world of your beloved planet.
As you float become aware of the internal harmony of the aquatic world. Its many populations understanding their purposes and playing their parts in the well being of their collective environment. Become aware of the feeding cycles and how each population is of service to each other, even as nourishment. Note the lack of judgment and the pragmatism of aquatic beings. They serve each other within the medium of water. What can you learn from this? Absorb the wisdom to be found here.

Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash
Because of your willingness to listen, an aquatic being, or schools or pods of them, will come to visit you. Pay attention to who this aquatic being is and how it lives its life. It will begin a telepathic discussion with you. Allow yourself to become engaged in conversation. You may ask questions. Respectfully receive the answers. The aquatic being will ask questions of you too. As you learn from each other, your aquatic guide may take you to its water dwelling so that you may appreciate varied underwater environments. As your time together comes to a close, you will find your bubble floating on another current.
Listen now to the voice of water. Absorb its message to you. Understand your part to play in its journey on this planet. Flow.
Questions for Reflection:
- Where is your most holy place? Can you physically visit it?
- If you really believe that the physical body is a temple, how is your behavior toward your body and the physical presence of others affected?
- How do you honor the value of water in your life?
- Do you know the difference between when you are listening through your Soul and when your ego is interfering in your conversation?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632
Our Wednesday night calls begin with sending Blue Green Healing energies into all of the healthcare facilities in the United Stated and to all working and living within them. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. Then we discuss a topic that this critical time is asking us to address. This has included how to consider living a zero-waste lifestyle, and the future of spirituality, prayer, and meditation on Earth. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. I invite you to join me on Wednesday nights to expand your awareness, deepen your appreciation for what is occurring on the planet, and contribute comfort and energetic care for all.