
Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

On Becoming Shameless: Believe in the power of love to overcome that which has imprisoned you in shame. So much of the human spirit lives in shame for what the civilization has done and for that which it considers doing in the future. Shame is a disastrous emotion that creates disasters from insecurity, self-doubt, depression, despair, and hopelessness. When all hope is gone, there is nothing to lose. Then, that which would never have been considered becomes a viable possibility. Terrorism grows through shame and feeds on guilt. The terror of which we speak is ultimately self-annihilation. It is not so much that others are “killing” your spirit as much as you have surrendered it to the unworthy. Your spirit, your Soul, cannot be killed. It is eternal and ever evolving. Not the same can be said of your body, or the current lifestyle you are experiencing. Death is not merely the experience of multi-dimensionality. It is also the experience of loss in every form and in every way. Shame makes you doubt the viability of your life-force. It makes you question your very existence and in doing so rewires your nervous system into third-dimensional imprisonment. Your connection to your Soul emotionally and mentally seems to dissolve, momentarily or for the long term. You feel so lost that you believe you are lost. But your Soul always knows how to find you.

Becoming shameless is an act of courage and an experience of grace. It is standing up in all that you are to be counted, to be taken seriously, and to make a significant impact in your world. It breeds confidence through experience and self-esteem through success. It isn’t about looking to the world for validation and it doesn’t require societal approval. Becoming shameless is the process of living a soul-empowered life. It is knowing who you are, what you are doing, and why it is important. Becoming shameless isn’t about shocking the world into multi-dimensional awareness. And, it isn’t about revolution. It is about the evolution of the human Soul and its impact on collectively imprinting the experience of unconditional loving into the human psyche. Becoming shameless by necessity requires that you become fearlessly faithful to your Soul. Not only do you allow your Soul to work through your mind, heart, and body, you also embrace the changes in communication, behavior, and perception that your soul-empowerment creates. Becoming shameless transports you into the transcendent elements of fifth-dimensional living. You are worthy. You are important. You are eternal. Your life is purposeful. Your presence is essential to the evolution of humanity. You are exploring the future of humanity. You are multi-dimensionally expanding the boundaries of human consciousness. You are collaboratively creating a soul-embodied civilization of peace. You are shameless.

The Song for May:

The Truth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Breath of the Soul.

Narration: Respect is a gift that you offer to each other, in honesty, with wisdom, and in grace. It is a recognition of the sanctity of life, and the ability of life to set forth a direction and follow it to completion. The respect of humanity for its own Soul is outlining the direction in which humanity will rise into the peaceful expression of a soul-embodied civilization, unafraid and unashamed to claim the light of the Soul, the power of the Spirit, and the love of Creation, from which it was born. Let us celebrate our capacity to respect each other and utilize it in the greatest reverence possible. For we are a soul-embodied people. We are capable. We are possible. We are real.

I hear the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
And it is me.

I hear the truth around me.
I hear the truth within me.
I see the truth around me.
It is real.

I hear the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
And it is me.

I hear the truth around me.
I hear the truth within me.
I see the truth around me.
It is real.

Of Humanitarian or Scientific Significance: This site is filled with “scientifically-supported, proven techniques for real, quantifiable change,” says Barrie Davenport, founder of Live Bold and Bloom. The site offers articles with practical real-life activities and strategies to dissolve self-sabotage and build self-esteem. Here is a simple meditation using mindfulness to help you overcome shame by Dr. Patricia Rockman.

May’s Mantra:

Lotus Flower color pencil

The blooming White Lotus Crown Chakra

I am shamelessly embodying my Soul.
Listening to Whole and Complete from the album Love Is On The Move and doing the exercise and meditation accompanying this song will help you to experience your soul-empowerment.

Planetary Activation:

Breathe in a brilliant orange light and feel it wrapping around your auric field. Visualize yourself floating inside this brilliant orange bubble and being buoyed by a sense of confidence and increased self-worth. Absorb the personal strength that is being infused into you. Relax into this empowering energy. Receive.

