Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
On Fluid Creativity:
Be aware that the love that you now feel is just the beginning of the fluid creativity that will pour forth over the new few months and into the next few years. As you settle into the momentum of continuous change, you will not be thrown from your center every time you are asked to consider another new way of believing, thinking, feeling, and behaving. You cannot know all that is to come. You can choose to fluidly live into the moment and enjoy the enlightening outcomes. The only stability to be experienced now is conscious connection to your soul-awareness and soul-empowerment. Through soul-empowered living, the courage and consistency required for personal and planetary transformation is provided. You have great support on this evolutionary adventure, and we are delighted to be of assistance. You, however, you not only have to ask for help, we need you to collaborate with us. The importance of your creative contributions cannot be underestimated. This is your home, your world. We are only visitors. You live here and it is through you that life on Earth will know peace and abundance. We do not doubt your creativity. Often though, you do. For a moment, consider all the planning that went into preparing your current incarnation. Your soul is creative beyond measure, and its creativity is your birthright. Confidently create. Consciously collaborate. Celebrate the privilege of participating in planetary ascension by enjoying the creative expression of your soul-embodying humanity.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
As we enter April, the excitement felt about the possibilities revealed to us in March have turned much more serious. To realize these possibilities and explore these opportunities, we must become serious about what needs our attention and the level of commitment that is required to create new outcomes. We may have felt disheveled and off-balance in March, but now focus, determination, hope, collaboration, understanding, and vision are the equipment our creativity needs to successfully express itself. The level of energy that we are using to continuously see through our soul’s eyes, creates fatigue and sometimes, lots of it. We can also become irritable and cranky as our souls push us beyond our comfort zones.
Soul-inspired vision does not require glasses, but it does require that the neurons of the brain function in new ways. Headaches and neck pain are not uncommon as the mind of the Soul begins to penetrate the central nervous system. Additionally, issues with sight will also occur as you integrate the vision of your third eye chakra with that of your human eyes. For as much as you are growing much more aware and connected, you are also anchoring more deeply into your self-awareness and personal efficacy. Insecurities, doubts about talents and abilities, and performance anxiety may accompany the increased demand for your creative contributions. Resist the temptation to compare yourself to others because each soul is unique in its purpose and trajectory. Lots of meditation that supports your conscious communication with your soul, without external interpretation, is very important now. You are learning to trust the soul within you, and for that you have to not only hear, but also comprehend the insight and direction you are receiving.
Lastly, this is the month to start instituting fun and play as spiritual practice. There is no better fuel for creativity than the pure joy of being alive. Even when you are tired, take time to walk, dance, hike, or bike. Take out some crayons, chalk, or paint and draw, sketch, or collage. This isn’t about producing a work of art, although that may happen. It is about setting your fluid creativity free to delight yourself so that you can be delightful to all around you. As we seriously work hard on our ascension, we have to balance courageous strength with expansive creativity born of love and beauty.
April’s Mantra:
I am engaging the fluid creativity of my soul-awareness to empower my enlightened lifestyle.
Inspirational Music:
Holding Hands received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move.
Eee. Oh. Eee. Oh. Oh. Ah. Oooh.
My hands reach out, touching light.
Flowing in light, our hands meet.
Fingers touch. Hope awakens. Loneliness flees.
We travel together on the river of light,
Currents of love strengthening us.
Holding hands, moving as one.
I see the light flowing, flowing out of me.
I feel upheld, lifted up with dignity.
We rise as One, into the light of day.
Banishing darkness, we find a new way.
Our light it shines through all the pain.
Our light it shines. Grace is ahead.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Follow the light, holding hands.
Crystalline Assistance:

Fire agate helps you to ignite your creativity and manifest your dreams.
