Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash
On New Emerging Realities:
Believe in your power to recognize truth and to honor its bearers. There is no reason to fear the new and powerful realities that you will access through your soul-awareness and soul-empowerment. Indeed, you are collaborating with us in developing a soul-embodied civilization of peace who consciously serves all life on Earth. The expansion occurring in the human heart is awakening your connection to the mind of your soul. Inspiration, courage, understanding, and vision are the words to live by as revelations about what, where, and how your futures can unfold emerge, appear, and present themselves for your consideration. This is an adventurous moment in human history where the terrain towards the future is changing under your feet and appearing before your eyes. Learn to depend upon the strength of your soul and you will not falter when change consumes your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In order to realize new and better physical routines in your daily lives, the revelations must begin in these expansive parts of your being. Emotional whirlwinds, thought battles, memory mazes, and spiritual crises have begun to release the grip of the past on individuals and within cultures. To build a future free of the ego’s resentments, judgments, and righteousness, this is necessary. Although arduous, the process does not have to be filled with torment. Torment can be replaced by wonder and change can be welcomed as an important friend and ally. When you appreciate the brilliant intelligence of your soul, you begin to depend upon it to guide you into and through the evolution of your civilization on an evolving planet. Each of you are making history, but it is no longer merely human, and that is a divine blessing for all life on Earth.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash
The levels of fatigue now being experienced are some of the greatest so far. Our entire auric field is tired. Every aspect of our being is simultaneously undergoing renovation. The realignment of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and memories occurring within our cellular structure leaves us washed up, burnt out, and sometimes exhausted. It comes in waves as particularly difficult areas of our lives are being addressed. Take advantage of good days and get as much done as you can before the next wave begins. In the midst of a wave, try to get as much rest as possible. Meditation really helps to support your body to ride the wave instead of getting pummeled by it. The more that you can consciously understand what is happening to you, the easier it will be for you to cooperate with your soul’s direction and instruction. You will come out of the waves faster and become more prepared to surf the next ones with greater conscious soul-infused agility.
Muscle aches and pain generally accompany the fatigue because your body is preoccupied with your evolution, not your current incarnation. Your body is struggling to provide the energy you need to function in your lives and support your evolutionary development simultaneously. There isn’t always enough physical energy to do both so pay attention to what you need when. We need to live soul-empowered lives to feel good, strong, and clear so that we can contribute to the evolution of our civilization. In the midst of an evolutionary dance that is changing, we are learning new steps. Clean eating, exercise that makes you happy, good sleep habits, and listening to positive and life-giving information all help to make your relationship with your body kind, gentle, and supportive. When you have the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strength to navigate through trials with confidence, you can manage pain, discomfort, and inconvenience with grace.
Lastly, many are having vivid and complicated dreams. As the neurons in our brains wrestle with the incoming spiritual vision and awareness, the old patterns and memories start to shake out. It is a lot easier to work through past difficulties through dreams instead of having them create obstacles in our waking lives. To support sound sleep try placing an amethyst by your bed or under your pillow. You can also make a grid of amethyst, smoky, and clear quartz points and place it under your bed. This grid assists you to consciously understand what is occurring during sleep to make your waking hours more peaceful and productive. Placing a sleep journal by your bed and writing down your impressions upon waking can be useful. Remember to speak with your soul and ask your universal healing team to help you gracefully move through your evolution and embrace every insight coming your way.
May’s Mantra:
I am participating in the creation of new ways of being in my life. I embrace the power, insight, and beauty of my soul as I do.
Inspirational Music:
I Hear the Voice of God received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Breath of the Soul.

Clear quartz energizes you to enjoy your life.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
Join with me now.
Open your hearts.
God is within and all around.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
No more fear. No more pain.
All of life is here to gain.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
We hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
We hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
Join with us now.
Open your hearts.
God is within and all around.
No more fear. No more pain.
All of life is here to gain.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
Begin to hear the voice of God.
Feel it growing in your hearts.
Open your eyes to God’s face.
Open yourself to God’s grace.
No more fear. No more pain.
All of life is here to gain.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
We are one. We are whole. We are peace.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
I hear the voice of God so clear.
Heaven is now here.
Heaven is now here.
Heaven is now here.
Crystalline Assistance:

Opal offers the freedom to colorfully flow into and through life.
Just as the rainbow reveals the invisible frequencies living within white light, the stones for May introduce us to the multi-dimensional frequencies living within our souls that we were previously incapable of recognizing. Working with these extremely beautiful specimens, we are given the opportunity to embrace the hidden beauty living within us, and then share our beauty with the world. We will gain new perspectives, learn how to become more adaptable, and discover the freedom that comes with soulful self-expression. These stones stand out in a crowd and offer you the opportunity to do the same, not for selfish gain, but rather to be recognized for your inherent value. The minerals for May promote appreciation and support collaboration. They assist you to recognize that there are many ways to engage in life-affirming relationships without having to negate anything of yourself or other life forms. Theirs is a tremendous dance of creativity radiating into physical expression. And so, they are willing to be the music to your dance of creativity as you craft your enlightened living.