The Flower of Life contains Metatron’s Cube

Become aware of a violet stream of energy wrapping around the brilliant orange field. Notice rods of violet light penetrating the brilliant orange field in a sacred geometric pattern. As the geometry settles into your field release into the violet rods any insecurities, low self-esteem, shame, humiliation, disempowerment, sense of failure, and self-condemnation. With each breath, continue releasing this negativity into the violet rods. Become aware of these lower frequencies being sucked out of your aura and neutralized into pure energy. Allow the space for soul-empowerment to expand within and around you. Visualize the violet rods retracting into the sacred geometric pattern and notice that the pattern is shifting as a stunning green energy appears.

The sacred geometric configuration becomes more vertical and you feel yourself growing taller, longer. Your field is being stretched multi-dimensionally and the green energies are keeping your auric field intact and simultaneously fluid. Relax into this auric reconfiguration as the stunning green energies infuse your field with higher dimensional life-force. It may feel like sap rising to feed a tree, or the descent of a waterfall of light, or both sensations occurring simultaneously. Every cell in your body and every strand of your DNA is undergoing this reconfiguration within the sacred geometries surrounding and penetrating your aura. Breathe deeply and relax. You are being multi-dimensionally nurtured to become conscious multi-dimensional human beings. Listen to the frequencies moving through the geometry, transmitting new coordinates of consciousness into your awareness. You are being tuned into the blueprint of your Soul.

As you listen, the brilliant white light of your Soul emerges as the central channel within the green energy field. Gently now the green energies dissipate as the white light of the Soul expands. Inside the white light of the Soul, orange-pink filaments appear, linking each of the subtle bodies in a matrix of connective strength and integrity and creativity. You are now consciously powered up by your Soul and your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical experiences are being integrated into a conscious and purposeful multi-dimensional life on Earth. Amen.

May’s Stones:

Aragonite stars clear the chakras to promote energy flow.

May’s stones empower, strengthen, and promote auric transformation. They are a collaborative team of minerals who have your conscious evolution as their assignment. Their focus is your conscious awareness of how to utilize your soul-empowerment to create a fifth-dimensional lifestyle that supports the ascension of the planet and all life on Earth. Depending upon where you are in your process, empowerment, clearing, revitalization, or multi-dimensional connection will be targeted for delivery in the most effective way for your absorption. These minerals know how to work together, complementing each other, supporting each other, and creating an effective crystalline matrix through which you can transform yourself. They understand the power of flexibility, the importance of integrity, the necessity of honest communication, and the value of creativity. These they will instill in you to make your evolutionary journey smoother and more enjoyable. This mineral team is clear about its purpose and the power it contains to achieve its goals. They will help you to do likewise.


Purpurite encourages you to release old patterns of behavior and thoughts to clear the way for personal fulfillment.

Because this month’s minerals are addressing multiple aspects of your auric field, they can be utilized in multiple ways simultaneously to support your evolution. To infuse creative collaboration into your life, you can create environmental grids for your home and office to build confidence in your ability to engage in enlightened relationships that support your family life and your career. You can focus upon one stone to guide you through a specific challenge or opportunity. This stone you can place in a grid while also wearing it in a bracelet or necklace. You can further its presence by placing it by your bed so it can continue to work in your field while you are sleeping. Working with the stone in this way immerses you in the vibrational assistance it is providing. There are many opportunities available in working with these minerals to build your confidence in the power of the mineral kingdom to support your soul-embodiment. Trust your intuition and let these minerals help you to explore the power of your Soul.

Here are the minerals for May:

Apophyllite helps you to see the truth in yourself and others.

Orange: Orange Aventurine, Orange Calcite, Unakite, Fire Agate, Leopard Skin Jasper, Orange Aragonite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz
Violet: Sugilite, Auralite 23, Super Seven, Lepidolite, Purpurite, Amethyst
Green: Wavelite, Dioptase, Green Jade, Variscite, Prehnite, Epidote, Galaxy Stone, Chrysoprase, Tree Agate, Fuchsite, Green Garnet
White: Phenacite, Quartz points, Candle Quartz, Danburite, Selenite, Apophyllite, Pearl, Magnesite, White Opal

Questions for Reflection:

  • What role has humiliation played in your life? How have you overcome it?
  • For whose approval have you worked so hard? Was it worth it?
  • If you believed that your life is truly priceless, how would it change your experience of yourself?
  • How do you know that you are being powered up by your Soul? What does this look like?