The minerals for April-May inspire creativity and support collaboration. They infuse energy into stagnant situations, relationships, and environments propelling life-affirming change. These orange stones are beautiful to behold. In their radiance, we start to believe in the radiance emanating from our souls through the way we live our lives. Uplifting to the auric field, they encourage us to create in hope and joy, with vision and enthusiasm for what can be accomplished. Supported by the strength and clarity of the clear stones, our collaborative creativity serves the evolution of humanity and the ascension of our planet. These orange and clear minerals are partners in the mission to establish a soul-embodied civilization of peace on the Earth. They are serious collaborators who choose to establish conscious connections as we learn what each contributes to the success of our individual and collective endeavors. In this call to collaborate with the mineral kingdom, we are invited to participate in multi-dimensional relationships with and through the mineral kingdom. The creativity of the mineral kingdom is literally the bedrock upon which all life on Earth depends. We can count on crystalline assistance to support our soul-embodiment. The mineral kingdom is asking whether it can count on us to respectfully collaborate. When we choose to, we can.

Aragonite stars clear the chakras to promote energy flow.
Because these stones support manifestation through creative expression, they need to be utilized consistently and with intent. Meditation, especially with the quartzes, will be helpful to receive the insight and soul-inspired guidance that will fuel creative endeavors. More so, utilize these stones when considering options. Hold them in your hands when making decisions. Place them in your studios when working on artistic projects. Carry them with you when taking photographs. Position them on your keyboards or on your music stands when making music. Place them on a windowsill in the kitchen to inspire culinary creativity, collaborating with the plant kingdom on what is most healthy for you and your family. Make these stones a presence in your life to remind you of the evolutionary service to which you have committed yourself. Making a grid of the orange and clear stones creates a creativity hub. Place it in the most active room of your home and take individual stones out to work on specific issues, returning them to the grid when finished. Have fun with these inspirational stones. They look forward to enjoying your creative expressions unfolding.
Here are the minerals for April:

Double terminated clear quartz moves energy from point to point creating bridges for layouts in bodywork and grids.
Orange: Fire Agate, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Orange Aventurine, Vanadinite, Orange Creedite, Orange Selenite, Fire Opal, Orange Aragonite, Tangerine Quartz, Hessonite Garnet, Wulfenite, Scheelite, Golden Opal, Imperial Topaz, Sunstone, Elephant Skin Jasper
Clear: Clear Quartz, Phenacite, Diamond, Clear Danburite, Clear Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Apophyllite, Azeztulite
Planetary Activation:
Become aware of a brilliant orange energy descending upon you. It’s warm frequencies soothe your auric field while simultaneously invigorating it. Imagine that the orange energies turn into a robe that is being placed around your shoulders. At the neckline is a gemstone clasp. As you set the clasp notice the gemstone that has come to secure this orange energy into your auric field. This stone has come to support your creative expression. Listen for the deep chanting coming through your robe and penetrating the cells of your physical form. Relax into this physical frequency infusion while your auric field expands beyond the parameters of the soul and into the presence of your monad.
Become aware of the procession that you are now entering. Take your place among the many beings, human and celestial, that are participating in this convocation. Become aware of a vast temple of Clear Light in the distance shimmering, in what appears to be the dark vacuum of space. Notice now the momentum developing as an energetic wind propels all forward and the temple doors open to receive the participants. Become aware of the angelic escorts, the dragon protectors, the seraphic cohorts supporting all those drawn to attend. As you enter the temple, listen for the frequency that calls you to your seat and follow the music that speaks to your heart. As you find your place in the temple, relax into the awareness of those to whom you are being connected. What do you have in common? How well can you appreciate each other’s circumstances? In what ways are you collectively confronted by difficult realities? How is your desire to serve revealed in your homeworlds? Begin this important conversation now.
There is a spectacular bright light that now descends into the center of this circular temple. It is as if a star has arrived, and its radiation is penetrating. The many conversations that have been underway, now stop as the focus is shifted to this starlight. Deep within the brilliant clear light, become aware of the crystalline appearance of Christ Michael, Father of this Universe. He will appear to every life form in the expression that is most purposeful for each. For those coming from Earth, he will appear as Jesus or any other avatar that radiated the unconditional loving which he emanates. As Christ Michael looks around the temple, it is as if he is directly looking into your eyes with joyful appreciation and warmth. Become aware of a crystalline rose growing in your chest cavity as you meet his gaze and welcome his presence. There is little pomp and circumstance as Christ Michael begins to converse with all in attendance, discussing the matters about which he has called you forward. You have much to say and he desires to listen, for what is to be addressed is of great importance throughout this universe. Take this time to interact with Christ Michael in all the ways possible to you now.
