Photo by Katie Wasserman on Unsplash
There are wonders to witness as you forge ahead into the power of love. It is not reckless abandon to surrender the ego to the soul. It is an act of wisdom, born of lifetimes of experiences that no longer need to be repeated. An open heart is not closed to the realities of suffering, it simply no longer engages in the pain and loss that creates it. In this time of creativity and understanding, the opportunities to grow light and heal with compassion are limitless. Light is a compendium of the frequencies of Creation choosing to manifest in distinct experiences and environments. What you choose to tune into determines the quality of your life and the depth of your experiences. Superficiality is not the birthright of a human being. It is an egotistical choice to be less than you were created to become. Evolution is your birthright and it too is a choice to embody all the divinity you are capable of absorbing in your human experience until your human experience transforms into its next state of being. The time to consciously embrace your evolution is now.
The choices that you make every day can and need to be courageous acts of transformation lifting you out of the superficial and into the sublime. The Soul of Humanity is descending into the human experience on Earth. Nothing and no one will be left untouched by its unconditionally loving, compassionately intelligent, and enlightened understanding of what peaceful abundance offers to all life on Earth. Day by day, week by week, and month by month you will be learning how to collaboratively create peaceful abundance by discovering what it truly is and what it requires of you. The journey is emotionally deep, spiritually awakening, mentally expansive, and physically challenging as you begin to transmute the pain of the past into the joy of the future. There is much to do and many who are providing guidance, support, and upliftment as you realize peace as a way of life.
Current Ascension Symptoms:
As the access to the Light Body of the soul becomes conscious and visceral, our experience of living inside our body changes. We may feel light-headed and even dizzy on occasion. It may be difficult to concentrate and hard to focus, even on simple routines and things that we take for granted. During these transformation phases, the neurons of the central nervous system are being upgraded to process higher electromagnetic frequencies that literally make us feel physically lighter. We still need to feel grounded to function and anchoring into your Soul Star and the soul of the Earth is the best way to settle into the changes currently occurring in your auric field. Remember that your ego is in the process of surrendering to your soul so going back into your third-dimensional experience will no longer anchor you but rather feel disruptive and uncomfortable. Ground into the experiences of who you are now becoming so that you can settle into the journey. Breathe deep through the soles of the feet and connect to the brilliant white light of your Soul Star. Breathe the Soul’s light up through your body and out into your auric field until you feel surrounded and anchored into the life force that your Soul is providing for you. Carrying clear quartz or golden healer quartz in your pockets can be as strengthening as it is soothing. Carrying tumbled shungite or wearing shungite jewelry will serve to stabilize your connection to the presence of your soul in your body. Garnets, sodalite, and jade can also be very useful to energize the body while it reconfigures.
Issues with appetite are also occurring as you discover what it is that you truly hunger for. As your focus moves away from ego reward, what goes into your mouth may be more supportive and nourishing to your body. The desire to eat your emotions and feed your obsessive thoughts will begin to dissolve in the wake of the unconditional love you are offering to yourself. Listen to what your body is asking for and pay attention to the amounts of food it needs to be supported and satisfied. The key is to hear what your body, not your ego, is saying so that you can provide for its wellbeing. Heartburn and indigestion are still very present as we settle into what not only nourishes but satisfies us. What we eat provides for the body and the rest of our human experience. Our Souls seek to abundantly fill us up with what is the most useful and enjoyable. Our egos specialized in punishing deprivation or out-of-control gluttony, depending upon what it felt was appropriate. Balancing the divine within the human will provide gentle stability that will be as refreshing as it is rewarding to our bodies, memories, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. As always, plenty of organic vegetables and fruits will support your health along with organic and humanely raised cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. Drink lots of pure water and give thanks for everything that passes through your mouth on its way to your belly.
February’s Mantra:
I am consciously evolving through the power, wisdom, and presence of my Soul.
Inspirational Music:
Wide Awake received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move.
La, La, La, La, La, La, La,
Wide awake. Seeing everything around.
Feeling your heart abound. Life is full.
Wide awake. Feeling life abound.
Knowing hearts are beating, beating out loud.
Ah. Ah. Ah.
Wide awake. Feeling life flowing now.
Knowing that love is growing, growing, growing whole.
Wide awake. Seeing the sky and the Sun,
Bringing light to Earth again. Wide awake.
Wide awake. Wide awake. Wide awake.
Seeing life out loud.
Wide awake. Wide awake. Wide awake.
Seeing life out loud.
Crystalline Assistance:

