In order to support our emergence as fifth dimensional soul-embodied human beings, our auric fields are being continually upgraded to enhance our access to multi-dimensional assistance and collaboration. Throughout the next three years many upgrades in the chakra column and subtle bodies will be installed to awaken our conscious awareness of our new abilities to choose peace as a way of life. The chakras noted below are the early steps toward conscious multi-dimensional relationship that offers us the opportunity to creatively collaborate with all the kingdoms of nature, including the angels working on the Earth plane. Please do the activations as many times as necessary for you to consciously feel these new energetic mechanisms functioning within your auric field. When they are operational you will notice positive behavioral changes, newly emerging thought patterns, and deeper trust in the power of your Soul.
The Empowered Service Chakra
Color: Violet vectors and Green faceted diamond
Location: Notch at the collarbone
Date of Activation: October 2013
Purpose: Empowers the ability to serve in a multi-dimensional capacity.
Activation Meditation: Breathe in a deep emerald green and relax into auric harmony. Feel the emerald energy begin to pool at the notch at your collarbone. Now visualize vibrant violets flowering in the subtle bodies of your auric field. Feel them growing strong and wiggling in the freedom of your spiritual body, in the expansiveness of your mental body, in the flexibility of your emotional body, in the order of your etheric body, and in the presence of your physical body. Notice that they are wiggling in excitement and anticipation. Visualize the violets becoming crystalline and radiating vectors of joyous violet light rays towards the notch at your collarbone at the base of your neck. Feel these violet vectors being received by the pool of emerald green waiting for them at the notch at the middle of your collarbone. Watch now as the emerald light receives the violet rays and like a switch turns on, becoming a multi-faceted diamond of harmonizing power. Feel the diamond directing the violet rays as it spins counterclockwise opening up your chakra of empowered service. Feel your upper back and shoulders opening up as your body embraces its ability to serve life in all its forms, with appreciation and in joy. Relax now as your fifth dimensional aqua chakra column responds to the activation of your violet green chakra and realigns. Feel a new level of harmony pouring into and through your auric field. Allow yourself to smile as tremendous multi-dimensional support flows through the violet crystalline vectors into your empowered service chakra. Feel your subtle bodies as your intimate evolutionary 5D community committed to your joyous fulfillment. Your violet green chakra is an engine of life-affirming service that is powering up your 5D lifestyle. It will help you to consciously engage the harmony inherently available to the emerging 5D communities in which you will joyously thrive.
Empowered Service Chakra with Pink Octahedron
Color: Violet Green with Pink swirls
Location: Notch at the collarbone, Octahedron through the auric field
Date of Activation: November 2013
Purpose: The energies of the Divine Feminine provide support for empowered service by expanding the experience of harmony in the etheric and physical bodies.
Activation Meditation: Breathe in a deep pink and relax into an ocean of calm. Welcome in the Divine Feminine energies rising up through the soles of your feet. Feel her wrapping you in the dynamic creativity of her unconditional loving and respond to her embrace. As you do, feel the inhibitions and limitations that have distracted you from your own capacity to unconditionally love dissolving. Relax into the fluid cohesion now emerging in the subtle bodies of your auric field. You will feel a bit like you are floating in the center of a deep pink bubble that has no defined ending. Now connect with your fifth dimensional heart and gentle blow unconditional love into your field. Watch as a pink wave emerges from you and ripples out through your subtle bodies and beyond your field. Send out a few more waves of unconditional loving and if any resistance is left in your subtle bodies, feel it dissolving now.
Gently feel your pink bubble begin to spin counterclockwise and visualize the formation of a pink octahedron with the upper apex at the white star of the monad above you and the lower apex at the Soul Star beneath you. As it settles into place visualize the violet vectors from your empowered service chakra at the notch at your collarbone flowing into the lines of the octahedron further stabilizing its presence in your field. See the internal space of the octahedron swirling the pink with an emerald light. Notice the expansion of internal harmony in your physical and etheric bodies. Welcome the space that the pink octahedron is creating for the divine feminine energy to exercise her creative genius in your life and in your world offering you a tender environment in which to lovingly evolve.
The Gender Unity Chakra

5D Chakra Column with Golden Orange Beam from Crown down
Color: Golden Orange
Location: 3” to 4” below the root chakra or base of the spine
Date of Activation: December 2013
Purpose: The masculine and feminine energies merge again at a deeper level to establish gender unity in the 5D chakra column. This unity is fully anchored into the 5D light channel through the gender unity chakra.