As your conversation with Christ Michael comes to a close, become aware of the energetic intensity of the temple. It is shimmering with evolutionary possibility and charged with empowering unconditional loving. There is comprehension, understanding, respect born of insight, determination, and the flexibility to explore multi-dimensional options outside of one’s comfort zone. Hope is not only alive, its overflowing with possibilities to be realized in collaborative harmony. Feel yourself being drawn into deeper conversations with those in your area of service. As you become preoccupied with developing solutions, notice that the starlight in the center of the temple has now become a beam rising through the center of the roof. Before you are even aware, the brilliance of Christ Michael has left the temple and the Clear Light that remains is radiating from all in attendance. Notice that all those in your area of service have the same gemstone clasp. Each discipline is supported by the energies emanated by a gemstone and the deva working through it. As you return to your human expression, utilize this stone to solidify the connections made here.
The deep chanting begins again and the participants are guided out of the temple and escorted by the angels, dragons, and seraphim to their homeworlds. Safe and empowered in your orange robe with gemstone clasp, find yourself consciously connecting to the auric field of your soul, and descending back into your body. Become aware of the orange energy settling into your auric field and the presence of your gemstone’s energy at your throat chakra. Breathe deep into your soul-awareness and settle into the collaborative creativity alive within your body. Open your eyes.
Questions for Reflection:
- How successful have your collaborative ventures been? Have you enjoyed these interactions?
- How does your self-confidence express itself? Are you able to relax into the contributions that you are capable of offering?
- In what area of your life are you the most creative? Can you transfer that creativity to other aspects of your life? How so?
- What is an image of fluidity that you can bring to mind to help you get unstuck? Where would you like to place that powerful image or object in your home or office?
Upcoming Events:
Shine the Light Ascension Community Membership

Photo by Rochelle Haines on Unsplash
Our weekly Wednesday night calls are the core of our ascension training program and will continue to be free of charge as long as we are under the influence of the pandemic. If you desire the weekly write-ups of what we are being taught and a copy of the recording, the fee will be $50.00 a month. Your membership includes a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flow Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy to all who are supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. A catalog of all the topics we have already experienced will also be included so that you can easily access a meditation or message that you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. There is also an Evolutionary Explorer membership level for $10.00 a month that includes the posts but not the discounts. Your support is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to all who are seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health. The program will officially begin on Wednesday, April 7th. Click here to sign up: https://www.patreon.com/ShineTheLight
We know that you experience moments of unconditional love, true peace, and soulful awareness every week. That you are more than your mind and heart. That you are all of that within a soul that is huge, interesting, expansive, wondrous, intelligent, adventurous, and kind. This is who you truly are. How could we not love you, being such as you are?
The Cosmic Light Collective
The Spirit of Spring Day – May 2nd, from 1 pm to 6 pm
95 Madison Ave., Madison, NJ 07940
Come, access the beauty of the mineral kingdom and the wisdom of the Angles and Celestials as we celebrate the spirit of new life emerging through our soul-empowered, soul-aware living. The weather is warming up and giving us an opportunity to safely physically connect after a year of virtual creative collaboration. Whether you are bringing home some new mineral companions, or accessing the wisdom of the angels and celestials, or just bringing a chair to enjoy the vibrations of our ascension community, you are welcome. Here are the offerings:
Ardith Walker – Angel Master Angel Readings
Fifteen-minute readings for $25.00
Deborah Allderdice – Pleaidian Light Language Readings
Twenty-minute readings for $25.00
Ilona Anne Hress – Crystal Readings and minerals for purchase
Fifteen-minute readings for $25.00
John Logan – American Eagle Crystals
Paul Newell – Juice Dreams, fresh-pressed juices.
The minerals are being sold all afternoon but readings are by appointment only. Please register with Ilona by calling 973-822-5042 or texting 862-823-6141. Please wear a mask and bring your own lawn chair. Park on Morris Place behind the house. Looking forward to enjoying your company!