Chalcopyrite encourages you to find joy in your life.
When combined, this month’s minerals are powerhouses of awakening. Joining together to create energetic alliances, they facilitate the changes in your auric field that are necessary for your soul-embodiment. The strength and clarity of your clear crystals amplifies the messages being delivered by the colored stones through which your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and memories transform from restricting and inhibiting to liberating and creative. These stone combinations actively trigger the stagnant areas of your field, creating opportunities for transformation through confrontation and discomfort. The good news is that they also provide the guidance and insight to gracefully solve problems and choose higher outcomes. And there is comfort and strength to be found in the journey as the magenta members of your team unconditionally love you through your challenging lessons. Through the intervention of these stones, you can listen to your soul and accept that there are greater perceptions than your ego could ever realistically consider. Because there are so many colors represented in this month’s minerals, you have a visually stunning representation of the beauty that your Soul is committed to creating in your life. This is something to be treasured as you move through the challenges ahead. Beauty is in the making!

Double terminated clear quartz moves energy from point to point creating bridges for layouts in bodywork and grids.
I urge you to utilize these stones in multiple ways over the new three months. Make them active companions on your journey and involve them in your decision-making and self-expression. Play with them as much as you make them part of your workday. Place them in clear lines of vision so they serve as reminders to choose your soul over your ego with every thought, word, and deed. Wear them when you need to be soft and when you need to be strong. Carry them with you and place them in your car because they are your traveling companions on your bigger evolutionary journey into soul-embodiment. Listen to which desire to participate in your meditations and make grids for specific intentions to see you through the next few months. Surround yourself with their beauty and discover more of your own.
Here are the minerals for February and March:

Opal offers the freedom to colorfully flow into and through life.
Magenta: Cobaltoan Calcite, Pink Mangano Calcite, Pink Vesuvianite, Pink Kunzite, Pink Opal, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite
Multi-colored: Chalcopyrite, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Alexandrite, Fire Agate, Precious Opal, Boulder Opal, Rainbow Obsidian
Clear: Clear Quartz Points, especially channeling, record keeper, fahden, and self-healed specimens, Phenacite, Herkimer Diamonds
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep magenta energy and feel it moving through your lungs, into your heart, and into your bloodstream. As it penetrates the cells of your body feel your muscles relaxing, your mind-calming, and your heart-opening. Become aware of gentle waves of energy moving across your skin, soothing and comforting you. Settle into this tenderness as your soul awakens.