Activation Meditation: Place your feet on the ground and draw your attention to your legs. Bring your awareness to the base of your spine and relax into the presence of your fifth dimensional blue-green root chakra. Feel the safety and support that your Soul is providing for you now and focus upon the steady flow through the blue-green infinity channels moving from left to right at your pelvis and buttocks. Feel the red energy of your third dimensional root chakra expanding as the masculine energies of fear, greed, lust, and power that created danger and destruction in your world is being transformed through the flow of the blue-green Ray’s power to heal. Relax into the freedom being created not only in the third dimensional root chakra but also rising into the third dimensional sacral chakra. Feel the blue-green Ray rising into the orange of the third dimensional sacral chakra and clearing the masculine preoccupation with sex and physical virility. Allow the bondage that sexuality has created within the human masculine energy to end as the orange energy expands into the pearlescent white light of the fifth dimensional sacral chakra. Feel the male reproductive organs beginning to shift into the capacity to engage in higher expressions of unconditional loving through sensual creativity, not sexual activity. You may feel pressure in the pelvis as the masculine energies of the reproductive system are upgraded to express unconditional loving through gentle kindness, purity, and the strength of innocence.
Gently now place your attention roughly three inches below your fifth dimensional root chakra and become aware of a pulsing golden orange sphere located within your aqua light channel. Feel this golden orange point of light anchoring the expression of gender unity in your fifth dimensional chakra column. Focus your attention on the infinity channel flowing from the left to the right as this fifth dimensional anchoring chakra activates in your auric field.
The Gender Unity Beam and the Activation of The Monadic Star

Aqua Light Channel with Monadic Star Pyramid
Color: Golden Orange Beam and Silvery and Ice Blue 4 sided Pyramid
Location: Beam runs from Gender Unity Chakra and connects with the Monadic Star Pyramid roughly 4” above the White Crown Lotus
Date of Activation: January 2014
Purpose: The Monadic Star is a vehicle through which celestial collaboration occurs. The insights, activations, and technologies received multi-dimensionally travel through the Golden Orange Beam and are delivered into the auric field for transmission into your life and your world.
Activation Meditation: Breathe in the deep golden orange energy of the gender unity chakra roughly four inches below the base of the spine. See the infinity channels moving from the left to the right emerging from the golden orange sphere. Visualize the infinity channel now spinning, similar to the propeller of an older model airplane. As the rotation increases a beam of the golden orange energy emerges from the sphere and begins moving up into the blue-green 5D root chakra. Feel the masculine and feminine energies merging, anchoring in gender unity at the base of the spine and lower back. Feel the golden orange beam rise up into the pearlescent white light of the 5D sacral chakra. As the masculine and feminine energies merge gender unity is anchored in the pelvic region. The golden beam continues up into the orange-pink of the 5D solar-plexus chakra and as the masculine and feminine energies merge, gender unity is anchored in the abdomen and middle back. Feel the golden orange beam rising into the 5D aqua heart anchoring gender unity as the masculine and feminine energies unite. The golden orange beam now moves into the violet green empowered service chakra and up into the platinum frequency of the 5D throat chakra. The masculine and feminine energies merge into one voice and anchor gender unity in the neck. The golden orange beam rises up into the magenta of the Mouth of God chakra and up into the rainbow 5D third eye chakra. The masculine and feminine energies merge anchoring gender unity in the head. The beam now moves up into the white lotus of the 5D crown chakra. As the masculine and feminine energies unite within the white lotus of the 5D crown chakra, the lotus expands its reach through your auric field. Notice the strength and power of the unity within your aqua light channel. The unified masculine and feminine energies function with singular focus and purpose, intensifying their capacity for effective productivity. Relax into this calm, confident, empowerment.
The golden orange beam now moves up further and connects with the monadic star above the white lotus. As you become aware of this monadic star, you may feel the presence of a four sided silvery and ice blue pyramid. Visualize the sides of the pyramid folding down and becoming a multi-dimensional platform, or stage, if you will. Relax into the silvery ice-blue energy of your monadic star and call forth the celestial assistance available to you through this portal of enlightened awareness. The Light Beings responding to your call are thoroughly committed to supporting your evolution. They come from within and beyond our galaxy and are directly related to the lineages of light from which you have emerged. They are directly responding to a query from your Soul to provide the insight and innovation that will lead to positive physical changes in your Earth experience. Call forth those Light Beings you wish to engage now. Spend some time with them, multi-dimensionally collaborating in unconditional loving. As you prepare to integrate the information and awareness from your collaborative experience, offer appreciation and gratitude to those with whom you have interacted. Feel the sides of the pyramid moving up as the interface provided through your monadic star is closing. The insight and awareness you have received gently flows through the golden orange beam back down your 5D light channel and anchors into the gender unity chakra below the base of your spine. These higher frequencies move into and through your subtle bodies offering you the ability to radiate the blessings you have received from your physical body into the world. Relax into the strength and focus offered to you through the multi-dimensional community with whom you are now connected.
