On Honesty:
Honesty is a great healer for it allows you to understand what has stood in the way of peace. There will be many conversations for years to come in which honesty will be the question to be answered. Who has deceived who, is not as important as the inability to identify your personal truth, to allow yourself to be led astray from your highest and best opportunities for fulfillment. Your hearts know how to think with a wisdom your brains are incapable of comprehending. And now, they must work together to help you align to the greater truths of which you are a part. This country has taken a massive leap forward into the development of personal and collective honesty. This honesty will become the basis for how individuals will govern themselves in their own lives, and how this population chooses to care for the wellbeing of all residing in this nation. Honesty is straightforward and cannot be manipulated. It simply communicates the observable facts of situations, environments, and relationships. It accurately describes the emotions being experienced and the thought patterns driving specific behaviors. You cannot be honest and deceitful at the same time and in this way, honesty offers safety and the possibility of significant personal and collective freedom.
In your election, the observable facts of both the process and the outcome offer an honest appraisal of the beliefs and challenges with which the citizens of this nation are struggling. The opportunities to truly see and understand each other have never been greater. As the fog clears, honesty will be fueling the possibilities for enlightened intelligent action at home and in the streets. The honest look within before they gaze out and touch the world in which their lives are unfolding. They ask themselves how they can contribute. They explore how they can share their appreciation for all that is. They consider how important their relationships are and they listen for guidance from their Souls to effectively, powerfully, tenderly, and joyously love. Honesty is fearless and such is its power. Use it wisely and well!
Current Ascension Symptoms:
With so much collective unrest and a long-lasting election that held the populace captive, exhaustion has been a companion, varying from day to day and even hour by hour. Now that a new course has been set for the nation, there is relief and distress for many. Resting is extremely important and to do that well, you have to unplug from the drama long enough to let your body completely relax. Whether you chose to play or craft or meditate or exercise, let your mind be preoccupied with goodness, creativity, hope, or any other positive emotion that bypasses your brain and gives your body moments of peace. Taking flower essences, diffusing essential oils, soaking in healing baths, sipping nurturing teas and making or listening to music all help to support them body to recover from the spiritual, mental, and emotional traumas that have unfolded in this country from the beginning of this year and continue to emerge.
It has been hard to digest all that has and is still happening, especially with the surge in coronavirus cases. For those who have lost loved ones to the pandemic, grief will be sitting at their holiday tables. Our digestive systems have been overwhelmed by stress and all kinds of gastric difficulties are arising as we move through the rest of 2020. From heartburn to constipation, changes in appetite, bloating and gas, it is important to eat healthy, regular meals that give the body the fuel it needs to nurture itself. Moreover, our immune systems are more important than ever during this pandemic and eating clean organic foods empowers our bodies to heal. As we move into the holidays, how we eat, where we eat, what we eat, and with whom we eat are questions we all must consider. For our bodies to enjoy these meals, it is important to keep them as stress free as possible. Consider taking probiotics to strengthen your gut and be aware of how much alcohol you are consuming. Be conscious of enjoying the gifts from the Earth that comfort us.
November’s Mantra:
I am honestly assessing my life to live fearlessly and with joy.
Inspirational Music:
The Truth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Breath of the Soul.
Narration: Respect is gift that you offer to each other, in honesty, with wisdom, and in grace. It is a recognition of the sanctity of life, and the ability of life to set forth a direction and follow it to completion. The respect of humanity for its own Soul is outlining the direction in which humanity will rise into the peaceful expression of a soul-embodied civilization, unafraid and unashamed to claim the light of the Soul, the power of the Spirit, and the love of Creation, from which it was born. Let us celebrate our capacity to respect each other and utilize it in the greatest reverence possible. For we are a soul-embodied people. We are capable. We are possible. We are real.
I hear the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
And it is me.
I hear the truth around me.
I hear the truth within me.
I see the truth around me.
It is real.
I hear the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
And it is me.
I hear the truth around me.
I hear the truth within me.
I see the truth around me.
It is real.
Crystalline Assistance:

