About Dramatic Change: Dramatic change. These two words have been part of human existence throughout your history on this planet. At the moments of deepest distress, the ego would surrender, just long enough for the Soul to inspire the life-affirming choices that determined a brighter and clearer trajectory for the population. It is not that you got it right with every shift, but rather that you collectively chose to honor rather than destroy life. Progress has always come at a cost to those living on Earth. It does not have to. Now is the time to deconstruct dramatic change and replace it will peaceful evolution.
As of this writing, prolific wildfires are burning on the West Coast. The air quality is literally filled smoke, ash, and pollutants. These environments are reflecting the darkness the ego has created in this country. Hidden no longer, many are forced to breathe in this dark, smoky, toxic debris physically, and be greatly affected mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. To say that the fires have dimmed the light of day is to honor the losses brought on by generational ignorance, greed, lust, and the misuse of power. Our forests are burning for us, and in some instances, by us. As these trees, plants, animals, and our neighbors give their lives for our collective awakening, it is impossible to turn away from the dramatic changes taking place in the American landscape. The question is: “What are we going to do about the toxicity?”
Reactions are not solutions, nor can they provide intelligent guidance to problem solve. Your soul-embodied awareness offers you the steadiness required to embrace these problems and collaborate on solutions that benefit the whole. It takes perspective to consider consequences before you are forced to live with them. Your Soul offers you the best possible vantage point to understand the opportunities each direction pursued will create because it can see beyond the limitations of the ego. With insight and foresight, dramatic change can be avoided so that productive creativity builds upon what already exists without having to engage in violent destruction. We are talking about metamorphosis, the ability to transform under heat and pressure. Truly, you can individually and collectively control at what temperature and how stressful situations have to become to awaken your soul-empowered productivity. As you practice soul-empowerment, compassion, understanding, practicality, creativity, and wonder combine, guiding you into divine timing, the ultimate constellation of opportunities manifesting for the highest good of all.
The opportunity to participate in divine timing has never been greater for the citizens of the United States and of the Earth. Multi-dimensional forces are colliding to awaken human consciousness to the wastefulness of drama. The ravages, spurned on by a frightened ego that can no longer control its environment, are not necessary as you are becoming soul-embodied human beings. We are actively working with you to place human drama into the chamber of metamorphosis, to transform the toxic into the medicinal, providing all beings living on the Earth the opportunity to heal into their evolutionary soul-empowerment. Thank you for courageously and creatively collaborating with us.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
With drama swirling around us in almost every discipline from governing to medicine, from education to climate change, from social justice to financial health, it is hard to focus. Becoming forgetful and even accident prone, is not unusual as these overwhelming energies wash over us. Your sleep patterns may shift over the new few weeks depending upon what your body and mind need. And if you do sleep well and long, it may still be difficult to concentrate. When you consider how your neurons are being bombarded by frightening information and your emotions are being stretched beyond their limits, it is easy to understand that the cells of your body are tired. To function well over the next few weeks, it will take more physical effort and conscious attention, just when we feel have less of both. Not to worry! Your Soul has more than enough energy to see you and your body through. It is constantly providing insightful direction so that you grow through this awakening rather than from this awakening.
Despite the external dramas, your Soul will guide you into moments of peace and understanding that will offer windows into the future. Meditative moments and periods of rest will allow you to access these insights, be comforted, and embrace the celestial support that is here for you and us. Your meditations do not have to be long but need to be consistent. Offering prayers and making intentions can help you navigate through difficult days, staying focused on life-giving alternatives to what you may be witnessing. Give yourself the time to invest in your relationship with your Soul and you will be well rewarded with internal strength, balance, and sense of calm, regardless of what is occurring around you. Healing sessions of all kinds are wonderful now. We need to be comforted and encouraged while moving through and overcoming the challenges ahead. In comforting and encouraging each other we grow stronger and more grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the realization of a new civilization of peace.
September’s Mantra:
I am courageously embracing my metamorphosis, choosing to peacefully evolve in divine timing.
Inspirational Music:
Be The Truth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, RISE.
Hear the truth. Speak the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And stand by it.
You can be the bringer of change.
You can be the bearer of the new.
You can see that all can be safe, at peace, and in harmony.
Speak the truth. Hear the truth. Know the truth. And be the truth.
Hear the truth. Know the truth. Speak the truth. And be the truth.
We are. We are. We are the truth that our Souls are alive.
We are the truth that the change starts within us.
We are the truth that love can be.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
We are the truth of a soul-embodied humanity.
Hear the truth. See the truth. Be the truth. We are living the truth.
Crystalline Assistance:

Lapis Lazuli can guide you into the wisdom of your Soul.
The stones for September promote and support the healing of and reconfiguration of your central nervous system so that you are ready and open to consciously receive greater multi-dimensional insight and guidance. These minerals are gently facilitating your soul awareness, offering you harmony to replace confusion and confidence to replace anxiety. Collaborating with each other to facilitate an evolutionary shift away from the ego and into the soul, these blue and green stones are creating greater balance and flow within your auric field. This balance offers you the stability to embrace change through the power of your Soul. Promoting visionary awareness and expansive understanding these stones encourage and facilitate the development of new multi-dimensional relationships to inspire and guide you to attain evolutionary milestones. You will discover a deeper sense of strength in the core of your being combining with the flexibility of purposeful movements to provide you all the power and wisdom you require to soulfully act in love. There is a beautiful dance occurring within your evolutionary journey this month and the electromagnetic frequencies of these blue and green stones are providing the music you are moving to.

