About Honoring the Present: In the moment you are in, awareness is growing, and potentials are unfolding. Be vigilant about owning your own consciousness and trust what feels right, clean, and clear to you. Give each moment the care it deserves and in doing so you will attend to what life is presenting. In the challenges ahead, attentive conscious vigilance will make the difference between chaos and calm. There is no need for you to lose your center. Be intent about your connection to your Soul and strength will rise and clarity emerge.
Your greatest safety lies in the awareness of your Soul because it empowers enlightened action. As you release the old ways, your Soul will support your experiences of the unfolding future. Ingenuity, creativity, and a sense of wonder will replace anxiety and concern. It is through such spiritual grounding that your physical experience will become more cohesive and future-directed. The past is no longer a destination so keep your focus forward moving. Your Soul is a powerful motivating force that fuels your drive to enlightened living. If you consciously remain plugged in, you will never lose your way nor the energy you need to blaze ahead.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Headaches and vision issues are occurring as your Soul prepares your mind to accept new realities. When what you have seen of your world suddenly changes, it creates a dissonance that has multi-dimensional impact. Sometimes vision is affected for short periods of time. During these periods you are given opportunities to change your focus from what you expect to see, so that you may perceive the reality that is present. The great social upheaval occurring now is being born of conscious vision. How the past is presented in history and how the future will be created belongs to all and not merely a few who control public access. Headaches often occur as your expanding mind capacity taxes the brain. It is as if you are being downloaded with a new operating system and a period of adjustment is required. At this moment the program being downloaded is one of awakening to multi-dimensional truths. The confusion, loss, sense of betrayal, and hopelessness many are experiencing are necessary components to birth the conscious awareness and creation of freedom, truth, compassion, understanding, and collaboration that manifests life-affirming change for all.
Rolling waves of emotion are normal during this long transition period because the energy being expelled through planetary healing effects your entire auric field. Allow the wave to wash over you and do not attach to the emotion, thought, belief, or memory. It is the attachments that cause meltdowns and lead to irritability and unbecoming behavior, which could create negative consequences. Laugh, cry, take deep breaths, write letters, listen to music, and exercise to release the energies and process any personal issue which was triggered. This is an opportune time to engage in smudging and cleansing rituals, not only for yourself but also for your property. The clearer your environment, the easier it is to release negativity and generate hope.
July’s Mantra:
In this moment, my Soul is strengthening me and illuminating my path.
Inspirational Music:
Surely In This Moment received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move. You can download this song for free from the homepage for the next 30 days.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu.
Surely in this moment.
Surely in this moment.
Surely in this moment, I am home.
Surely in this moment, I am growing into my Soul.
Surely in this moment, I am becoming.
I am growing into all that I am.
Surely in this moment, life if growing brighter.
I am not alone. I have never been.
Surely in this moment, I am feeling life exploding from my Soul.
Surely in this moment, I am growing, growing whole.
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah.
Surely in this moment, I am holy.
Surely in this moment, I can hear.
Surely in this moment, light is all around me.
And I am here, am here, to share.
Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu, Nu.
Surely in this moment.
Crystalline Assistance:

Kunzite keeps you rooted in your Soul’s love for you regardless of the circumstances you find yourself.
The minerals for July awaken beauty and promote harmony. They provide a respite from conflict and distress so that you can regain your soul awareness and return to auric balance. They are supportive stones offering comfort along with the strength and clarity that they provide. For the next two months, you will become aware of a gentleness permeating whatever specimens you choose. The mineral kingdom is providing gentle comfort for those who are on the frontlines of realizing an enlightened civilization of peace. They understand the effects of heat and pressure to create metamorphosis and desire to assist in humanity’s successful transition into a soul-embodied species.

Ruby strengthens your capacity to love.
Using these stones in multiple capacities will help you to realize the benefits of their support. Grids placed in family rooms for harmony, bedrooms for comfort, kitchens for nurturing, and bathrooms for cleansing are all good options. Wearing these stones in jewelry at the places on the body where you are feeling most stressed is also a great option. The longer skin contact is maintained the greater the effect. Try necklaces over the heart for soothing, bracelets on the left hand for hope, bracelets on the right hand for action, stones in both pockets for balance and grounding, and ankle bracelets on the left for grounding as well. Rings are great reminders of the support of the mineral kingdom and earrings can assist your conscious hearing. It is a great time to sleep or bathe with amethyst, rose quartz, or pink calcite. Enjoy the companionship of your stones.
Here are the minerals for July:
Magenta: Cobaltoan Calcite, Morganite, Pink Smithsonite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Vesuvianite, Rhodonite, Rhodocrosite, Rubellite, Pink Opal, Pink Chalcedony, Thulite
Multi-colored: Sapphire, Ruby, Dioptase, Sugilite, Red Carnelian, Citrine, Amethyst, Yellow Fluorite, Emerald, Variscite, Golden Healer Quartz, All colors of Calcite and Aventurine
Planetary Activation:
Imagine that you are holding a magenta rose in your hand. Its petals are of brilliant hues and its aroma is intoxicating. Notice how large the bloom is and how small the thorns are on the stem. Visualize yourself cutting off the flower from the thorny stem and letting it sit at the top of your head. Once on top of your head notice that the entire flower moves down the center channel of your body, nestles in between your feet and begins to dramatically grow. You discover yourself surrounded by the energies of the magenta blossoming rose. Allow yourself to relax into the petals of this rose and listen to the messages it has come to share.
Roses love to be together, so your blossom is now seeking its garden mates. Notice the colors of the roses appearing, the variety of petals and aromas, the tall and bushy, the petite flowers and the large dramatic ones. Become aware of which roses you are being drawn to and allow the roses to speak to each other. Listen to their conversations to discover how they communicate and what is important to them. Pay attention to how they treat each other and become conscious of why.
As the garden takes shape notice whether it is a planned site or a more natural area. Do these roses need to be cared for or are they able to fend for themselves? Who will do the caring? How many of them comprise the garden and are there other plants that support and complement the roses? Become aware of how this garden is being planted and provided for. What are you learning from witnessing this? Be present.
As the garden is completed, notice the sense of purpose in this place, the feeling of belonging, the knowing that good is happening here. As you look around at the beauty being radiated in every direction, allow yourself to be touched and open to the energy of all the beaming roses and plants. Can you find where your rose has been planted? Take your place in this garden and settle in. Relax into the role you play in the beauty and harmony that has been created. As you do, become aware of the individuals living within the roses around you. See their faces poking out from the center of the blossoms. Step out of your rose and take your human place in this garden. As you do, so do the others brought together by the roses. Greet each other with surprise and delight for the roses have chosen all of you to collaboratively give life. You have been planted in the garden of humanity to support the blossoming of the soulful beauty and purpose of an enlightened civilization of peace. Just as you have relaxed into this visionary garden, allow these individuals to manifest in your physical life. Allow the roses to become a bouquet of enlightened community to which you not only belong but are treasured.
Questions for Reflection:
- Are you able to easily embrace the lessons you have learned from the past and move on? If not, what would help you to do so?
- What was your latest spiritual adventure? Did you enjoy it?
- How do you emotionally feel about mentally releasing expectations?
- What image encourages you to remain anchored to your Soul Star? How do you use it?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to well being. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to. The Cosmic Light Collective offered us considerable guidance on the July 1st call. You can listen to it at: https://fccdl.in/TtGNe50lGR
Although these calls are free, donations are greatly appreciated!