Purpurite encourages you to release old patterns of behavior and thoughts to clear the way for personal fulfillment.
The minerals of this month facilitate cleansing, promote clarity, and support soul-embodiment. They are a combination of hard and soft stones providing the flexibility required to release the unnecessary and the empowerment needed to embrace hard to face truths. They encourage a return to the innocence of the Soul while strengthening intelligent responses to life’s challenges. They are as practical as they are uplifting, and they are committed to supporting your evolutionary accomplishments. Sometimes they may gently prod you into awareness and at other times they may need to shock you, depending upon how resistant you have become. In every instance they encourage you to deepen your spiritual connections so that you embody your Soul and live through its power and presence.
This month these minerals are very engaging so interacting with them is the best way to utilize their assistance. Carrying them in your pockets, bathing with them in the tub, wearing them in jewelry, holding them in your hands while watching television, making gem elixirs, and taking them along on a hike or run are all ways to incorporate these stones into your life. Because they are facilitating releases, they support moving energy out through cleansing and exercise. On the other hand, they are also encouraging soul-embodiment so wearing jewelry and carrying them on you amplifies your Soul’s presence in your body. Hold them during meditation and utilize their guidance to create powerful intentions for your present and future. Pick a few specimens that you desire to create a working relationship with this month. There is a lot to honestly focus upon and these stones would love to help you awaken to greater freedom and fulfillment.

Selenite promotes all levels of awareness so that your decisions are inspired by clarity and divine guidance.
Here are the minerals for November:
Violet/Lavender: Sugilite, Amethyst, Auralite 23, Purple Fluorite, Purpurite, Ametrine, Lepidolite, Lavender Jade, Charoite
White: Phenacite, White Aragonite, Petalite, White Celestite, Scolecite, Danburite, Selenite, Apophyllite, White Opal, Girasol Opal, Milky Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Pearl, Magnesite, Azezulite, Clear Calcite, Albite, Howlite
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep violet light and imagine it illuminating the inside of your body, lighting up every cell in every organ. Continue breathing in the violet light until you feel as if your entire body is glowing in a violet hue. Become aware of the violet moving out of the soles of the feet and the palms of the hand. Become aware of the violet moving out of the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Become aware of the violet seeping out of the pores of the skin and out of your hair follicles. As your body is being surrounded by this vibrating violet mist, allow it to relax while the violet energy flows through it.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Now very gently allow the body to release all the stresses that have inhibited its optimal functioning into the violet light. Become aware of dark or foggy areas and focus your attention upon the violet light absorbing these destructive energies. As this occurs let your body tell you how it feels and why it feels the way it does. Listen to each area without judgment or rebuttal so that your body recognizes that you understand what it is communicating. Take as long as your body needs to free itself of the burdens and shackles that you have spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and etherically placed upon it. Welcome Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of the Violet Flame to support the freeing of your body from fear, loss, and pain. Let go.
As the debris dissolves notice the violet light growing brighter and turning into lavender with silver sparkles of energy. Become aware of a brilliant white light beginning to glow in each cell, in each organ, through each system of the body. Become aware of a new- found freedom radiating through your body as the light has space to grow within and through your physical matter. As the violet light completely turns into a lavender mist around you, become aware of your body turning a brilliant white shimmering light. With each breath you become more comfortable with the light shining within and radiating from you. Your body relaxes into the brilliance of the Soul free to live within it.
Focus upon this brilliant white energy and become aware of the presence of your Soul in your physical cells. Become aware of your Soul communicating with your body and listen to how it addresses your cells. How gentle, respectful, attentive, and caring is it towards your physical body? What is your Soul doing with the information that it is receiving from your body? What can you learn from this about how to take better care of yourself? Relax into how your Soul is celebrating the presence and power of the body in which it resides.
Questions for Reflection:
- How has being honest with yourself changed your life?
- How easy is it for you to run towards a challenge? How easy is it for you to run away from a challenge? Have you ever gotten stuck?
- What personal relationship changed the way you accept or deny the impact of authority figures in your life?
- How comfortable are you in standing up for yourself? In standing up for others?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632

Photo by Michael Held-on Unsplash
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.
To all who are donating for these calls, I say AMEN and HALLELUJAH! I am grateful.
In this crucible year of awakening I am grateful to all of you for living with integrity and hope, for serving those in your life with love, and embracing the lessons are Souls are collectively teaching us without restraint. Our healing journey always stretches us to become more than we have been and so we are growing.