During this energy activation, you are guided to consciously engage the powerful harmony through which your masculine and feminine energies collaboratively create. Through the sacred geometry of the octahedron, your masculine and feminine energies offer you the opportunity to make wise choices, compassionately driven, to promote your own fulfillment. In experiencing the wisdom of your Divine Masculine energies matched by compassion of your Divine Feminine energies, you are being presented with the freedom to create opportunities that lift you out of conflict and into the creativity of peace. During this activation you will be experiencing the expansive power of your fifth dimensional heart, the radiant golden energies that support masculine empowerment, and the radiant silver energies that support feminine empowerment. It is best to do this activation standing up as you will be utilizing movement, as well as meditative focus, to complete the process. You can repeat this activation whenever you feel out of balance, or blocked in your ability to manifest resources, relationships, situations, and environments that support your fulfillment.
Connect to the molten liquid core of Mother Earth and become aware of her aqua heart. Feel her acknowledging your presence as she sends a spiral of aqua light up and around your body. Feel the aqua spiral as the hug she is giving you now. Become aware of your fifth dimensional heart at the center of your breast bone. Breathe the aqua light into your lungs at this area of your higher heart. Let the aqua energies move into your physical heart and be pumped through your bloodstream all over your body. Relax as the Earth infuses you with fifth dimensional unconditional love.
Focus now on your fifth dimensional heart at your breast bone. Build a horizontal vector or a straight line across your 5D heart extending beyond your shoulders. See the Sacred Geometrical shape of the Octahedron surrounding you. Bring down a four-sided pyramid with your apex at your Monadic Star and the base at your 5D heart. Bring up a lower four sided pyramid with your apex at your 5D Soul Star and the base at your 5D heart. Feel the upper and lower pyramids merging together creating the diamond of the octahedron. You are housed within the octahedron and its center is your 5D heart.
Spin the octahedron counter clockwise. Your 5D heart is the fulcrum for the spin. As the spin continues visualize the entire octahedron being bathed in gold until this platonic solid is completely covered with the golden energies of the Divine Masculine.
The octahedron continues to spin and now a magenta beam of Divine Feminine energy moves straight through the center of the octahedron. As the beam settles into place, it transforms into the silver frequency of the Divine Feminine. The silver energies flow out of the beam and completely fill up the internal space of the octahedron with the presence of the Divine Feminine.

The octahedron transmits the element of air.
Take a deep breath becoming aware of the Divine Feminine within you being supported and protected by the Divine Masculine around you. They are spinning as one complete presence offering you their gifts of balance, harmony, unity and peace.
As the octahedron continues spinning move the fulcrum from your heart down to your solar plexus chakra in your abdomen. The Divine Masculine and Feminine energies are now addressing your soul empowerment. They are bringing your masculine and feminine aspects into alignment so that you can support a healthy and effective presence in the world. Wisdom matched by compassion offers the freedom to create opportunities that lift you out of conflict and into the creativity of peace. As your divine masculine and feminine spin as one they offer you the opportunity to make wise choices, compassionately driven to promote your own fulfillment.
As the spin continues, bring the fulcrum of the octahedron down to the sacral chakra. As the octahedron enters the pelvic region the spin may become sluggish. It depends on the level of conflict your human masculine and feminine energies have been experiencing. Focus upon forgiveness, compassion, respect, appreciation, and gratitude given each to the other to facilitate movement. Send all gender dramas into the spin and let them heal.
Extend your arms out to your side with palms facing forward. Call in your masculine energy from the right and your feminine energy from the left and clasp your hands in harmony and unity at your heart. Feel the space the Divine Masculine and Feminine octahedron has created within your heart. Settle into the peace growing within this unified heart. Embrace the freedom it is creating. Breathe.
Move your clasped hands down to your solar plexus chakra. Feel the balance, respect, equality, and appreciation alive in your feminine and masculine energies. Embrace your empowerment and feel it flowing out into the world in unified expression. Notice the peace within the self-confidence now alive in you. Breathe.
Move your clasped hands down into your sacral chakra. Honor the wholeness and completion now taking place in this sacred space of creativity within you. Your masculine and feminine energies are whole and complete, each to the other. The Divine Masculine and Feminine energies have come forth to heal the third dimensional pain and awaken the joy of your fifth dimensional soul-embodiment. The masculine and feminine aspects of you have found themselves complete in each other’s presence and are free once again to unconditionally love. Relax into this peace and offer gratitude, if you so wish.
Gently now, the octahedron stops spinning. The golden frequencies of the Divine Masculine surround your auric field and the silver frequencies of the Divine Feminine permeate your auric field. The magenta frequencies move into and through your Mouth of God chakra. Feel a helix of silver and gold, in spiraling motion, moving up and through your light channel and out through your white lotus crown chakra. Breathe in your wholeness and completion. You are each to the other, whole and complete.
Repeat this process as often as needed as negative and destructive patterns rise to the surface to be healed!