About Promise: 2020 holds a promise for you. It offers you the opportunity to manifest your vision of fulfillment by honoring what that means to you. As an awakened human being, your journey into soul-embodiment has prepared you well. Your heart understands your Soul’s purpose in a way that your mind cannot comprehend. Your body experiences your Soul’s wisdom in a way that your mind is ignorant of. Your mind can only surrender to the enlightenment that it is offered through the intelligence of your Soul, and when it does your heart, body and mind can fully align. Through this alignment your capacity to manifest fulfillment works through your third dimensional incarnation to create miracles. It is such a time for the miraculous to present a vision of humanity’s fulfillment, to be inspired not by possibilities, but by your capacity to make possibilities realities. This is a year of courageous empowerment where the promises that you have made to yourself, your partners, your children, your family, and your neighbors come to fruition.
Every promise requires great effort and transforms hope into an experience of successful loving. Let your loving be successful in 2020 because you are capable, as a soul-empowered being, to live the miraculous. In your struggles to reach this moment, when manifestation can triumph over fear, you have grown soulfully strong, clear, and resilient. Your understanding of what is true spans multiple dimensions and it is through such insight that you will succeed in keeping your promises. Fulfillment is not a wish, nor is it a goal. Fulfillment is the path to a peaceful and abundant future for all. Let your Soul’s intelligence guide you into fulfillment by opening your heart, energizing your body, and awakening your mind to embrace the impossible to realize the miraculous.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
Working through neck pain and issues with the throat and voice offer us an opportunity to overcome the fears and inhibitions that have restricted us from speaking our truth with love and respect. When our Soul’s voice speaks through us, we are empowered to manifest life-altering change. We literally send the sound frequencies that create new and healthier experiences out into our electromagnetic world. Change unfolds.
Inspirational Music:
Be The Truth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Hear the truth. Speak the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
You can be the bringer of change.
You can be the bearer of the new.
You can see that all can be safe, at peace, and in harmony.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And be the truth.
Hear the truth. Know the truth. Speak the truth. And be the truth.
We are. We are. We are the truth that our Souls are alive.
We are the truth that the change starts within us.
We are the truth that love can be.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
Hear the truth. See the truth. Be the truth. We are living the truth.
January’s Mantra:
I am living the vision of fulfillment that my Soul has provided for me. My time for creating miracles has come.
Planetary Activation:
Imagine yourself blowing up a brilliant golden balloon in front of you. Seal the balloon and then step inside. Immediately you will be lifted off the ground and carried by a pink wind high up into the Earth’s atmosphere to begin orbiting the planet. Notice how many other golden balloons are surrounding you as you look at the planet from outer space. See pink cords emerging from the golden balloons around you and connecting to the planet’s surface. Notice that they are being tethered to a specific region and population. Let your pink cords find their destinations. Become aware of to whom, to what, and to where they are attached. Relax into these connections.
Gently now, a celestial being will join you in your golden balloon and will infuse you will great compassion and understanding. Through the pink cord, you will begin to experience the needs, wants, and concerns of those to whom you are connected. Your Soul will awaken your comprehension of the causes and consequences that have led to the conditions you are now experiencing through the insights being provided. Pay attention to those to whom you are connected and absorb the information and experiences you are being given.
Another celestial being now enters your golden balloon. This light being is uniquely qualified to deliver unique problem-solving strategies that these situations and relationships require. Possible solutions are presented along with an understanding of how planetary resources can be more effectively utilized. In some instances, teams of light beings will join you to address larger concerns. As you absorb this information you are also being prepared to transmit it to those on the planet. When ready, transmit these strategies and solutions through the pink beam to those to whom you are connected. Continue transmitting until your delivery is complete.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
The celestial beings in your golden balloon now address you personally and with compassion and understanding explain the causes and consequences that link you to these regions and populations. They engage in you problem-solving strategies and solutions to promote your fulfillment upon your return to the planet’s surface. They support you to heal and to overcome that which has inhibited you from utilizing these strategies and solutions in the past. They bless you with courageous empowerment as they thank you for assisting in the fulfillment of all life on Earth.
Taking their leave, the pink cords retract into your balloon and you find your balloon drifting into the planetary atmosphere and landing before your physical body. Gently now, infused with strategies, solutions, and empowered with courage and insight, step out of the balloon and into your body. Feel the golden balloon dissolve into ribbons of golden light. Live what you have learned and fulfill yourself.
Crystalline Assistance:

Cobaltoan calcite awakens your Mouth of God chakra so you can hear the angels sing.
The minerals that lead us into 2020 provide insight and awakening so that we are empowered to manifest our fulfillment because we understand what that means. The golden stones encourage us to utilize our Soul’s intelligence so that our egos accept direction in making insightful decisions that change our trajectories through this incarnation. The pink stones provide us not only with the capacity to unconditionally love, but also the strength to choose connection over separation. Together they provide us with the ability to integrate our loving with effective decision making so that we engage in empowering acts that fulfill us within our relationships to everything and everyone. The depth of connection these stones facilitate is born of insight, creativity, and love. The miraculous happens when these three qualities radiate through a soul-empowered human being.
Utilizing these stones in environmental grids and wearing them throughout the month are the best ways to get the most out of these crystalline companions. Place combinations of yellow and pink stones where you work and where you study to encourage creative thinking and out-of-the-box solutions. Wear them around the neck and at the heart, on the left wrist and in earrings to access your Soul’s intelligence. These stones will empower your voice to speak the truth with love. They will infuse you with the courage to share new visions and insights. They support the emanation of compassionate understanding from your heart and are especially helpful for those in science, health care, and government.

Sulfur clears the mental and emotional bodies so your spiritual body is free to ignite your fulfillment in your life.
Here are the minerals for January:
Gold: Golden Healer Quartz, Stellar Beam Calcite, Citrine, Golden Danburite, Yellow Opal, Lemon Chrysoprase, Yellow Fluorite, Heliodor, Sulphur, Golden Barite, Yellow Jasper, Libyan Gold Tektite, Pyrite
Pink: Cobaltoan Calcite, Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, Morganite, Pink Smithsonite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, Rubellite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Chalcedony, Stillbite, Pink Dolomite, Thulite, Rhodocrosite
Questions for Reflection:
- What has been the most fulfilling day of your life so far? What happened to make it so? Can you recreate that experience?
- Does your mind agree with your Soul on the vision you have for your future? If not, begin an interesting conversation. Let truth, awareness, and healing unfold.
- How many promises have you made? How realistic were they? Were you able to keep any or all?
- How often do you go to your Soul for solutions? Do you listen?
Upcoming Events:
New Moon Planetary Activations for 2020
We continue our journey into the Fifth Dimension on Earth in our New Moon Planetary Activations throughout the coming year. Here is a message about what 2020 will bring:
2020 will delight as much as challenge you to become soul-embodied vehicles of transformation. Your capacity to live from your truth, with integrity and compassion, offers you tremendous opportunities to transform conflict into peace through awareness and understanding. Although the world may experience many ups and downs, your evolutionary journey can progress smoothly as you join together to create life-affirming fifth-dimensional communities that choose unconditional loving over reactionary fear. You are the decision-makers of the future and this is the year that you begin making a series of choices that will forever change how you experience economics, education, health care, and science. It’s not a leap of faith that occurs in 2020. It is a conscious paradigm shift that is soul-driven, soul-inspired, and soul-empowered to honor life on Earth in all its forms. This will be a year marked by the courageous and certainly that is you!
Please join me on these Friday evenings at 7:30 pm at the Masonic Lodge, 170 Main St., Madison, NJ 07940.
January 3rd
May 29th
October 16th
January 24th
June 19th
November 13th
February 21st
July 17th
December 11th
March 20th
August 21st
April 24th
September 18th
I am very grateful for your participation in our fifth-dimensional community and for the work you do every day to reveal Heaven on Earth. I am excited about continuing our journey into enlightened relationships throughout 2020!
The How-To-Love Weekend

The flow of unconditional loving in enlightened relationships.
Ever wonder what went wrong in some relationships and why others just seemed to flow? Loving is both a skill and an art. The skills can be taught and then the artistry unfolds. Let Ilona guide you into the mechanics of unconditional loving, giving you the tools to understand how each gender understands and approaches life, and what it takes to turn them into a complementary, respectful, and productive team. Discover new levels of intimacy and the power of soul-embodied enlightened relationships. Let your experience of being loved expand as old wounds heal, resentments dissolve, and your confidence in knowing how to love grows.
This weekend retreat presents the opportunity to practice unconditional love by experiencing it. Multiple exercises and artistic adventures turn what you learn into what you know. All is done with compassionate joy that respects the process of every individual. Participants experience their own supportive crystalline grids, meet the dragon choosing to assist them through the retreat, and are surrounded by angelic and celestial beings who guide them into an enlightened relationship inside themselves that changes the way they love all others for the rest of their lives. In this weekend, you invest in love and love transforms you.
Held at the Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast Inn, you are surrounded by beauty and comfort. All meals and snacks are provided so that you can focus on you. This experience benefits everyone who loves so single people, couples, and business partners are all welcome to transform their relationships. I am so privileged to offer this opportunity and look forward to watching how love transforms you.
Date: Friday, February 28th to Sunday, March 1st,
Place: Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast, 24 Maple Ave., Warwick, NY 10990 845-987-7255
Fee: $575.00 for the retreat program. Meals and art supplies included.
Accommodations are $339.00 for the weekend. Please register with Deborah by calling 845-477-8449. A $200.00 deposit is due by January 10, 2020.