The Reception Chakra and the Activation of the Grid Grounding Chakra

5D Manifestation Infinity Wave
Color: The reception chakra is a deep red to maroon. The grid grounding chakra is a luminescent brown. It is the new 5D Earth Star.
Location: The reception chakra is located between the ankles and sends out an infinity channel around the ankles. The brown grid grounding chakra is located about a foot below the ankles directly below the red reception chakra. It is embedded in the grids of the planetary body.
Date of Activation: March 20, 2014 at the Spring Equinox
Purpose: The red reception chakra receives the energy packet delivered through the celestial assistance of the Monadic Star in response to a request for support or manifestation. It processes this multi-dimensional energy packet and sends the information and frequencies into the ankles. The energies are prepared for transport into the planetary body and are discharged through the soles of the feet in a diagonal pattern to settle into the brown pulsing grid grounding chakra. A triangular pattern is created from the soles of the feet and into the grid grounding chakra as celestial energies penetrate the planetary auric field. The grid grounding chakra receiving the energy transmission is directly plugged into the multiple grids of the planet including the Hartmann Lines, the Curry Lines, the Schumann Waves, Ley Lines, Black Lines, United Vector Geometry, and the planetary chakra system. After processing the most appropriate grids through which the energy packet will flow, the brown pulsing 5D Earth Star discharges the energy into the grids for the highest good of the planet and you. The energies taken into the body of the planet are also reflected upward into the grids of your own subtle bodies in your auric field. This facilitates the expression of your 5D lifestyle in your spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, and physical experiences. You can image a huge infinity channel being created between your auric field and the body of the planet, with energy flowing harmonically and creatively from one to the other.
Utilizing this grid grounding energy system is one of the primary tools that you will use to literally build your 5D lifestyles. It is one of the processes through which you will redesign the cultural patterns of your soul-embodied humanity. It is the basic experiencer through which your understanding of your relationships with the kingdoms of nature will reconfigure.
Planetary Activation: Breathe in a deep golden orange and connect with your gender unity chakra four inches below your 5D root chakra. Feel the golden orange infinity channel emerging from the golden orange sphere and beginning to spin. As the gender unity chakra powers up the golden orange beam, what question or information would you like to ask or receive from the celestial assistance you will contact through your monadic star pyramid?
Feel the golden orange beam emerge from the chakra and begin to work its way up through your 5D chakra column stopping at each chakra to heal fragmented gender energies. As each chakra is unified feel the golden orange beam reaching up through the white lotus crown chakra and making contact with the four-sided icy blue pyramid of your Monadic Star chakra. Feel the sides of the pyramid fall down creating a landing platform for your query. Ask your question and allow assistance to appear for you. Receive, embrace, and honor the process. Once the transmission is complete give thanks. Your celestial assistance will depart and the faces of the pyramid will close. The energy you have received will now travel down the golden orange beam and through the light channel.
Once the energy gets down and into the golden orange gender unity chakra, a golden orange beam will now descend down and into a red pulsing reception chakra in between your ankles. This beam carries the energies you have received at your monadic star and deposits it into the red reception chakra. The red reception chakra creates an infinity channel that swirls around your ankles linking your masculine and feminine energies. The red reception chakra discharges the energy from the monadic star into the infinity channel which then dispenses the energy into each ankle and focuses the energy down through the soles of the feet and diagonally down towards the pulsing brown grid grounding chakra roughly a foot beneath your ankles. This is your new 5D Earth Star and is directly plugged into the multiple grids of the 5D Earth. As the brown grid grounding chakra receives the energy packet from the Monadic Star it now discharges the energy into the most appropriate grids of the planet for physical manifestation in your life and in your world.
As the grids of the planet receive the energy packet from your Monadic Star, they immediately utilize them to their highest benefit for you and the world. The energies are taken into the body of the planet and also reflected upward into the grids of your own subtle bodies in your auric field. This facilitates the expression of your 5D lifestyle in your spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, and physical experiences. You can imagine a huge infinity channel being created between your auric field and the body of the planet, with energies flowing harmonically and creatively from one to the other.
Utilizing this grid grounding energy system is one of the primary 5D tools that you will use to literally physically build your 5D lifestyles. It is one of the processes through which you will redesign the cultural patterns of your soul-embodied humanity. It is the basic experience through which your understanding of your relationships with the kingdoms of nature will reconfigure. Let us begin!