Epidote support your soul-empowerment and attracts abundance.
Because you are engaged in metamorphic activities, carrying these stones in your pockets or wearing them as jewelry would be beneficial. The more time they are in physical connection with you, the better. These are particularly useful meditation tools right now. Holding them in your hands during meditation, placing them on your altars with intentions programmed in, and utilizing them in grids by your bed while you sleep are all excellent methods by which to receive the assistance flowing through them. When you are engaged in decision-making, pick up one of the blue stones and ask it to guide you to your best option. When you require energy and physical support, pick up one of the green stones and ask it to infuse your body with the needed frequencies. Placing a bowl of green stones in the kitchen is also useful. These supportive stones will multi-dimensional nurture you and your loved ones with energy. However you utilize the minerals of September, enjoy the healing, harmony, stability, expansion, and awakening that they offer.

Azurite supports your intuition to act upon divine guidance.
Here are the minerals for September:
Green: Diopside, Epidote, Variscite, Emerald, Brochantite, Chlorite, Green Aventurine, Moldavite, Green Garnet, Green Jade, Apatite, Moss Agate, Fuchsite, Hiddenite, Chrysoprase, Mariaposite, Peridot, Amazonite, Green Fluorite
Blue: Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Lazulite, Blue Aventurine, Sapphire, Sodalite, Tanzanite, Turquoise, Blue Smithsonite, Larimar, Celestite, Angelite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Kyanite, Cavansite, Kinoite, Blue Tourmaline
Planetary Activation:
Become aware of the vertebrae of your spinal cord and relax into your physical backbone. Breathe a deep forest green into the bones of your spine, feeling the healing energies cascade from the cervical vertebrae down into the thoracic vertebrae and settling into the lumbar vertebrae. Allow your spinal cord to vibrate with these energizing and harmonizing frequencies. Release any pain, stiffness, and discomfort into the healing vibrations. Become aware of the green healing vibrations penetrating the nerves that run through the spinal cord. Visualize these nerves absorbing the healing frequencies and realigning into a configuration that supports the energetic transmissions of your Soul. Become aware of the changes occurring through the vertebrae as your central nervous systems reconfigures to run higher degrees of electromagnetic energy through your physical form.

Angel Oak Tree, Johns Island, South Carolina
Become aware of the forest green energy growing lighter in hue, similar to the color of an emerald green lawn. Allow it to find its way up your neck and into the brain stem. Visualize the emerald green energies rising into the medulla oblongata, into the cerebellum, and into both hemispheres of the cerebrum. Become aware of your entire brain being bathed in and absorbing these emerald green emanations. As the neurons receive the healing vibrations, they too reconfigure to allow your brain to run and receive higher degrees of electromagnetic transmissions from your Soul and celestial guides. Once the emerald green energies have settled into every section of the brain, you may experience sensations as you consciously awaken to greater levels of higher sense perception. Relax into this expanding experience of multi-dimensional receptivity.
Focus your attention at the center of the brain where the pituitary and pineal glands reside. You will notice a brilliant sapphire blue orb beginning to glow in this area. Become aware of the emerald green energies supporting this growing blue orb as an infinity channel of flowing aqua energy unites the pituitary and pineal glands. Allow the divine feminine energy of the pituitary gland to harmonize with the divine masculine energy of the pineal gland in perfect fluidity. As they harmonize and unite become aware of a vast yet gentle expansion of the third eye and crown chakras. Relax into the depth of perception now available to you and open to the transcendent comprehension of which you are now capable. Become aware of a beam of luminescent aqua energies rising from the pineal gland and creating a mist of shimmering light blue energies above you. Visualize this shimmering light blue energy taking the shape of a cone with the point connected to your crown chakra and the funnel opened to the heavens above you. Fully relax into your reconfigured central nervous system as the funnel is filled with a celestial transmission for you. Give the command: I am open, aware, and receiving. I am a conduit for incarnating divinity. And the transmission commences.
As your experience comes to its conclusion, notice that the funnel is now empty and is dissolving back into a mist above you. Allow the mist to gently fall around you as you become aware of the electromagnetic signature of your message moving into and through your physical body. Follow your guidance and fulfill yourself step-by-step and moment-by-moment.
Questions for Reflection:
- How bad did situations in your life have to get before you engaged in action?
- What is the most effective tool that you use to recognize when you are sliding into drama?
- When was the last time you heard or felt the Heavens connect with you? How did you respond? What happened?
- For what change in your life did you congratulate yourself?
Upcoming Events:
Christmas Crystals in October
Sunday, October 11th from 1 pm to 6 pm
Due to the coronavirus, I am moving Christmas Crystals outside onto the porch! In the beauty and warmth of October, you can get a jump on your Christmas shopping and get a 15-minute reading to support yourself. Enjoy this opportunity to make some new mineral acquaintances and enjoy the company of some old stone friends. You can also refill your gem elixir sprays or purchase more. I have invited John Logan of American Eagle Crystals to participate so that you have more stones to choose from when considering meaningful and useful gifts for loved ones. The mineral kingdom is working very hard to support all of us through this deep awakening. Enjoy the beauty and support that they offer us from all over the world when you visit.
To keep us all safe, I am requesting that you pick an hour in which you are planning to come so that I can provide social distancing. If you are scheduling a reading, that will determine your time frame. Masks and gloves need to be worn since you will be touching stones that others will pick up after you. Christmas Crystals in October will still be a beautiful and uplifting experience and I welcome you to my porch.
The fee for crystal readings is $25.00 for fifteen minutes. Minerals are sold separately. Please call Ilona at 973-822-5042 or text 862-823-6141 to schedule your reading and shopping time.
Shine the Light – Weekly Teleconference Calls
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632

Flower of Life
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.