In the Spotlight from

5D Subtle Bodies Crystalline Matrix

The Crystallization of the 5D Auric Field

This activation offers you the opportunity to upgrade your auric field into fifth-dimensional resonance. It awakens the sacred geometries living within you that allow you to access the higher multi-dimensional frequencies continually bathing our planet through the Earth’s grid system. Doing it often reminds you of the power of the crystalline grid that supports your life and the life of the planet simultaneously. It additionally begins the process of unifying gender that is a hallmark of fifth-dimensional living. The activation provides a beautiful infusion of harmonic life force. Enjoy.

Adventures in Service and 5D Creations

Maria Pologeorgis: Maria will be offering tea, perfumes, and terrific olives., 631.651.8292

If you are interested in offering your evolutionary product or service at an activation, please call Heather at 973-452-8370. We look forward to hearing about what you are sharing with the world.

Upcoming Events:


Cobaltoan calcite awakens your Mouth of God chakra so you can hear the angels sing.

Join the Stone Healer’s Practitioner Training from May to August!
This summer, feel the radiance of the mineral kingdom and learn how to collaborate with stones to increase your inner and outer glow. Join Ilona as she delves deeply into why minerals work to heal, uplift, soothe, cleanse, and energize. Then learn the techniques that turn these beautiful semi-precious gems into evolutionary tools. In this hands-on training, you will experience the presence, power, and promise of the mineral kingdom for yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. The training includes:

Sunday, May 19th: Collaborating with the Mineral Kingdom. Understanding chemical composition and how stones promote physical healing.

Sunday, June 23rd: Exploring the Crystalline Matrix. Utilizing the mineral kingdom to clear and balance the spiritual, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.

Sunday, July 21st: Evolutionary Awakening Through the Mineral Kingdom: Activating and upgrading the human auric field from the third dimension to multi-dimensional resonance.

Sunday, August 25th: Supporting Planetary Healing and Participating in the Earth’s Ascension: Engaging land clearing techniques to promote sacred space and utilizing environmental grids to support the health of the planet.

Ilona is excited to offer this comprehensive experience of the mineral kingdom. Although created for practitioners, anyone seeking to establish a solid foundation in crystal healing and stone therapy is welcome.

Each class starts at 10 am and ends at 6 pm and will be held at 95 Madison Ave., #1, Madison, NJ 07940. The fee is $175.00 per class or $675.00 for the series. Minerals are sold separately.

Please call Ilona at 973-822-5042 or text 862-823-6141 to register for a rock-in summer!

Bach Flower Essence Sessions

Star of Bethlehem helps you to overcome shocks to your auric field.

The plant kingdom has always been generous with humanity. They literally feed and heal us. When we respect the green world, we begin to understand the power of plants to enhance life force. When we collaborate with their wisdom and knowledge, we become better, healthier, and happier human beings. Of the massive plant kingdom on the Earth, thirty-eight plants and trees introduced themselves to Dr. Edward Bach, a British homeopath, after World War 1. They offered themselves as a complete healing system for the emotional and mental suffering of humanity. In 1933, Dr. Bach presented these plant remedies in his book, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. Ever since, these remedies have been assisting individuals to conquer their fears, calm their distress, reclaim their self-esteem, and engage in purposeful and joyous lives. It is my privilege and pleasure to offer you the assistance of these remedies as a Bach Flower Essence Practitioner.

By listening to how your life is making you feel, and connecting with your Soul to understand the evolutionary journey you are currently experiencing, the plants that seek to help you restore your energy, reclaim your clarity, and embrace a hopeful future reveal themselves. The essences contain the vibrational energies of the plants so you are receiving energy medicine in the form of energy infused water stabilized by brandy. There are no scents and not much of a taste to these essences. Four drops in the mouth four times a day is all it takes for the essences to assist you. They do not interfere with any medication and can support the success of other healing modalities. They are extremely useful when anxiety is overwhelming, and confusion is debilitating.

Having utilized the essences on my own journey for many years, I am happy to offer you this easy and simple gift from the plant kingdom and Dr. Bach. Your initial session in which a customized remedy is created for you lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. The fee is $100.00 for the initial consultation which includes your remedy. Follow-up sessions are $75.00 for forty-five-minute sessions. Please call me at 973-822-5042 or text me at 862-823-6141 to schedule this gift to yourself.


Photo by HUIFVK on Unsplash

Happy Mother’s Day!

Blessed be the Divine Feminine in all her expressions on the Earth.

Live in Beauty!!!