Chalcopyrite encourages you to find joy in your life.
Because these stones are supporting your creative soul-expression, wearing them on your body in jewelry is the easiest and most effective way to feel their assistance. Additionally, every time you look at yourself in the mirror, their presence will remind you to honor your soul-embodiment and the beauty that it radiates through you. In addition, place larger specimens in places where you are the most creative such as kitchens, studios, workshops, and desks. These stones will promote inspiration, multi-dimensional connection, and creative soul-expression.
Here are the minerals for May:
Rainbow: Australian and Ethiopian Opal, Boulder Opal, Mexican Fire Opal, Fire Agate, Labradorite, Chalcopyrite, Rainbow Moonstone, Rainbow Obsidian, Abalone Shell.
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a luminous rainbow light. Become aware of colors that your physical eyes cannot comprehend and relax into the expansive vision of your soul. Listen as the luminous celestial colors begin to express themselves in song. While your body remains firmly where you are residing, become aware of your consciousness following the celestial music to a destination that has been designed especially for your awareness. Travel through the light and become aware of the celestial escorts accompanying you.
As you arrive in the garden of awareness, step onto the path and become aware of a hand gently taking yours, guiding you forward. Breathe deeply and notice your current appearance. It will most likely, not be human. Relax into this revelation. It is important to your present and your future. Look around you and become aware of the others like you following similar paths to a beautiful and large grove. In the center of this grove is what you would refer to as a flower bed, but the plants are celestial and unique to your environment. As you move towards the center these plants turn towards you and express their pleasure at your company. You will comprehend their message and understand them to be your guides on this journey. Sit on the bench provided and note the others who have traveled far to attend this class. Breathe. Open your heart. Settle into your awareness. Receive.
It will seem as if you are awakening from a deep sleep as your consciousness revives. Become aware of the form you are in on the bench at the celestial garden. Your escorts are directing you back onto the path from which you entered, and you can see that the other students are likewise being guided onto their paths. Notice that your movements are more fluid, that you feel much more connected to your essence as you leave the garden. Become aware of a lightness of being, yet at the same time, a deep knowing of the substance of which you are composed. Relax into this new experience of living. Become aware of music calling you forward and follow the frequencies.
As the music draws you toward itself become aware of planet Earth ascending, swirling in space, kissed by the rays of the Sun. Listen to its voice, singing its new song, inviting you to contribute to its evolution, to participate in its healing, awakening, and expansion into multi-dimensional connection. Gently reconnect your consciousness with your physical body. Allow the integration to begin. Prepare to participate in a new reality on Earth.
Questions for Reflection:
- What does your enlightened life look like to you now? In five years?
- When was the last time your life drastically changed? Did the shift terrify or delight you? Where did it lead?
- How do you know that you are listening to your soul’s guidance over your ego’s desire to control?
- What has been the most beautiful expression of your soulful living thus far? How have you honored this experience?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light Ascension Community Membership

Photo by Rochelle Haines on Unsplash
Every Wednesday at 7:15 pm, EST, we collaborate with the Cosmic Light Collective to support the evolution of humanity and the entire planet. Soul-aware, soul-inspired, and soul-empowered we are committed to living the enlightened lives that promote a civilization of peace devoted to serving life as we encounter it. Ours is a personal and collective journey as we individually receive messages in each transmission that support our healing, awakening, understanding, and commitment to serve.
Through the instruction of the Cosmic Light Collective, our classes begin with multi-dimensional activations that include galactic and universal assistance. These activations provide the momentum and strength required to break through the tremendous obstacles existing within the consciousness of the human race. Our activations also support the healing, balancing, and restoration of the Earth’s ecosystems in alignment with planetary ascension. Tools, techniques, and visualizations are provided to equip us for the journey. Every lesson focuses on an important topic that is currently fueling our evolutionary development planet-wide. You are given an opportunity to ask the Cosmic Light Collective questions about the topic which are answered in the transmission. These messages provide multi-dimensional context about what is happening on Earth, why, its effects on your personal life, and how to fix the disruptive and destructive. Those participating are infused with the electromagnetic frequencies that support smooth transitions with as much grace as we are willing to absorb.
I invite you to experience the strength, generosity, wisdom, love, and compassion to be found in our ascension community. Join us at 339-209-6632 to discover the power of your Soul. Give yourself the opportunity to become aware of the celestial assistance working for your wellbeing around the clock. Inspiration, comfort, strength, giudanceand hope are at your disposal. These teleconferences are free of charge while the pandemic still holds us in its grip. However, to receive the weekly write-ups and recordings of each lesson, become a Shine The Light Ascension Community Member. Those who become Soul-embodying Human Being members for $50.00 a month. also receive a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flower Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy for supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. They also receive bonus information regarding the auric field upgrades we are constantly experiencing. A catalog of all the transmissions since March 2020 is being created so that you can easily access a meditation or message you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. There is also an Evolutionary Explorer membership level for $10.00 a month. which provides just the write-ups for your review. Your support at both levels is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to those seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health. To register click here:https://www.patreon.com/ShineTheLight