The octahedron transmits the element of air.
Become aware of a brilliant crystalline clear light surrounding you. It is multi-faceted and filled with rainbows of colors your eyes have never previously seen. Notice how calm and relaxed you continue to be as this crystalline energy begins to swirl around you. Above you become aware of a four-sided pyramid emerging. It descends until the apex of the pyramid is above your head and the base lands at your belly, at your solar plexus chakra. Settle into its presence. Below you become aware of another four-sided pyramid emerging and ascending until the base of the pyramid is at your belly and the apex is beneath your feet. Become aware of the upper and lower pyramids merging at your solar plexus chakra to create a Clear Light octahedron encompassing your auric field. Settle into the safety, harmony, peace, and quiet within this geometrical evolutionary vehicle. Notice how the swirling colors now coalesce around your crystalline Clear Light octahedron. Which colors are coming to you? Where are they focusing their attention? How are you experiencing them? Is there a presence or a celestial being coming through the color to greet you? What is the message or messages that you are receiving? Listen and absorb the colors that penetrate your octahedron to support and uplift you.
Notice that in this Clear Light octahedron you are vulnerable, receptive, and responsive. In the safety of the soul, you believe, trust, and comprehend without hesitation, thereby building strength, clarity, and insight. Within a relaxed and peaceful auric atmosphere, you are continuing to consciously ascend into soul-embodiment while in your physical form. Become aware of the crystalline Clear Light moving into your Soul Star beneath your feet within the octahedron. Visualize a beam of the Clear Light moving through your chakra column starting with your gender unity chakra below your root chakra, up to your Monadic Star above your crown chakra. Become present to the new levels of alignment and coherence occurring in your auric field. Now feel this alignment and coherence becoming conscious throughout your body, memories, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. Breathe in this expansive stability. It is the balanced energy through which you will consciously move forward in your waking state, walking into and through your world.
Gently now feel the swirling energies slow down and those celestial presences coloring your auric field making their departures. Become aware of the vibrations of the crystalline Clear Light surrounding you moving into the edges and faces of your octahedron. Notice that the upper and lower pyramids collapse into a flat plane and move into the center of your heart to be re-established when required. Become aware of the Clear Light beam moving from the Monadic Sun above you, through the light channel, and back into the Soul Star beneath your feet. Notice the streaks of colored light remaining active around you, blending with the brilliant white light of your Soul surrounding you. It is safe. You are strong. Your Soul is alive in your body. Change is everywhere and you are relaxing into it. The Light shines.
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you know that your ego is acting out? Do you discipline it?
- Have you ever experienced your Light Body? What happened?
- Describe the consequences your soul-empowerment has created in your life thus far?
- Define what conscious decision-making means to you? What is different about it?
Upcoming Events:
Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Friday, February 19th at 7 pm online
There is so much more to chocolate than you know. The Mayan Goddess of the cacao tree, IxCacao, offers us her abundance, beauty, sustenance, and joy through the fruits of the chocolate tree. During this cacao ceremony, the nutrients and minerals of unrefined cacao offer our hearts, minds, and bodies stamina, strength, healing, and joy. Allow yourself to experience the plant medicine of chocolate and you will never take it for granted again.
During the ceremony, you will experience the presence of IxCaco and the spirit of the cacao tree, linking you deep into the Earth and into your own body. Opportunities for healing will emerge, along with channeled messages to soothe, awaken, and honor the life you are living. Because of the pandemic, this is a virtual ceremony. You will need to purchase ceremonial cacao on your own for use during the ceremony. Amy Kupfurberg of Curative Chocolates offers ceremonial chocolate packets. You can reach her at curativechocolates@earthlink.net.
I invite you to join me on Friday, February 19th at 7 pm to experience the beauty, benefits, and power of this sacred tree. The ceremony will last around 90 minutes and the fee is $25.00. You can register on the homepage of the website.
Spend a Week with The Angels Online Course

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
Discover the minerals that connect you with the angelic kingdom.
Develop communication and collaboration with the angels in your life.
Experience the healing power of the angels in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings,
memories, and physical body.
Create environmental grids to continuously welcome angelic assistance in your life, relationships, careers, and living spaces.
Absorb music designed by the angels to connect you to the presence and powerful support they are offering.
The best way to experience your emerging relationships with the angelic kingdom is to make time to get to know each other. In spending one entire week devoted to experiencing the power, majesty, generosity, unconditional love, and sense of humor these celestial beings radiate, your life will forever be changed. Five minerals that radiate angelic frequencies will be your guide and bridge to the angelic realms. Before beginning your online course, you will need to gather these angelic minerals from your collection or purchase them. For seven days these minerals will introduce you to many multi-dimensional angels devoted to your wellbeing as you are guided through meditations, activities, and music to intimately interact. At the end of the week, you create an angelic environmental grid through which the angelic relationships that you established continue to flourish and deepen. It is my pleasure to offer you this self-guided experience of the presence and power of the angels in your life. For more details visit ___________________
Fee for the course: $35.00.
Fee for the Small Angelic Stone Kit: $50.00. Fee for the Large Angelic Stone Kit: $100.00