About Peace: Peace is not something that you do. As you embody the presence of your Soul, you relax into peace. The experience of peace creates an atmosphere of possibility that is free of any inhibitions or restrictions. In the expansiveness of peace, you begin to explore the vastness of your being and to extract that which would be most beneficial for you and for all life with whom you come into contact. The experience of peace offers opportunities to feel, think, and remember so that your personal productivity increases. Peace facilitates progress and supports evolutionary development. The sense of calm and the safety provided in peaceful experiences make way for inspiration, motivation, and transcendent connection. These are the tools that are necessary for humanity’s evolution beyond the limitations of the ego. Peace, as a state of being, paves the way to a coherent and abundant future for all. When the entire civilization unites within this experience of peace, humanity’s evolution into a soul-embodied species will be well underway. The planet will feel the safety provided by a newly realized civilization of peace and it too will relax into wellbeing.
In the meantime, we are inviting you to explore the peaceful experiences that are now available to you through your Soul. Utilize these moments as opportunities to become consciously aware of what peace offers you and your family. Remember that peace is a state of being that facilitates productivity, even though you may feel as if you are doing nothing but relaxing. Understand that the restrictions in which you are living, offer opportunities for peaceful reflection and deepened connection with loved ones. This quarantine is not so much a lockdown, but more accurately a shakeup and shaking out of what you have known life to be. Your Soul will direct you into experiences of peace, even in the midst of the pandemic and its consequences, so that you may embrace the strength, courage, and determination that it takes to embrace opportunity and welcome possibility into your homes and lives. When peace promotes change there is an even and steady flow towards the future. Everyone and everything are respected in peaceful experiences. Communication is easy, effective, and encouraged because collaboration becomes a way of life. Work within a state of peace in your own mind, heart, and body and watch your immediate world respond with graceful and wondrous change.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

Photo by Rune Enstad on Unsplash
Hip, leg, and foot issues are occurring now to remind us that we cannot move forward in the old ways. As we navigate the pandemic and its financial, social, and cultural consequences, we need our legs to get us to the new destinations that will honor and sustain our lives. That means that we may not be able to travel the old routes. It also means that instead of taking a detour to get back to the old route, we are charting an entirely new course. There are no detours because the trail is not even marked yet. The destination you were set to arrive at before the pandemic is not necessarily the one you will reach when it resolves. When the resistance to releasing negativity or changing course arises in your legs and feet, listen to what it is time for you to jettison from your life. Healing will occur much faster when you let go of the issues that your legs and feet are carrying for you. Think about the direction in which your soulful life needs to move. To travel the new course do you have to change your footwear? Do you need to find better balance on your feet to navigate rocky terrain, or to chill out and slow down to traverse a desert? What kind of support does your hips and back require to keep your legs and feet happy? Give the lower half of your body what it needs, and it will deliver all of you to a healthy, peaceful, and abundant post-pandemic life.
Additionally, hungry days are back where you just cannot seem to eat enough to be satisfied. Take some deep breaths and ask your body what it needs to feel full and cared for. Then open your awareness to the other things, experiences, or relationships that you may be craving. This kind of hunger involves your hopes and dreams, thoughts, and feelings along with your physical appetite. As you become aware of what you are hungering for, make some plans about how you can feed these parts of you with healthy and quality ingredients. And bouts of fatigue continue to come out of nowhere, making it difficult to be productive, especially if you have a schedule to follow. Be kind to yourself, make healthy food choices, and rest whenever possible. This too shall pass.
August’s Mantra:
I am embracing experiences of peace and welcoming its possibilities into my life.
Inspirational Music:
Peace Be Upon You received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Breath of the Soul.
Peace be upon you, forever more.
Peace be within you, now and always.
Peace be within you, forever more.
Peace be within you, for always.
Peace guide your every step through open doors.
Peace find you happy and joyous.
Peace be upon you, forever more.
Peace be within you, for always.
Peace be the light of day, at break of dawn.
Peace be the moonlight, to guide you.
Peace be with you, forever more.
Peace be with you always.
Peace be with you, forever more.
Peace be with you for always.
Crystalline Assistance:

Fire agate helps you to ignite your creativity and manifest your dreams.
The minerals for August encourage you to embrace opportunity and explore the adventures of your evolution. They free you from constraint and promote your enthusiasm for the future. Fearless, each in their own way, these minerals infuse you with the strength and courage to follow new roads that will lead you to new and unexpected destinations in your spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, and physical lives. All these stones are beautiful, interesting specimens of the mineral kingdom. Their beauty reminds you to honor the beauty of your Soul’s journey as it moves into your body and its impact is felt throughout your life. Some will inspire your creativity while others will calm your overwhelming feelings. Others will motivate you into action while others will encourage you to be thoughtful and strategic. Using them in combination with each other will bring balance and a sense of peace to your unfolding progress in life.
These stones can be utilized in multiple ways to achieve effectiveness. Build grids for individual family members to place in their bedrooms to support personal success. Create a family grid with each member choosing a stone to represent them in the family collective. Place this grid in the most active area in the home to support family unity. For those who feel stuck, pick two of these stones and place one in each pocket. Carry them every day for a month and watch what changes. If there is a goal that you would like to achieve, program one of these stones to help you follow through on that which is necessary to achieve your goal. Place this stone where you have to see it every day so that it can remind you to do your part to achieve success. These are just some suggestions to get you started. As you work with these orange minerals let them reveal how they can help you and then receive.

Scheelite promotes the integration of the subtle bodies of the auric field.
Here are the minerals for August:
Orange: Carnelian, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Poppy Jasper, Orange Calcite, Vanadinite, Copper, Orange Selenite, Peach Aventurine, Amber, Orange Aragonite, Tangerine Quartz, Hessonite Garnet, Wulfenite, Amber, Scheelite, Boulder Opal, Orange Celestite, Imperial Golden Topaz, Elephant Skin Jasper, Leopardskin Jasper, Sunstone, Barite Roses
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep orange energy and feel it rising from the base of your spine to the base of your neck. Become aware of its vibrations through your spinal cord, feeling almost like an energetic massage from the lumbar vertebrae through the cervical vertebrae. As the spine realigns feel a burst of orange energy move through the physical body, out the legs and feet, arms and hands. Become aware of yourself bathed in orange energy with a tether emerging from your solar plexus reaching out beyond the edges of your orange bubble. Become aware of a celestial light being reaching for your tether and attaching it to itself. This celestial being is now pulling you deep into space. Relax into the journey and consciously address the environments you are traveling through.

Milky Way Galaxy
Your celestial guide will deliver you to one of the planets or star systems in which you have previously lived. Your visit to this part of your interplanetary history is necessary for you to understand and embrace the role you are to play on Earth at this time. Become aware of the demarcation point to which your guide has delivered you. Are you being met by those living here? Do you have to move on your own to reach others? Is a vehicle provided along with a map? Listen to what is being required of you and then proceed. Your participation is vitally important in this journey for you are no longer just a recipient, you are an integral and active member of this experience.
As you reach your destination and those with whom you will collaborate, allow yourself to remember, reconnect, and settle into the experience of life that you knew in this place. You have returned to this location because you were successful in the lifetimes you accrued here. You were clever, resourceful, collaborative, and enthusiastic in your work. You were respected, valued, and contributed greatly to the good of all, and they likewise contributed to your wellbeing. This truly was “home” as home is meant to be. Listen and learn about and of yourself.
As you absorb the information and experiences from this home world, start to consider the similarities between this experience and your current life on Earth. How can you apply what you are seeing, feeling, and sensing to your human experiences? Ask your family, friends, and colleagues if they have any direction for you take back with you? Note any technologies, philosophies, or cultural expressions that may have meaning for your humanity. What do these who love you wish to share with you before you go?
It is time for this visit to come to an end. Return to your vehicle if you have one and start driving or begin to walk back to the demarcation point. You will find your celestial guide waiting for you. Your guide will attach your tether and as you lift off wave goodbye to so many who love you. As you travel through space to return to Earth, allow this homeworld experience to provide motivation, guidance, and direction to your current life circumstances. Your celestial guide now delivers you back into your Soul’s auric field and releases the tether. The orange energy reconnects to your spinal cord through your solar plexus. Become aware of the orange bubble deflating as this energy returns to the orange energy vibrating up and down your spine. Gently now the orange energy settles into your solar plexus as a small pulsing orb. This orb can be reactivated for further celestial travel when necessary.
Questions for Reflection:
- Is peace a destination or the start of a journey? How do you know?
- Who is your favorite peacemaker throughout history? Why? What have you learned from this person?
- If peace came to live in your home right now, what could happen to everyone in it?
- How would being peaceful impact your productivity?
Upcoming Events:
by The Metaphysical Center of New Jersey
The Metaphysical Center of New Jersey is moving onto the internet. In a series of 18 lectures, the Journeys program offers multiple tools to help you positively navigate through this challenging time of awakening. I am happy to be a contributor to this series, offering How To Use Your Quartz Crystal Point. This free program starts on August 18th and runs for 18 days straight. Sign up at:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.