“Bright Baby” from Love Is on the Move by Ilona Anne Hress
All these letters you will see, make the words one day you’ll sing.
Wonderful baby. Wonderful light.
You’ve come from Heaven to be our delight.
What will you bring us? How much you’ll teach!
We are so happy you’re within our reach.
Every letter, every day, the world awaits what you will say.
All of God’s glory. All of God’s peace.
You are the blessing that will never cease.
How you will show us! How much we’ll grow!
Fearless and joyful, this life is your own.
Bright baby, you fill me up.
Bright baby, you fill us up.
Bright baby, we’re here for you.
We’ll help you find your way.
Every letter, every day, the world awaits what you will say.
You are the wonder. You are the awe.
Your life will blossom a garden of love.
Creation has touched you with all kinds of dreams.
Day after day you’ll be filled with light beams.
Bright baby, you fill me up.
Bright baby, you fill us up.
Bright baby, we’re here for you.
We’ll watch you grow in love.
Vocals: Ilona Anne Hress
Glockenspeil: Helen Clear
Soundscape: Clive Smith
Sound Engineer: Warren Hibbert
The face of a baby is one of the most precious expressions of multi-dimensional loving. Literally, a Soul has chosen to enter the life of a human family and to trust that family with its earthly experience. That is an act of fearless love and spiritual bravery. What a blessed responsibility and such a tremendous challenge to the human ego! Enlightened parents are the insurance humanity requires for the development of a soul-embodied human civilization of peace. They express the unconditional loving and creative collaboration required to provide the insightful, supportive, and protective environments that encourage and uphold our Soul awakened children. Every child being born since 2012 is already predisposed to embodying their Soul because they are arriving on a planet in transition from third to fifth dimensional living. Their access to higher dimensional perception, their capacity for empathy, their understanding of multi-dimensional choices, and their connectivity to the kingdoms of nature and celestial assistance, make them uniquely qualified to establish and maintain an enlightened civilization of peace. They can do what their parents have not. This song supports both these children, and their parents and caretakers. What joy awaits us all in the presence of these physically embodied Souls, literally growing up all around us.