Photo by Zoe Holling on Unsplash
On Patience and Preparation:
Patience is a priceless gift, especially at this moment. You cannot rush evolution, but you can support it. When you are calm, clear, and grounded you have the strength to wait for the best time, the most significant opportunity, the incredible relationships that will change the trajectory of your life. If you rush into that which you attracted to yourself out of fear, you will end up living in fear. Aren’t you tired of doing that? It really is no longer necessary. Patience is your key to freedom. It allows you to consciously breathe into the moment so that with calm, clear, grounding you can determine the truth of what is now before you. With patience, you can turn off fear and turn on insight. You can choose to prepare yourself to know what you need to know when you need to know it. Decision-making can become an empowered act of confidence that contributes to your wellbeing and the wellbeing of all. It is important to understand that patience and preparation are partners in your evolution. Patience gives you the awakened space to prepare. It offers protection while you consider the consequences of possible choices that could negatively impact yourself or another. It offers a peaceful container in which to welcome the celestial support and planetary guidance that will assist you in truly comprehending the impact your behaviors will make.
Patience is your best friend right now and one of the many gifts brought to you by the coronavirus. You have been forced to physically slow down but for many that meant revving up the worried mind and the hurting heart. Now the evolutionary journey requires that all of you, head, heart, and body, consciously slows down and settles into your celestial home on the Earth: your Soul Star. Your Soul has practiced patience in guiding you through hundreds and even thousands of incarnations. It knows how to use the limitations of the pandemic to prepare you for the evolutionary leaps you are about to take. Embrace the patience it is offering you and move into preparation for all that you are about to become.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
Physical pain is getting us to pay attention to ourselves. It is forcing us to slow down and making us reconsider our choices, because what we did without pain is no longer possible. Some of this pain, which cannot be traced to a physical incident in your life, may be coming from past life experiences on this planet or beyond. Incarnations are bleeding through to help each other collectively evolve. In whatever time frame, becoming conscious of what is occurring is your first step toward healing. Breathe through the pain and listen to your body. Is it your physical body that is hurting or is it the body of one of your incarnations speaking through your physical form? Once you know the source you can create a strategy for healing. If it is purely physical, engage all the healing modalities required to treat your injury. If it is incarnational, begin a process to connect with the incarnation in distress and work with a healing professional to multi-dimensionally heal what went wrong in the life in question. Pain can rapidly reduce when multi-dimensional healing is successful. When it is purely physical, the body will need as much time as is necessary to heal itself.
Pain can be experienced anywhere but many are noticing disturbances in the lower back, hips, and legs. Many are asking ourselves how we are going to move forward in a pandemic with a government and society in massive distress. It is no wonder that that lower half of the body, where we generate our movement and experience our security, is expressing discomfort. Recognize that no matter what is happening around you, you do control what is happening within you. Your Soul’s ability to safely navigate you through the challenges ahead is immense. Trust it. Use it. Walk through your life with conscious direction and radiate intelligent hope and graceful faith. Your back, hips, and legs will thank you and rise to the occasion.
October’s Mantra:
I am embracing patience as my key to personal freedom. I am preparing myself for evolutionary leaps.
Inspirational Music:
Holding Hands received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move.
Eee. Oh. Eee. Oh. Oh. Ah. Oooh.
My hands reach out, touching light.
Flowing in light, our hands meet.
Fingers touch. Hope awakens. Loneliness flees.
We travel together on the river of light,
Currents of love strengthening us.
Holding hands, moving as one.
I see the light flowing, flowing out of me.
I feel upheld, lifted up with dignity.
We rise as One, into the light of day.
Banishing darkness, we find a new way.
Our light it shines through all the pain.
Our light it shines. Grace is ahead.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Crystalline Assistance:

Apophyllite helps you to see the truth in yourself and others.
The stones for October offer flexibility and promote the vulnerability necessary to learn. Many are soft on the Moh’s scale of hardness, yet these stones can toughen up the etheric, mental, and spiritual bodies of the auric field. This month these minerals are not pushy. In other months, they are. For the moment they will not hound you with their radiation until you succumb. Rather they will surround you with their radiations until you choose to absorb the support and learn the lessons they have to offer. These stones understand patience. They have taken millions and billions of years to form. They can wait for you to acknowledge that their presence is valuable.
Once you do begin to engage with these stones, they will quickly begin to reconfigure your auric field for more expedient downloading of increasing multi-dimensional frequencies. It is best if you can set aside meditative time where they can complete this processing. It will be easier on your body and your mind. These stones are not just supporting the reconfiguration of your physical body, they are preparing you to consciously utilize your light body while living in your physical form. It is quite exciting. Additionally, the blue stones will awaken your capacity to multi-dimensionally understand what is occurring and perceive possible outcomes. They will assist you to comprehend what could be done, what would be most effective, and what is useless. You will have more success will less effort then you learn the lessons available to you now.

Scolecite radiates innocence and purity.
These stones will make excellent meditation companions and can be placed in grids on altars until the end of the year. When making decisions combine white and blue stones and hold them in your hand while problem-solving. Keep these where you work or study to sharpen your mind and intuition. If you would like to enlighten your home or office, create a grid of white stones with a blue one in the middle and place it in the most active room in the home. Ask it to awaken all who live or visit.
Here are the minerals for October:

Benitoite supports your understanding of where you are in your life and why.
White: Appophylite, Scolecite, White Aragonite, Selenite, White Opal, Petalite, White Danburite, White Mica, Marble, Howlite, Okenite, White Alabaster, Clear Quartz, Faden Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Tibetan Quartz, Girasol Opal, Clear Calcite, Milky Quartz, White Moonstone, Pearl, Magnesite, Ulexite
Blue: Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Sapphire, Blue Kyanite, Benitoite, Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate, Tanzanite, Covellite, Shattuckite, Cavansite, Blue Apatite, Euclase, Chrysocolla, Blue Aventurine, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Angelite, Blue Fluorite, Blue Halite, Celestite
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a brilliant white light and feel it blowing up like a balloon in your chest cavity. Watch it gently expand and fill up the trunk of your body. As it expands release all limitations, restrictions, and inhibitions that you have placed upon your heart and your gut. Allow yourself to trust in your own awareness once more. Welcome the presence of your angelic and celestial guides as you reawaken your Soul empowerment.
Now that you are securely connected to your Soul’s presence, power, and intelligence, imagine or visualize your soul-embodied self, etherically walking out of your physical form. Stand in front of your body in your etheric form and get comfortable with your ability to access and utilize your light body. Imagine a deep magenta orb glowing in your light body. Direct a beam of this unconditionally loving energy to your physical heart in the physical body in front of you. Continue to send the magenta beam until your entire physical form is enveloped in this tender deep pink loving energy. Become aware of a cord of brilliant white light linking your light body with your physical body. This is how you remain securely connected.
Turn away from your physical body now and become aware of a presence coming towards you. You will notice a group of luminescent blue angels escorting a powerful guide on their way to you. As they approach the blue angels surround you and the guide appears before you, introducing him or herself. Your guide is here to teach you what you need to know to succeed in the coming days. Your importance has been noted by the planetary hierarchy and you are being asked to participate in a significant mission to assist the evolution of this world. If you are willing, express your desire to participate now. Relax into the coherence of your light body and go with your teacher to the destination that is your classroom. Two of the blue angels will remain with your physical form while the others will accompany you to your learning station. Follow the directions your teacher provides and ask questions as is necessary. You cannot know that which you are about to learn so relax into the process and absorb the information and procedures being revealed to you.
When your lesson is complete, your teacher and blue angels deliver you back to your physical form. Before departing your teacher blesses you with greater conscious awareness, allowing you to access as much of what you have learned as you can tolerate in the days to come. The stronger you become, the more will be revealed to your conscious mind. The process in which you are engaged will continue until the end of the year and for two weeks into 2021. It is our pleasure to collaborate with you on the wellbeing of your life in your world.
Questions for Reflection:
- On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is “not at all” and 10 is “all the time,” rate how patient you are? Where would you like to be?
- Do you like to plan or do you prefer to be spontaneous? How is that working for you? What would happen if you combined them?
- How receptive are you to new ideas and experiences? If so, how has your life changed because of them?
- How comfortable are you with vulnerability grounded in faith?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632

Flower of Life
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.